[wordpress插件] BuddyPress Messaging ControlBuddyPress邮件控制

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-10 13:40 741 0 全屏看文



This plugin is perfect if you want to use messaging as a way of differentiating or monetizing your BP Site.


It’s also good for controlling internal spam.


You can control access to messaging and who the user can message.


It also allows quotas to be set for each role and maximum message size.


The options available are:


Based on each role you can disable or set limits on messaging.


Private Messaging:


    • Messaging Disabled – No access to messaging for this role.
    • 已禁用消息传递–此角色无法访问消息传递。

    • Admin Only – The role can only message site admin.
    • 仅管理员-角色只能向站点管理员发送消息。

    • Reply Only – The role can only message users who have previously sent them a message.

    • 仅答复-角色只能向以前发送过消息的用户发送消息。

      Admin messages excluded from limitation.

    • 管理员消息不受限制。

    • Full Messaging – The role has unrestricted access to messaging.
    • 完整消息传递-角色可以不受限制地访问消息传递。

    • Messaging quota;

    • 消息配额;

      1 to unlimited emails per month, week or day.


      Messages to admin not counted.


    • Message Character Limit: Enforce maximum number of characters per message.
    • 消息字符限制:强制每条消息使用最大字符数。

    • Notification Email content length restrictions: Allows you to display only the first few words of the message so users will visit the site to view the message.
    • 通知电子邮件内容长度限制:仅显示消息的前几个单词,以便用户访问该网站以查看消息。

    Public Messaging ( @Mentions and Activity Updates )


      • @Mentions Disabled – No access to public messaging for this role.
      • @已禁用提及-此角色无法访问公共消息。

      • @Mentions Admin Only – The role can only public message site admin.
      • 仅@Mentions管理员-该角色只能公开消息站点管理员。

      • @Mentions Reply Only – The role can only public message users who have previously sent them a public message.
      • @Mentions仅答复–角色只能将先前向他们发送公共消息的公共消息用户。

      • @Mentions all – The role has unrestricted access to pubic messaging.
      • @Mentions all –角色可以不受限制地访问公共消息。

      • @Mentions quota;

      • @提及配额;

        5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, unlimited emails per month, week or day.


        Messages to admin not counted.


      • Activity Updates including Public Messages: Enforce maximum number of characters per Activity Update or Comment.
      • 包括公共消息的活动更新:每个活动更新或评论强制使用最大字符数。

      • Notification Email content length restrictions: Allows you to display only the first few words of the message so users will visit the site to view the message.
      • 通知电子邮件内容长度限制:仅显示消息的前几个单词,以便用户访问该网站以查看消息。

      Notification Emails


        • Set size limit for the usermessage token – the notificaton message content.

        • 设置usermessage令牌的大小限制-通知消息内容。

          This is useful to prevent the entire message being sent in the notification meaning users will need to visit the site to read the full message.

        • 这对于防止在通知中发送整个消息非常有用,这意味着用户将需要访问该网站才能阅读完整的消息。

        This plugin needs BuddyPress to work and it supports both BP Legacy and BP Nouveau themes.

        此插件需要BuddyPress才能工作,并且支持BP Legacy和BP Nouveau主题。

        This plugin controls all aspects of BP messaging and makes sure the user only sees the messaging options they are entitled to.



    1. Upload the full directory into your wp-content/plugins directory
    2. 将完整目录上传到您的wp-content / plugins目录

    3. Activate the plugin at the plugin administration page
    4. 在插件管理页面上激活插件

    5. Adjust settings via the Messaging Control admin page
    6. 通过“邮件控制”管理页面调整设置

