[wordpress插件] Bongolive SMSBongolive短信

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-08 17:00 541 0 全屏看文



This plugin lets you communicate with all of your customers and inviduals who visit your website or blog via mobile sms using Bongolive SMS services.

此插件可让您与使用 Bongolive SMS服务通过移动短信访问您的网站或博客的所有客户和个人进行通信。

Bongo Live is a unique online platform to manage sms campaigns and communication.

Bongo Live是一个独特的在线平台,用于管理短信活动和通讯。

Visit our website to learn about our complete range of services or 网站,以了解我们完整的服务范围或

tz/contactus.php" rel="nofollow">Contact Us for more details.

tz / contactus.php“ rel =” nofollow“>与我们联系以获取更多详细信息。

To setup: The plugin user must have a vendor account with Bongo Live.

要设置:插件用户必须具有Bongo Live的供应商帐户。

To create an account visit Bongolive and Sign-up as a vendor/broadcaster.

要创建帐户,请访问 Bongolive 并注册为供应商/广播商。

Once complete follow instructions on the web page on how to purchase credits and get more sender names.


Revisit your plugin and start sending SMS to all of your subscribers and other people.


Contact us for international sms support.


Note: The plugin sends requests to Bongolive API services to retrieve user credit balance and sender IDs.

注意:该插件将请求发送到Bongolive API服务,以检索用户信用余额和发件人ID。

It then sends SMS with message content to page subscribers/web-visitors via Bongo Live API services.

然后,它将通过Bongo Live API服务将带有消息内容的SMS发送给页面订户/网页访问者。

P.S: You need your username, password and APIkey to use this plugin, get it from your Bongo Live broadcaster profile.

P.S:要使用此插件,您需要输入用户名,密码和APIkey,然后从Bongo Live广播公司的个人资料中获取。

View screenshots for more details.




    • Send SMS to a single number or multiple numbers at once.
    • 同时发送短信至单个号码或多个号码。

    • Send SMS to subscribers
    • 发送短信给订户

    • Create groups for subscribers to join
    • 创建供订户加入的组

    • Send SMS to one or multiple groups
    • 将短信发送到一个或多个组

    • Widget support for sigining-up subscribers
    • 对订阅用户的窗口小部件支持

    • Widget takes theme appearance settings
    • 小部件进行主题外观设置

    • WordPress shortcode support to add subscription box to any page – “[bongolive]”
    • WordPress简码支持将订阅框添加到任何页面–“ [bongolive]”

    • Send post title and post link to subscribers automatically via sms
    • 通过短信自动将帖子标题和帖子链接发送给订阅者

    • Send activation sms to subscribers when subscribing.
    • 订阅时将激活短信发送给订户。

    Language Support:


      • English
      • 英语


    1. Download the plugin from the wordpress plugin directory or
    2. 从wordpress插件目录下载插件,或者

    3. Upload bongolive-sms to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    4. bongolive-sms 上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    7. To display Subscribe goto Themes -> Widgets, and adding Subscribe to SMS into your sidebar or using this Shortcode [bongolive] in Posts pages or Widget.

    8. 要显示“订阅goto主题->小部件”,然后在边栏中添加 Subscribe to SMS 或在“帖子”页面或小部件中使用此短代码 [bongolive]







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