[wordpress插件] Blog Designer – Post and Widget博客设计师–帖子和小部件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-07 01:30 688 0 全屏看文



Make your blogs looks fancy with Blog Designer Post and Widget.

使用Blog Designer Post和Widget使您的博客看起来不错。

Blogs are the major attraction for marketing your website.


The Blog designer post and widget plugin helps your blog posts to slide and display in a fancy way that gains maximum attraction from the website visitors.

Blog Designer帖子和小部件插件可帮助您的Blog帖子以一种精美的方式滑动和显示,从而最大程度地吸引网站访问者。

It is an easy and quick process to add install and display the blog slider on your website page.


The blog designer post and widget plugin slides and grids the blog posts in two different designs.


It helps in enhancing your website page with more attraction.


You can start blogging and displaying your latest blogs in a more creative way using the plugin.


Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.


Check Demo and Features for additional information.




This WordPress plugin contains 2 shortcode


1) Recent Blog Posts Slider/Carousel




2) Post with Blog Post Grid View




Following are Post shortcode Parameters:




    • Limit : [wpspw_post limit=”10″] (Display latest 10 post and then pagination).
    • 限制: [wpspw_post limit =“ 10”](显示最近的10个帖子,然后显示分页)。

    • Category : [wpspw_post category=”category_id”] (Display post categories wise).
    • 类别: [wpspw_post category =” category_id”](明智地显示帖子类别)。

    • Design: [wpspw_post design=”design-1″] (Select the grid design. Right now there are 2 designs. design-1 and design-2).
    • 设计: [wpspw_post design =” design-1”](选择网格设计。现在有2个设计,design-1和design-2)。

    • Grid : [wpspw_post grid=”2″] (Display post in Grid formats. You can use grid:1,2,3,4).
    • 网格: [wpspw_post grid =” 2”](以Grid格式显示帖子。您可以使用grid:1,2,3,4)。

    • Order: [wpspw_post order=”DESC”] (Post order ie DESC or ASC).
    • 订单:[wpspw_post order =” DESC”](后订单,即DESC或ASC)。

    • Order by: [wpspw_post orderby=”date”] (Order by post ie date, ID, author, title, modified, rand and menu_order etc).
    • 订购依据:[wpspw_post orderby =” date”](按邮购顺序,即日期,ID,作者,标题,已修改,rand和menu_order等)。

    • Sticky Posts : [wpspw_post sticky_posts=”false” ] (Show sticky posts on the top or not. By default value is “false”. Options are “true” and “false”).

    • 粘性帖子::[wpspw_poststicky_posts =“ false”](在顶部显示或不显示粘性帖子。默认值为“ false”。选项为“ true”和“ false”)。

    • Display Author : [wpspw_post show_author=”true”] (Display Post author OR not. By default value is “true”. Values are “true” and “false” )
    • 显示作者: [wpspw_post show_author =“ true”](是否显示显示作者)。默认值为“ true”。值为“ true”和“ false”)

    • Display Content : [wpspw_post show_content=”true” ] (Display post Short content OR not. By default value is “true”. Options are “true” and “false”).

    • 显示内容: [wpspw_post show_content =” true”](显示帖子简短内容或不显示。默认值为“ true”。选项为“ true”和“ false”)。



    • Display Full Content : [wpspw_post show_full_content=”true”] (Display Full post content on main page if you do not want word limit. By default value is “false”)
    • 显示全部内容: [wpspw_post show_full_content =” true”](如果不希望字数限制,则在主页上显示全部文章内容。默认值为“ false”)

    • Display Date : [wpspw_post show_date=”false”] (Display Post date OR not. By default value is “true”. Options are “true” and “false”)
    • 显示日期: [wpspw_post show_date =“ false”](显示或不显示发布日期。默认值为“ true”。选项为“ true”和“ false”)

    • Display Category Name : [wpspw_post show_category_name=”true” ] (Display post category name OR not. By default value is “true”. Options are “true” and “false”).<

    • 显示类别名称: [wpspw_post show_category_name =” true”](显示或不显示帖子类别名称。默认值为“ true”。选项为“ true”和“ false”)。


      / li>

    • Content Words Limit : [wpspw_post content_words_limit=”30″ ] (Control post short content Words limit. By default limit is 20 words).
    • 内容词数限制: [wpspw_post content_words_limit =“ 30”](控制文章内容词数限制。默认限制为20个词)。

    • Display Tags : [wpspw_post show_tags=”true”] (show post tags or not.)
    • 显示标签: [wpspw_post show_tags =“ true”](是否显示帖子标签。)

