[wordpress插件] BuddyPress GroupblogBuddyPress Group博客

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-10 10:40 705 0 全屏看文



Requires BuddyPress 1.7+ and PHP 5.3+.

需要BuddyPress 1.7+和PHP 5.3 +。

The BuddyPress Groupblog plugin extends the group functionality by enabling each group to have a single blog associated with it.

BuddyPress Groupblog插件通过使每个组具有与其关联的单个博客来扩展组功能。

Group members are automatically added to the blog and will have blog roles as set by the groupblog admin settings.




    • P2 integration and frontend posting.
    • P2集成和前端发布。

    • Admin can set Template specific groupblogs.
    • 管理员可以设置模板特定的组博客。

    • Allow group admins choose the desired template page themselves.
    • 允许组管理员自己选择所需的模板页面。

    • Full blog theme integration.

    • 完整的博客主题集成。

      The included bp-groupblog theme mimics the group pages.

    • 包含的bp-groupblog主题模仿了组页面。

    • Automated blog registration at group creation stage.
    • 在组创建阶段自动进行博客注册。

    • Bypass default blog validation to allow dashes, underscores, numeral only and minimum character count.
    • 绕过默认博客验证,以允许破折号,下划线,仅数字和最小字符数。

    • Blog privacy settings are initially inherited from group privacy settings.
    • 博客隐私设置最初是从网上论坛隐私设置继承的。

    • Group members are automatically added to the blog.
    • 群组成员会自动添加到博客中。

    • Blog roles match group roles as set by the group admin.
    • 博客角色匹配组管理员设置的组角色。

    • Solid error checking that the blog follows validation.
    • 固态错误检查博客是否经过验证。

    • Group admin tab to access the group-blog settings.
    • “组管理”标签可访问组博客设置。

    • Blog themes will have the ability to pull in group info and create a theme that could resemble the group exactly.
    • 博客主题将能够提取群组信息并创建与群组完全相似的主题。

    • Leaving the group will downgrade the member role to ‘subscriber’.
    • 离开小组会将成员角色降级为“订户”。

    • Allow the group admin to select one of his/her existing blogs.
    • 允许论坛管理员选择他/她现有的博客之一。

    • A new ajax backend.


      Known Issues:


    • In order for Group Avatars to show on blogs please adjust the bp-core-avatars.php file.

      为了使Group Avatars显示在博客上,请调整bp-core-avatars.php文件。

      I realize this is a nono, but I don’t see another way.


      Patches and ideas are welcome.


      For know adjust the last two functions for plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php to the following:

      众所周知,将plugins / buddypress / bp-core / bp-core-avatars.php的最后两个功能调整为以下值:


      / **

        • bp_core_avatar_upload_path()
        • bp_core_avatar_upload_path()

        • Returns the absolute upload path for the WP installation
        • 返回WP安装的绝对上传路径

        • @global object $current_blog Current blog information
        • @global对象$ current_blog当前博客信息

        • @uses wp_upload_dir To get upload directory info
        • @使用wp_upload_dir获取上传目录信息

        • @return string Absolute path to WP upload directory

          @return string WP上传目录的绝对路径


          * /

          function bp_core_avatar_upload_path() {


          global $current_blog;

          全球$ current_blog;

          // Get upload directory information from current site


          $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();

          $ upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();

          // If multisite, and current blog does not match root blog, make adjustments


          if ( bp_core_is_multisite() && BP_ROOT_BLOG != $current_blog->blog_id )

          if(bp_core_is_multisite()&& BP_ROOT_BLOG!= $ current_blog-> blog_id)

          $upload_dir[‘basedir’] = WP_CONTENT_DIR .

          $ upload_dir [‘basedir’] = WP_CONTENT_DIR。


          ‘/ uploads /’;

          return apply_filters( ‘bp_core_avatar_upload_path’, $upload_dir[‘basedir’] );

          返回apply_filters('bp_core_avatar_upload_path',$ upload_dir ['basedir']);




        / **

          • bp_core_avatar_url()
          • bp_core_avatar_url()

          • Returns the raw base URL for root site upload location
          • 返回根网站上载位置的原始基本URL

          • @global object $current_blog Current blog information
          • @global对象$ current_blog当前博客信息

          • @uses wp_upload_dir To get upload directory info
          • @使用wp_upload_dir获取上传目录信息

          • @return string Full URL to current upload location



            * /

            function bp_core_avatar_url() {


            global $current_blog;

            全球$ current_blog;

            // Get upload directory information from current site


            $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();

            $ upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();

            // If multisite, and current blog does not match root blog, make adjustments


            if ( bp_core_is_multisite() && BP_ROOT_BLOG != $current_blog->blog_id )

            if(bp_core_is_multisite()&& BP_ROOT_BLOG!= $ current_blog-> blog_id)

            $upload_dir[‘baseurl’] = WP_CONTENT_URL .

            $ upload_dir [‘baseurl’] = WP_CONTENT_URL。



            return apply_filters( ‘bp_core_avatar_url’, $upload_dir[‘baseurl’] );

            返回apply_filters('bp_core_avatar_url',$ upload_dir ['baseurl']);




1) unzip the bp-groupblog.zip file into /wp-contents/plugins/bp-groupblog

1)将bp-groupblog.zip文件解压缩到 / wp-contents / plugins / bp-groupblog

2) move all the themes in bp-groupblog/themes/ to your WP themes folder

2)将 bp-groupblog / themes / 中的所有主题移至WP主题文件夹

3) activate the plugin


4) run through the admin setup options


5) You are done!






钻级赞助商 我要加入



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