[wordpress插件] Brave Popup Builder勇敢的弹出窗口生成器

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-11 07:40 1001 0 全屏看文



Brave Popup Builder is the most powerful and intuitive Popup builder for WordPress.

Brave Popup Builder 是最强大,最直观的WordPress Popup构建器。

With it’s unique Canva/Photoshop like design interface, you can visually create popups, modals, lightboxes in minutes and convert your visitors like there’s no tomorrow.

借助其独特的Canva / Photoshop之类的设计界面,您可以在几分钟内直观地创建弹出窗口,模态,灯箱,并像没有明天那样转换访客。

Sample Popups |

示例弹出窗口 |

Docs |

文档 |

PRO features


Drag and Drop Popup Builder


Brave’s Intuitive drag and drop Popup editor lets you create unique popups within minutes.


The free comes with 9 elements(text, button, image, form and more) that you can drag and drop into your popups and customize theme anyway you want.


Create Any kind of Popup Imaginable


Easily create newsletter opt-in popups, contact form popups, announcements, Modals, Lightboxes, EU cookie notices, slide-ins, & more.

轻松创建新闻简报选择弹出窗口,联系表单弹出窗口,公告,模式,灯箱,EU cookie通知,幻灯片插入等。

All Features


    • Intuitive Visual Editor – Drag and drop popup builder that let’s you create popups without any kind of coding.

    • 直观的可视化编辑器 –拖放弹出式窗口构建器,使您无需任何编码即可创建弹出式窗口。

    • 9 Beutifully Designed Elements – Create any type of popups with drag and drop elements: Text, Image, Shape, Button, Form, List, WordPress Post, Woocommere Products, Code.
    • 9个设计精美的元素 –使用拖放元素创建任何类型的弹出窗口:文本,图像,形状,按钮,表单,列表,WordPress帖子,Woocommere产品,代码。

    • Advanced Forms – Create Newsletter opt-in forms, Feedback forms, Contact forms within minutes.
    • 高级表单 –在几分钟之内创建新闻订阅表单,反馈表单,联系表单。

    • Create Any kind of Popup – Create sticky header popup, opt-in popups, slide-in popups, sidebar panels, lightbox, modals, dialogue boxes, notification boxes and a lot more.

    • 创建任何类型的弹出窗口 –创建粘性标题弹出窗口,选择弹出窗口,滑入弹出窗口,侧边栏面板,灯箱,模式,对话框,通知框等等。

    • Easy Targeting – Easily Set who will see the Popup, where and when.
    • 轻松定位 –轻松设置谁将在何时何地看到弹出窗口。

    • Custom Goal – Set the popup goal by setting what action will complete the popup’s goal and get instant notification.
    • 自定义目标 –通过设置将完成弹出目标并获得即时通知的操作来设置弹出目标。

    • Customize Display Frequency – Avoid annoying visitors by displaying the same popup again and again by customizing the Frequency settings.
    • 自定义显示频率 –通过自定义频率设置一次又一次显示相同的弹出窗口,避免使访问者烦恼。

    • Design Desktop/Mobile Popup Separately – On Mobile devices you can display the autoscaled version of the Popup or create a Mobile version of the Popup.
    • 分别设计桌面/移动弹出窗口 –在移动设备上,您可以显示弹出窗口的自动缩放版本或创建弹出窗口的移动版本。

    • Animate Popups – Add Animations to your Popups from list of ready-made animation list.

    • 动画弹出窗口 –从现成的动画列表中将动画添加到弹出窗口。

    • Insert Custom Code – You can display your favorite plugin’s content by adding shortcodes or Custom Codes inside a Code element.
    • 插入自定义代码 –您可以通过在Code元素内添加简码或自定义代码来显示自己喜欢的插件的内容。

    • 15 Started Presets – The free version comes with 15 free presets that you can import and customize to build popups within seconds.
    • 15个启动的预设 –免费版本附带15个免费的预设,您可以导入和自定义这些预设,以在几秒钟内构建弹出窗口。

    • 10 Newsletter Service Integrations – Creating eye-catching optin-forms by connecting your Forms with Mailchimp Mailjet, SendGrid, SendinBlue, Hubspot, Active Campaign, ConvertKit, Constant Contact, GetResponse and AWeber.

