[wordpress插件] BridgeDD桥DD

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-11 14:40 519 0 全屏看文



BridgeDD is a WordPress↔phpBB bridge that…works.

BridgeDD是可正常工作的WordPress bridgephpBB桥。

You can log in and out from WordPress or phpBB 3.0 as you always do, and you will be automatically logged in/out of both applications.

您可以像往常一样从WordPress或phpBB 3.0登录和注销,这两个应用程序都将自动登录/注销。

New members in one application become members in the other application just by browsing to that application.


There is no need to worry about “integrating” existing members into both applications — BridgeDD handles it automatically.


And best of all, the bridging is done using a breakthrough technology that eliminates the bloat, sluggishness, and bugs of other WordPress-based bridge plugins and phpBB-based bridge MODs.


You can obtain support by visiting the BridgeDD support board<

您可以访问 BridgeDD支持委员会 <<


/ p>

Those who become a BridgeDD Subscriber will gain access to a private forum where you can download BridgeDD PRO, the bridge everyone has been waiting for!

成为BridgeDD订阅者的人将可以访问一个私人论坛,您可以在其中下载 BridgeDD PRO ,这是每个人都在等待的桥梁!

You will be able to add your WordPress menus and widgets directly into your phpBB templates without loading WordPress, giving you the ability to create an integrated site that looks great and…works.

您将能够将WordPress菜单和窗口小部件直接添加到您的phpBB模板中,而无需加载WordPress ,从而使您能够创建一个看起来不错并且可以工作的集成站点。

BridgeDD combines two very different applications and has special requirements.


Please read the installation instructions before downloading BridgeDD.


BridgeDD does not support phpBB 3.1 or phpBB 3.2, and cross-posting requires the Classic Editor plugin

BridgeDD不支持phpBB 3.1或phpBB 3.2,交叉发布需要经典编辑器插件

with WordPress 5.0+.

WordPress 5.0以上版本。

The READ ME FIRST guide contains important information about compatibility

自述优先 指南包含有关兼容性的重要信息

of various plugins/MODs/etc with BridgeDD.

BridgeDD的各种插件/ MODs /等。

BridgeDD PRO supports phpBB 3.1 and phpBB 3.2,

  BridgeDD PRO支持phpBB 3.1和phpBB 3.2,

and it is fully compatible with the Gutenberg/Block editor.

它与Gutenberg / Block编辑器完全兼容。



If you have translated this plugin into your language, feel free to post the PO file on the BridgeDD support board

如果您已将此插件翻译成您的语言,请随时将PO文件发布到 BridgeDD支持板上


The following translations were done by FextraLife: Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Italian


The following translations were done by Maxim Tkachenko: Russian, Ukranian

以下翻译是由马克西姆·塔卡琴科(Maxim Tkachenko)完成的:俄语,乌克兰语

The following translation was done by Juliana Cristine: Brazilian Portuguese

以下翻译由朱莉安娜·克里斯汀(Juliana Cristine)完成:巴西葡萄牙语

The following translation was done by mohamedh: Arabic

以下翻译是由 mohamedh 完成的:阿拉伯语

The following translation was done by ljorg: Danish

以下翻译是由ljorg 完成的:丹麦语

The following translation was done by Leo Dai Chinese (Simplified)

以下翻译由狮子座 中文(简体)




Read the READ ME FIRST guide before installing BridgeDD!


BridgeDD requires WordPress 3.9 or later (Multisite not supported), phpBB 3.0.9 – 3.0.14, PHP 5.3.0 or later, and the mysqli (Improved

BridgeDD需要WordPress 3.9或更高版本(不支持多站点 ),phpBB 3.0.9 – 3.0.14,PHP 5.3.0或更高版本以及 mysqli (已改进)

MySQL) PHP extension.


This extension is bundled into PHP by default, and unless you have disabled it manually, it will be available.


BridgeDD modifies phpBB files, and you should take the same precautions before installing BridgeDD as you do before installing a phpBB MOD through AutoMOD.

BridgeDD修改phpBB文件,在安装BridgeDD之前,应采取与通过AutoMOD安装phpBB MOD之前相同的预防措施。

BridgeDD will create a new directory on your system called bridgedd, and it will be at the same directory level as the WordPress wp-content directory.

BridgeDD将在您的系统上创建一个名为 bridgedd 的新目录,该目录将与WordPress wp-content 目录位于同一目录级别。

This directory will contain files that allow BridgeDD to upgrade you to new versions without the hassles you would encounter when upgrading other bridge plugins.




    1. Download and activate the BridgeDD Requirements plugin

    2. 下载并激活 BridgeDD Requirements插件


      strong> 。

      If you see an error message on the plugins page, do not install BridgeDD!

    3. 如果您在插件页面上看到错误消息,请不要安装BridgeDD

    4. If a bridge plugin such as WP-United or wp-phpbb-bridge is activated, follow its instructions to disable it in phpBB and WordPress

    5. 如果激活了桥插件,例如 WP-United wp-phpbb-bridge ,请按照其说明在phpBB和WordPress中禁用它


    6. strong>

    7. Log in as administrator to your phpBB board
    8. 以管理员身份登录到您的phpBB板

    9. Upload the BridgeDD plugzin ZIP file via the Install Plugins interface, and activate it
    10. 通过“安装插件”界面上载BridgeDD插件ZIP文件,然后将其激活

    11. Select your phpBB installation in BridgeDD Settings, and verify that the phpBB displayed URL and board preview are correct
    12. 在BridgeDD设置中选择phpBB安装,然后验证phpBB显示的URL和面板预览是否正确

    13. Also verify that you are logged in to the phpBB board.

    14. 还要验证您是否已登录phpBB板

      Then click Save Changes

    15. 然后点击保存更改

    16. Set the BridgeDD settings options as required, then click Save Changes again
    17. 根据需要设置BridgeDD设置选项,然后再次单击保存更改