    • Pagination : [wpspw_post pagination=”true”] (show post pagination or not.)
    • 分页: [wpspw_post pagination =“ true”](显示或不显示分页)。

    • Pagination Type : [wpspw_post pagination_type=”prev-next”] (pagination type. values are “numeric” OR “prev-next”. By default is numeric)
    • 分页类型: [wpspw_post pagination_type =“ prev-next”](分页类型。值是“数字”或“ prev-next”。默认为数字)

    Following are Recent Post Slider Parameters:




      • Limit : [wpspw_recent_post_slider limit=”10″] (Display latest 10 post in slider).
      • 限制: [wpspw_recent_post_slider limit =“ 10”](在滑块中显示最新的10个帖子)。

      • Design : [wpspw_recent_post_slider design=”design-1″] (Select the grid design. Right now there are 2 designs. design-1 and design-2).
      • 设计: [wpspw_recent_post_slider design =” design-1”](选择网格设计。现在有2个设计。design-1和design-2)。

      • Category : [wpspw_recent_post_slider category=”category_id”] (Display post categories wise).
      • 类别::[wpspw_recent_post_slider category =” category_id”](明智地显示帖子类别)。

      • Display Author : [wpspw_post show_author=”true”] (Display Post author OR not. By default value is “true”. Values are “true” and “false” )
      • 显示作者: [wpspw_post show_author =“ true”](是否显示显示作者)。默认值为“ true”。值为“ true”和“ false”)

      • Display Date : [wpspw_recent_post_slider show_date=”false”] (Display post date OR not. By default value is “true”. Options are “true” and “false”)
      • 显示日期: [wpspw_recent_post_slider show_date =“ false”](显示发布日期或不显示。默认值为“ true”。选项为“ true”和“ false”)

      • Display Category Name : [wpspw_recent_post_slider show_category_name=”true” ] (Display post category name OR not. By default value is “true”. Options are “true” and “false”).<

      • 显示类别名称: [wpspw_recent_post_slider show_category_name =“ true”](显示或不显示帖子类别名称。默认值为“ true”。选项为“ true”和“ false”)。


        / li>

      • Order: [wpspw_recent_post_slider order=”DESC”] (Post order ie DESC or ASC).
      • 订单:[wpspw_recent_post_slider order =“ DESC”](后订单,即DESC或ASC)。

      • Order by: [wpspw_recent_post_slider orderby=”date”] (Order by post ie date, ID, author, title, modified, rand and menu_order etc).
      • 排序依据:[wpspw_recent_post_slider orderby =” date”](按邮递顺序排序,即日期,ID,作者,标题,修改的,rand和menu_order等)。

      • Sticky Posts : [wpspw_recent_post_slider sticky_posts=”false” ] (Show sticky posts on the top or not. By default value is “false”. Options are “true” and “false”).

      • 粘性帖子: [wpspw_recent_post_slider sticky_posts =” false”](是否在顶部显示粘性帖子。默认值为“ false”。选项为“ true”和“ false”)。

      • Display Content : [wpspw_recent_post_slider show_content=”true” ] (Display post Short content OR not. By default value is “true”. Options are “true” and “false”).

      • 显示内容: [wpspw_recent_post_slider show_content =“ true”](显示帖子简短内容或不显示。默认值为“ true”。选项为“ true”和“ false”)。



      • Content Words Limit : [wpspw_recent_post_slider content_words_limit=”30″ ] (Control post short content Words limit. By default limit is 20 words).
      • 内容词数限制: [wpspw_recent_post_slider content_words_limit =“ 30”](控制帖子的简短内容词数限制。默认限制为20个词)。

      • Display Tags : [wpspw_recent_post_slider show_tags=”true”](show post tags or not.)
      • 显示标签: [wpspw_recent_post_slider show_tags =“ true”](是否显示帖子标签。)

      • Slides Column : [wpspw_recent_post_slider slides_column=”3″] (ie Display number of Post at a time.)
      • 幻灯片列: [wpspw_recent_post_slider slides_column =“ 3”](即一次显示发布数。)

      • Slides Scroll : [wpspw_recent_post_slider slides_scroll=”1″] (ie scroll number of Post at a time.)
      • 幻灯片滚动::[wpspw_recent_post_slider slides_scroll =” 1”](即一次发布的滚动数。)

      • Pagination and Arrows: [wpspw_recent_post_slider dots=”false” arrows=”false”]
      • 分页和箭头: [wpspw_recent_post_slider points =“ false” Arrows =“ false”]