    • 10个时事通讯服务集成 –通过将表单与Mailchimp Mailjet,SendGrid,SendinBlue,Hubspot,Active Campaign,ConvertKit,Constant Contact,GetResponse和AWeber连接来创建引人注目的optin表单。



    • Great Performance – Unlike other popup’s Brave does not load bunch of scripts to your site.

    • 出色的性能 –与其他弹出窗口不同,Brave不会将脚本脚本加载到您的网站。

      It was built with Performance in mind.


      Brave Popups are very lightweight and only loads assets after the page is fully loaded.


    • Analytics – Easily find out which popups are bringing in the most conversions.

    • 分析 –轻松找出哪些弹出式窗口带来最多的转化。

      Brave tracks how many times a Popup is viewed and how many times the Popup is clicked or Form is submitted.


    Premium Features


    Create Multi-step Popup (PRO)


    The PRO version lets you create unlimited steps that you can link to each other and


    – Display Custom Thank you step


    – Display different forms based on user’s selection


    – Display unobtrusive ribbons that shows “Contact Us”, “Subscribe” and on click, opens the Popup.


    Advanced Forms Settings (PRO)


    * Unlimited Form Fields – No more form field limits.


    Add Unlimited Fields to your Popup.


    * Multi-step Forms – The Form Element will let you build multistep forms that is great for creating surveys and polls.


    * Zapier Integration – Send Form Data to 1500+ apps by integrating Zapier and Integromat.

    * Zapier集成–通过集成Zapier和Integromat将表单数据发送到1500多个应用程序。

    * Send Automatic Email Reply – Send automated email to the visitor as soon as they submits a form.


    * Auto Download File on Submission – Option to download a file/ebook on visitor’s end as soon as they submit the form.


    Insert Millions of Free Assets with Just one click


    * Insert 1.3 Million Free Images from Pixabay.


    * 1 Million Free Animated Stickers from Giphy.


    * 30 Thousands Free icons.

    * 3万个免费图标。

    * Thousands of Free Videos from Pixabay.


    9 More Elements (PRO) – Add 9 More Elements: Videos, Countdown Timer, Animated Stickers, WordPress Posts, Carousel, Woocommerce Single Product and Signup/Login element.

    9个其他元素(PRO) –添加9个其他元素:视频,倒数计时器,动画贴纸,WordPress帖子,轮播,Woocommerce单一产品和注册/登录元素。

    100 Presets to Choose From (PRO) – Create Popups within seconds with 1 click presets.

    100个可供选择的预设(PRO) –只需单击一次,即可在几秒钟内创建弹出窗口。

    Import/Export Presets (PRO) – Import and export presets.

    导入/导出预设(PRO) –导入和导出预设。

    Advanced Display Options (PRO) – Display Popups with Exit intent, form submit or on scroll.

    高级显示选项(PRO) –使用退出意图,表单提交或滚动显示弹出窗口。

    Advanced Targeting (PRO) – Target visitors by device, roles, traffic sources

    高级定位(PRO) –按设备,角色,流量来源定位访问者

    Advanced Animation (PRO) – Add Animation to every single elements separately and Create Advanced Open Animation with Advanced Animation Panel.

    高级动画(PRO) –将动画分别添加到每个元素,并使用“高级动画面板”创建高级打开动画。

    Real-time Goal Complete Notification (PRO) – Get real-time email, sms, push notification as visitor completes the popup’s goal.

    实时目标完成通知(PRO) –当访客完成弹出窗口的目标时,获取实时电子邮件,短信和推送通知。

    Track User Clicks/Form Submission with Google Analytics (PRO) – Send tracking event to Google Analytics when a visitor clicks/submits a form.

    使用Google Analytics(分析)(PRO)跟踪用户点击/提交表单 –当访问者单击/提交表单时将跟踪事件发送到Google Analytics(分析)。

    Why Choose Brave over other Popup Plugins?


