[wordpress插件] Black Studio Homepage Builder for Genesis用于创世纪的Black Studio主页生成器

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-06 01:40 577 0 全屏看文



The Genesis framework by StudioPress is the leading WordPress theme framework on the market.


Unfortunately most of the available child themes have a prebuilt layout for the home page, that can’t be easily customized, unless you are a developer, as it requires dealing with templates, hooks, etc.


On the other side Page Builder by SiteOrigin is a plugin that allows you to create responsive page layouts using widgets with simple drag and drop operations.

另一方面,SiteOrigin的Page Builder是一个插件,允许您使用具有简单拖放操作的小部件来创建响应式页面布局。

You may combine Genesis and Page Builder to build a flexible layout for your home page.

您可以结合Genesis和Page Builder来为您的主页构建灵活的布局。

To do so you have to configure a static page in your WordPress Reading Settings and build that page using Page Builder, but there are still some caveats when doing this, related to how Genesis handles static pages (page title

为此,您必须在WordPress的 Reading 设置中配置静态页面,并使用Page Builder来构建该页面,但是这样做仍然有一些注意事项,与Genesis如何处理静态页面有关(页面标题)

, layout, styles, etc).


This plugin fills the gap between Genesis themes and Page Builder, providing a quick and ready-made solution to let the two play nicely together.

该插件填补了Genesis主题与Page Builder之间的空白,提供了一种快速且现成的解决方案,以使两者完美地结合在一起。

In particular this plugin does the following:



This section describes how to install and use the plugin.


    1. Before installing the plugin please ensure that you are using a Genesis child theme and that you activated the Page Builder plugin.
    2. 在安装插件之前,请确保您使用的是Genesis子主题并且已激活Page Builder插件。

    3. You may install the plugin directly from your WordPress dasboard.

    4. 您可以直接从WordPress仪表板安装插件。

      Go to Plugins => Add New and search for Black Studio Homepage Builder.

      转到插件 => 添加新,然后搜索 Black Studio主页生成器

      Alternatively you may download the ZIP package and upload it using the Upload Plugin button in the same screen.

      或者,您可以下载ZIP包并使用同一屏幕中的 Upload Plugin 按钮上传。

      You may also upload the files using FTP, just ensure that the entire black-studio-homepage-builder folder is copied into the /wp-content/plugins/ directory).

      您也可以使用FTP上传文件,只需确保将整个 black-studio-home-page-builder 文件夹复制到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录中即可。

    5. Activate the plugin.
    6. 激活插件。

    7. In order to use the plugin, go to Appearance => Home Page in your WordPress dashboard.
    8. 要使用该插件,请在WordPress仪表板中转到外观 => 首页

    9. Switch on the Custom Home Page and start to build your new home page, either from scratch or from one of the prebuilt layouts available in Page Builder.

    10. 打开“自定义主页”,然后从头开始或从页面构建器中可用的预构建布局之一开始构建新的主页。

      For further information about the usage, please refer to Page Builder documentation.

    11. 有关用法的更多信息,请参阅页面构建器文档。

    12. If necessary adjust a few styling options at the bottom of the same screen.
    13. 如有必要,请在同一屏幕底部调整一些样式选项。





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