      • Autoplay and Autoplay Interval : [wpspw_recent_post_slider autoplay=”true” autoplay_interval=”100″]
      • 自动播放和自动播放间隔::[wpspw_recent_post_slider autoplay =“ true” autoplay_interval =“ 100”]

      • Slider Speed : [wpspw_recent_post_slider speed=”3000″]
      • 滑块速度: [wpspw_recent_post_slider速度=“ 3000”]

      Stunning Features:


        • Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.
        • 还可以使用Gutenberg短代码块。

        • Display Post in Grid view or Slider view or in a carousel view.
        • 在“网格”视图,“滑块”视图或轮播视图中显示帖子。

        • 100% Mobile & Tablet Responsive.
        • 100%移动和平板电脑响应性。

        • Awesome Touch-Swipe Enabled.
        • 已启用真棒触摸。

        • Work in any WordPress Theme.
        • 使用任何WordPress主题。

        • Created with Slick Slider.
        • 使用Slick Slider创建。

        • Lightweight, Fast & Powerful.
        • 轻巧,快速且功能强大。

        • Set Number of Columns you want to show.
        • 设置要显示的列数。

        • Slider AutoPlay on/off.
        • 打开/关闭滑块自动播放。

        • Navigation show/hide options.
        • 导航显示/隐藏选项。

        • Pagination show/hide options.
        • 分页显示/隐藏选项。

        • Unlimited slider anywhere.
        • 无限的滑块在任何地方。

        • And more features coming soon!
        • 更多功能即将推出!

        PRO Features Include :


        Premium Version


        Added 8 shortcodes


          • [wpspw_post] : Display blog post in grid view.
          • [wpspw_post] :在网格视图中显示博客文章。

          • [wpspw_recent_post] : Display recent blog post in grid view(Without paginations).
          • [wpspw_recent_post] :在网格视图中显示最近的博客帖子(不分页)。

          • [wpspw_post_list] : Display blog post in list view.
          • [wpspw_post_list] :在列表视图中显示博客文章。

          • [wpspw_masonry] : Display blog post in masonry layouts.
          • [wpspw_masonry] :以砖石布局显示博客文章。

          • [wpspw_recent_post_slider] : Display recent blog post in slider view.
          • [wpspw_recent_post_slider] :在滑块视图中显示最近的博客文章。

          • [wpspw_post_gridbox] : Display blog post in grid box layout.
          • [wpspw_post_gridbox] :以网格框布局显示博客文章。

          • [wpspw_gridbox_slider] : Display blog post in grid box slider layout.
          • [wpspw_gridbox_slider] :以网格框滑块布局显示博客帖子。

          • [wpspw_ticker] : Display blog post in ticker.

            [wpspw_ticker] :在置顶栏中显示博客帖子。

          • 50 Designs for Blog Post Grid.


          • 45 Designs for Blog Post Slider/Carousel.
          • 用于博客文章滑块/轮播的45种设计。

          • 24 Designs for Blog Post Masonry Layout.
          • 24种博客文章砌体布局设计。

          • 8 Designs for Blog Post List View.
          • 博客帖子列表视图的8种设计。

          • 13 Designs for Blog Post Grid Box.
          • 博客发布网格框的13种设计。

          • 8 Designs for Blog Post Grid Box Slider.
          • 博客发布网格框滑块的8种设计。

          • 5 types of Widgets (Grid, slider and list etc).
          • 5种类型的小部件(网格,滑块和列表等)。

          • WP Templating Features
          • WP模板功能

          • Gutenberg Block Supports
          • Gutenberg块支撑

          • Visual Composer/WPBakery Page Builder Supports.
          • Visual Composer / WPBakery页面构建器支持。

          • Custom Read More link for Blog Post.
          • 博客文章的“自定义阅读更多”链接。

          • Blog display with categories.
          • 带有类别的博客显示。

          • Drag & Drop feature to display Blog post in your desired order and other 6 types of order parameter.
          • 拖放功能可按所需顺序和其他6种类型的顺序参数显示博客文章。

          • Two type Pagination with Next – Previous or Numeric type support with grid layout.
          • 具有“下一个”的两种类型分页–具有网格布局的上一或数字类型支持。

          • Slider RTL support.
          • 滑块RTL支持。

          • 100% Multilanguage.
          • 100%多语言。

          View PRO DEMO and Features for additional

          查看 PRO演示和功能



        How to install :


        "}]; jQuery(function(){ $("#article_content").find("a").each(function(){ var url = $(this).attr("href"); for(var i=0;i"+c+"

        "); } } }) })