      • Create Unlimited Popups – No Restriction on how many Popups you can create or how many you want to display on a page.
      • 创建无限弹出窗口 –对可以创建的弹出窗口或要在页面上显示的弹出窗口没有限制。

      • Serve Unlimited Popoups – No Restriction on how many times the popup is served .
      • 无限投放弹出消息 –弹出窗口的发送次数不受限制。

      • Create Popups with Visual Editor – No more sifting through hundreds of plugin options just to create a simple popup.
      • 使用Visual Editor创建弹出窗口 –不再只是为了创建简单的弹出窗口就浏览数百个插件选项。

      • Create Any kind of Popup Imaginable – Seen a Popup somewhere that you liked?

      • 创建可想象的任何弹出窗口 –在您喜欢的某个地方看到了弹出窗口?

        Build it with the visual Editor within minutes.

      • 在几分钟内使用可视化编辑器进行构建。

      • Built-in Advanced Forms – No need to install Form plugins.

      • 内置的高级表单 –无需安装表单插件。

        Brave already comes with powerful Form Builder.

      • 勇敢者已经带有强大的Form Builder。

      • Unique Popups everytime – Most Popup plugins give you premade Popups that you can edit few settings to change their look which still makes them very generic.

      • 每次都有独特的弹出窗口 –大多数弹出窗口插件为您提供了预制的弹出窗口,您可以编辑一些设置来更改其外观,这仍然使它们非常通用。

        Not with Brave, as you can create Popups from scratch.

      • 不使用Brave,因为您可以从头开始创建弹出窗口。

      • Display other plugin’s content within the Popup – With Brave’s “Code” Element, displaying a certain element from other plugins with shortcodes is just a copy/paste away.
      • 在弹出窗口中显示其他插件的内容 –使用Brave的“代码”元素,只需复制/粘贴即可显示其他插件中带有短代码的某个元素。

      • Incredible Performance – Unlike other popups, Brave does not load huge amount of assets on frontend.

      • 卓越的性能 –与其他弹出窗口不同,Brave不会在前端加载大量资产。

        The Popups load very minimum assets which keeps your site fast.


      • No Credit Links Anywhere – Unlike lots of other Popup services, Brave does not include any “powered by” or “created with” credit links anywhere in your Popup.
      • 在任何地方都没有信用链接 –与许多其他Popup服务不同,Brave在您的Popup中的任何地方都不包含任何“由...提供动力”或“由...创建”的信用链接。


Automatic installation


    1. Search for Brave Popup Builder through ‘Plugins > Add New’ interface.
    2. 通过“插件>添加新”界面搜索Brav​​e Popup Builder。

    3. Find the plugin box of Brave Popup Builder and click on the ‘Install Now’ button.
    4. 找到Brave Popup Builder的插件框,然后单击“立即安装”按钮。

    5. Then activate the Brave Popup Builder plugin.
    6. 然后激活Brave Popup Builder插件。

    7. Create a new Popup: After installing the plugin, a new menu called “Popups” will appear.

    8. 创建一个新的弹出窗口:安装插件后,将出现一个名为“ Popups”的新菜单。

      Visit that page and click the + icon to Create New Popup.

    9. 访问该页面,然后单击+图标以创建新弹出窗口。

    Manual installation


      1. Download Brave Popup Builder
      2. 下载Brave Popup Builder

      3. Upload the Brave Popup Builder through ‘Plugins > Add New > Upload’ interface or upload bravepopup-free folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
      4. 通过“插件>添加新文件>上传”界面上传Brave Popup Builder,或将bravepopup-free文件夹上传至“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录。

      5. Activate the Brave Popup Builder plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
      6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活Brave Popup Builder插件。

      7. Create a new Popup: After installing the plugin, a new menu called “Popups” will appear.

      8. 创建一个新的弹出窗口:安装插件后,将出现一个名为“ Popups”的新菜单。

        Visit that page and click the + icon to Create New Popup.

      9. 访问该页面,然后单击+图标以创建新弹出窗口。





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