[wordpress插件] Bot Block – Stop Spam Referrals in Google AnalyticsBot Block –在Google Analytics(分析)中停止垃圾邮件引荐

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-09 17:00 528 0 全屏看文



This plugin has two main functions:


    1. To stop spam traffic before it reaches your site (which stops spam visits showing in Analytics).
    2. 在垃圾邮件流量到达您的网站之前停止它(这将阻止垃圾邮件访问显示在Google Analytics(分析)中。)

    3. Save bandwidth, bots use bandwidth when they visit your site, this plugin stops them before they get the chance to download anything.
    4. 节省带宽,机器人在访问您的网站时会使用带宽,此插件会在他们有机会下载任何内容之前将其阻止。

    Spam traffic is an increasing problem, companies like semalt are spamming sites in order to get their website shown within Google Analytics as a referrer (also known as referral spam).

    垃圾邮件流量是一个日益严重的问题,像 semalt 之类的公司正在对网站进行垃圾邮件处理,以使其网站在Google Analytics(分析)中显示为引荐来源网址(也称为引荐垃圾邮件)。

    More spammers are beginning to take this approach and this causes issues for any Analytics user that relies on the data collected since pageviews and visitors are inflated.

    越来越多的垃圾邮件发送者开始采用这种方法,这给所有依靠收集的数据的Google Analytics(分析)用户带来了麻烦,因为页面浏览量和访问者被夸大了。

    Spammers have even taken this a step further by triggering events, which of course can effect conversion data.


    This plugin is built to stop this, it blocks spam bots before your website loads which not only stops the traffic appearing within Google Analytics but it also saves you Bandwidth.

    此插件旨在阻止这种情况,它会在您的网站加载之前阻止垃圾邮件程序,这不仅阻止了Google Analytics(分析)中的流量出现,而且还为您节省了带宽。

    The spam bots blocked are pulled from a central database of known bots, this database is updated as new spam bots are found, you also have the option to add your own referrer URL’s to block.


    Features Include:


      • Central database containing tons of known spam bots
      • 包含大量已知垃圾邮件机器人的中央数据库

      • Ability to add your own custom referrer domains to block
      • 能够添加自己的自定义引荐来源网址域以阻止

      • You can either 301 the spam traffic to another site OR show a 403 error message to spammers
      • 您可以将301垃圾邮件流量发送到另一个站点,或向垃圾邮件发送者显示403错误消息

      • Full statistics, detailing most blocked bots, total blocks and number of sites in block list
      • 完整的统计信息,其中详细列出了大多数被阻止的漫游器,阻止总数和阻止列表中的站点数量

      • Ability to block all subdomains of a domain e.g.

      • 阻止域的所有子域的能力,例如


      • spam.semalt.com

      • Video showing you how to block ‘ghost referrers’ (the spam that cannot be blocked since they do not visit your site)
      • 向您展示如何阻止“虚假引荐来源”(由于他们不访问您的网站而无法阻止的垃圾邮件)的视频

      • The ability to contribute to our growing list of spam bots
      • 为我们不断增长的垃圾邮件机器人列表做出贡献的能力



    seo, SEO, google, google analytics, google analytics spam, spam, bot block, bot blocker, bot blocking, block bots, semalt, 100dollarsseo, analytics spam blocker



    1. Upload the bot block folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. bot block 文件夹上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the Bot Block plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活Bot Block插件

    5. Configure the plugin by going to the Bot Block menu that appears in your admin menu under ‘Settings’
    6. 通过进入管理菜单中“设置”下的 Bot Block 菜单,

    7. 配置插件。





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