[wordpress插件] Black Studio Touch Dropdown MenuBlack Studio Touch下拉菜单

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-06 01:50 566 0 全屏看文



Navigation dropdown menus are widely used, especially on sites with lots of pages and/or categories, as they allow to navigate directly to almost every page of the site, with no need to navigate through all the intermediate pages in the hierarchy.


Unfortunately dropdown menus do not work well with mobile / touch devices, because the “mouseover” event is not handled, so when the user click a top level menu, the browser follows the link instead of opening the dropdown menu.

不幸的是,下拉菜单不适用于移动/触摸设备,因为未处理“ mouseover”事件,因此,当用户单击顶级菜单时,浏览器会跟随链接而不是打开下拉菜单。

This plugin is a solution for that situation.


On touch devices, the first click / tap on a top level menu (or, in general on any menu with children) only expands the nested dropdown menu, while the second one brings to the link.


This is the same behavior natively adopted by iPad / iPhone starting from iOS version 5, so this plugin is intended to work with previous versions of iOS and with other mobile platforms that do not have such native behavior (Android, Windows, etc).<

从iOS版本5开始,此行为与iPad / iPhone固有地采用的行为相同,因此此插件旨在与iOS的早期版本以及不具有此类行为的其他移动平台(Android,Windows等)一起使用。


/ p>




This section describes how to install and use the plugin.


    1. Install automatically through the Plugins menu and Add New button (or upload the entire black-studio-touch-dropdown-menu folder to

    2. 通过 Plugins 菜单和 Add New 按钮自动安装(或将整个 black-studio-touch-dropdown-menu 文件夹上传到

      the /wp-content/plugins/ directory)

    3. / wp-content / plugins / 目录)

    4. Activate the plugin
    5. 激活插件

    6. This plugin has no options, it only modifies the behavior of navigation dropdown menus, by including a javascript file on the frontend of your site
    7. 此插件没有选项,它仅通过在网站的前端添加一个javascript文件来修改导航下拉菜单的行为

