[wordpress插件] Bitvolution Image Galleria比特革命图片廊

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-05 20:20 522 0 全屏看文



This plugin changes the way the in-built WordPress Gallery is displayed to the user.


The WordPress author uploads images to their pages/posts as normal and uses the usual [gallery] shortcode to display the gallery but instead of the default WordPress image gallery with rows and columns of images, the user will be shown a more fancy image gallery inspired


by the Galleria JQuery Image gallery.

Galleria JQuery图片库

This plugin is rather specific and custom – it has no configurable settings other than the default WordPress gallery options.


It is designed so that once set up, it is invisible to the WordPress author – they will not need to learn or do anything different from normal WordPress gallery usage.


Documentation for the WordPress gallery can be found at http://en.support.wordpress.com/images/gallery/.


In order to be efficient, the plugin uses the WordPress in-built image scaling feature – Whenever a WordPress author uploads a image, WordPress automatically creates 3 different sizes of the image (A thumbnail size, a Medium size and a Large size




In order to avoid wasteing bandwidth by scaling the image on the front-end, this plugin uses the “thumbnail” size and the “Medium” size images.


The disadvantage of this is that the default WordPress image dimensions aren’t really suitable for Galleria and will need to be altered.


See the plugin installation instructions for details.


Users should follow the Codex on using the [gallery] shortcode: https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_the_gallery_shortcode

用户应遵循法典上的 [gallery] 短代码:https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_the_gallery_shortcode

Developers can learn more about the WordPress shortcode API: https://codex.wordpress.org/Shortcode_API


Current features:


    • Displays one main ‘medium’ sized image and a grid of ‘thumbnail’ sized images
    • 显示一个主要的“中等”尺寸的图像和一个“缩略图”尺寸的图像的网格

    • Image captioning.
    • 图像字幕。

    • Next/Previous links to cycle through the gallery
    • 下一个/上一个链接可循环浏览图库

    • User can click on main image to see ‘full-size’ version.
    • 用户可以单击主图像以查看“完整尺寸”版本。

    • Zero additional configuration options (plugin uses existing WordPress image options, i.e. image sizes)
    • 零其他配置选项(插件使用现有的WordPress图像选项,即图像大小)

    • Efficient: No front-end image resizing via CSS
    • 高效:不通过CSS调整前端图像的大小

    Current limitations:


      • Doesn't work “out of the box” on a default WordPress installation – requires a manual change of the default WordPress image sizes otherwise galleries aren't formatted correctly – See installation instructions.
      • / extend / plugins / bitvolution-image-galleria / installation /“>安装说明。

      • By default the gallery requires a width of 850px or more – many themes have a smaller content width so the gallery will wrap onto seperate lines and won’t look at all good.
      • 默认情况下,图库要求宽度为850px或更大-许多主题的内容宽度较小,因此图库会包裹在单独的行上,看起来效果不佳。

      • No image pre-loading (nice for your server but not so snappy for your users).
      • 没有图像预加载(对于您的服务器来说不错,但对用户而言却不那么快)。


Here we go:


    1. Upload the bitvolution-image-galleria folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    2. bitvolution-image-galleria 文件夹上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录。

    3. In the WordPress Dashboard, activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu.
    4. 在WordPress信息中心中,通过“插件”菜单激活插件。

    5. In the WordPress Dashboard, go Settings->Media and modify the Thumbnail size to 80×80 (WordPress default is 150×150) and the Medium size to 500×375 (WordPress default is 300×300).

    6. 在WordPress仪表板中,转到“设置”->“媒体”,然后将“缩略图”大小修改为80×80(WordPress默认值为150×150),将“中型”大小更改为500×375(WordPress默认值为300×300)。

      If this is a brand new site with no images uploaded you can go to the next step.


      However, if there are already existing images uploaded, WordPress will not resize them to your new dimensions and so this plugin will not function all that well.


      To fix this is easy – Install the Regenerate-Thumbnails plugin and use it to

      要解决此问题很容易,请安装 Regenerate-Thumbnails 插件并将其用于

      re-generate all images to your new dimensions.


      Once done you can remove the Regenerate-Thumbnails plugin.

    7. 完成后,您可以删除Regenerate-Thumbnails插件。

    8. Upload a couple of images to a post and use the normal gallery shortcode [gallery] to display the image gallery.
    9. 将几张图片上传到帖子,并使用普通的画廊短代码 [gallery] 显示图片库。

    10. Optional for a trivial increase in performance – Copy&Paste the CSS code in bitvolution-image-galleria.css to your themes style.css file and then comment out the line that contains "bitvol_galleria_css" in <

    11. 可选,以显着提高性能–将CSS代码中的bitvolution-image-galleria.css复制并粘贴到主题style.css文件中,然后注释掉<中的“ bitvol_galleria_css” 所在的行


    12. code> bitvolution-image-galleria.php

