[wordpress插件] Blox Lite – Content Blocks for GenesisBlox Lite –创世纪的内容块

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-07 20:00 563 0 全屏看文



Please Note: This plugin is only for Genesis Framework users.

请注意::该插件仅适用于Genesis Framework用户。

Genesis is a premium product of StudioPress, which has no affiliation with Blox Lite.

创世纪(Genesis)是 StudioPress 的高级产品,与Blox Lite无关。

Blox Lite allows you to easily customize your Genesis powered website through the use of content blocks.

Blox Lite允许您通过使用内容块轻松自定义基于Genesis的网站。

It is not a tool for changing the colors of your theme.


While it can wrangle styles, think more along the lines of banner images, dynamic content areas and custom footers.


In other words, structural customization.


Blox Lite is best demonstrated visually.

最好以视觉方式展示Blox Lite。

Check out the video below for an introduction to this plugin.




Skip ahead to 4:40 and 9:10 for the examples.




    • Add content locally to posts, pages, and all public custom post types
    • 在本地将内容添加到帖子,页面和所有公共自定义帖子类型中

    • Add content globally to virtually any page(s) on your website including 404 pages, search pages, and archive pages
    • 在全球几乎所有网站上的页面上都添加内容,包括404页,搜索页面和存档页面

    • Position content anywhere with your choice of 50+ Genesis hooks
    • 通过50多个Genesis钩子选择任意位置的内容

    • Display a custom image or featured image
    • 显示自定义图片或特色图片

    • Display HMTL content or add scripts, CSS, iframes, and even PHP
    • 显示HMTL内容或添加脚本,CSS,iframe,甚至PHP

    • Includes utility shortcodes

    • 包括实用程序短代码

      to help you add dynamic content

    • 帮助您添加动态内容

    • Add an unlimited number of content blocks
    • 添加无限数量的内容块

    • Plugin is fully translatable (.pot file included)
    • 插件可完全翻译(包括.pot文件)

    • Multisite compatible
    • 兼容多站点

    Upgrade to Blox


    Looking for more functionality?


    The premium version of Blox includes visibility settings, two additional content types,


    >addons, advanced hook control and the ability to add custom hooks, global block duplication, premium support and more.


    Learn more about Blox.


    Content Options


    Blox Lite includes two content options, Raw Content and Static Image.

    Blox Lite包含两个内容选项,即原始内容和静态图像。

    With Raw Content you can add anything to your website, whether that be raw HTML, CSS, Javascript, iframes, shortcodes, and even PHP.


    If you are looking to add images, such as a banner image, the Static Image option is the way to go.


    Add a photo directly from your media library, choose the size, add a caption, and more.


    The Static Image option even supports background images.


    This is great for setting up responsive headers or adding a parallax effect.


    Removing Content


    As a general rule, Blox Lite allows you to add content.

    通常,Blox Lite允许您添加内容。

    It does not remove existing content.


    For example, Blox Lite will easily allow you to add a custom footer to your site, but the old one will be there as well.

    例如,Blox Lite可以轻松地使您向网站添加自定义页脚,但是旧页脚也将在那里。

    To remove content, you will need to add the necessary PHP code to your theme’s functions.php file.


    You can also upgrade to Blox and make use of the


    >Sandbox Addon.


    Style Your Way


    Blox Lite does not include any styling aside from a small amount of default CSS for images, which can be turned off in the Settings.

    Blox Lite除了少量用于图像的默认CSS外,不包括任何样式,可以在“设置”中将其关闭。

    It is your site and we do not want to impose styling choices on you.


    Blox Lite will inherit most of your theme’s styling, but you will likely need to add some additional CSS.

    Blox Lite将继承您大多数主题的样式,但您可能需要添加一些其他CSS。

    This customizability is an intended feature of Blox Lite and makes it all that more powerful.

    这种可定制性是Blox Lite的预期功能,使其功能更加强大。

    Simple questions about styling can be asked in the plugin’s support forum.


    If you would like in depth assistance, please look into purchasing the full version of Blox.

    “> Blox 。

    A paid Blox license comes with extensive support.


    Support This Plugin


    There are many ways you can support the development of this plugin:


      1. If you spot an error or bug, please let us know in the support forums.

      2. 如果您发现错误或错误,请在支持论坛中告诉我们。

        The issue will be diagnosed an a new release push out as soon as possible.

      3. 该问题将被诊断为尽快推出新版本。

      4. If you are looking for additional features, we encourage you to check out the premium version of Blox.

        “ rel =” nofollow“> Blox 。

        The more people that purchase Blox, the more likely additional features will work their way into both Blox and Blox Lite.

      5. 购买Blox的人越多,其他功能越有可能在Blox和Blox Lite中起作用。


    1. You have a couple options:

    2. 您有两种选择:

        • Go to Plugins->Add New and search for “Blox Lite”.

        • 转到“插件”->“添加新内容”,然后搜索“ Blox Lite”。

          Once found, click “Install”.

        • 找到后,单击“安装”。

        • Download the folder from WordPress.org and zip the folder.

        • 从WordPress.org下载文件夹并压缩该文件夹。

          Then upload via Plugins->Add New->Upload.

        • 然后通过Plugins-> Add New-> Upload进行上传。

      • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
      • 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

      • From the ‘Plugins’ page, head directly to the plugin ‘Settings’ page to configure your global options.
      • 从“插件”页面直接转到插件的“设置”页面,以配置全局选项。

      • Once the global settings have been set, navigate to “All Global Blocks” to create a new global block.

      • 设置完全局设置后,导航至“所有全局块”以创建一个新的全局块。

        To create local blocks navigate to a post, page, or custom post type, locate the ‘Local Content Blocks’ metabox and click the “Add Content Block” button.


        If you have any implementation questions, please post in the plugin support forum or check out this Getting Started Video



    Please Note: This plugin is only for Genesis Framework users.

    请注意::该插件仅适用于Genesis Framework用户。

    Genesis is a premium product by StudioPress.

    Genesis是 StudioPress 的高级产品。

    If you do not have Genesis 2.0+ or WordPress 3.6+, the plugin will not activate.

    如果您没有Genesis 2.0+或WordPress 3.6+,则该插件将无法激活。





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