[wordpress插件] BitTorrent My Blog我的博客

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-05 19:50 523 0 全屏看文



Bring the power of BitTorrent to your blog in just a few clicks.


BitTorrent My Blog automatically creates .torrent files for every part of your website.

BitTorrent我的博客会为您网站的每个部分自动创建 .torrent 文件。

It automatically serves these torrents to BitTorrent-capable browsers.


Even without a BitTorrent-capable Web browser, your visitors can download and share copies of your content over the BitTorrent peer-to-peer file sharing network.


Your web site itself serves as the web seed for each new torrent.


Turn any webpage into a torrent


With the plugin installed, any web page on your site can be turned into a torrent by adding a webseed parameter to the URL.

安装插件后,可以通过在URL上添加 webseed 参数,将您网站上的任何网页变成洪流。

So, for instance, if your blog has a page at the address http://example.com/about/, then the torrent download for this page is:

因此,例如,如果您的博客在地址 http://example.com/about/ 上有一个页面,则该页面的torrent下载为:



If you do not use pretty permalinks, then you might have a similar page at an address like http://example.com/?p=123, in which case your torrent download for that

如果您不使用漂亮的永久链接,那么您可能在类似 http://example.com/?p=123 的地址上有一个相似的页面,在这种情况下,您的torrent下载

page is located at:




See the plugin FAQ for more details on theming.


Visitors using a natively BitTorrent-capable browser (like Maelstrom), will automatically receive .torrent versions of your pages without any configuration needed.

使用本地支持BitTorrent的浏览器(例如Maelstrom)的访问者将自动接收页面的 .torrent 版本,而无需进行任何配置。

Torrent anything in your WordPress Media Library


You can also create torrents out of any files or folders you have on your website with simple shortcodes.


(Matching template tags are also available for theme designers.) For example, you have a big file called my-awesome-video.avi that you’d like to distribute as a torrent.

(匹配模板标签也可用于主题设计器。)例如,您有一个名为 my-awesome-video.avi 的大文件,您想将其作为种子分发。

When you upload it to your site, it's available at http://example.com/uploads/2015/01/my-awesome-video.avi so you can make a torrent out of it and get

当您将其上传到您的网站时,可以在 http://example.com/uploads/2015/01/my-awesome-video.avi 上找到它,以便从中获取洪流并获取

a URL pointing to the torrent with a shortcode that looks like this:


[wp_bittorrent_tag metainfo_file="http://example.com/uploads/2015/01/my-awesome-video.avi"]Download my video as a torrent![/wp_bittorrent_tag]

  [wp_bittorrent_tag metainfo_file =“ http://example.com/uploads/2015/01/my-awesome-video.avi”]下载我的视频作为torrent![/ wp_bittorrent_tag]

This will create an HTML link like this:


Download my video as a torrent!


The matching template tag is where $url_to_torrent_seed is a URL to the file you want to make

匹配的模板标记为 <?php do_action('wp_bittorrent_metainfo_file',$ url_to_torrent_seed);?> ,其中 $ url_to_torrent_seed 是您要创建的文件的URL

into a torrent.


For the above example, the complete template code would be:


Download my video as a torrent

  Other Notes tab for additional shortcodes and template tag information.


Add a torrent feed to your podcast with zero configuration

使用零配置将torrent feed添加到您的播客中

BitTorrent My Blog automatically detects enclosures in RSS2 feeds and creates a new feed that replaces the original direct download enclosure with a torrent metainfo file enclosure.

BitTorrent我的博客自动检测RSS2提要中的附件,并创建一个新的提要,用torrent metainfo文件附件替换原始的直接下载附件。

In other words, if you already have a podcast feed for episodes of your show, such as http://example.com/category/episodes/feed/, then simply installing this plugin will create another feed

换句话说,如果您已经拥有节目节目的播客Feed,例如 http://example.com/category/episodes/feed/ ,那么只需安装此插件即可创建另一个Feed

at http://example.com/category/episodes/feed/torrent/, which is the same as the regular feed but using torrent downloads instead of direct downloads.

http://example.com/category/episodes/feed/torrent/ 上,它与常规Feed相同,但使用torrent下载而不是直接下载。

It couldn’t get easier than that!


Why might you want to publish your site on BitTorrent?


    • If you have a particularly popular post, replacing it with a web seed to share over BitTorrent can dramatically reduce the load on your server. This is also extremely helpful for podcasts or other large-size periodicals

    • 如果您有一个特别受欢迎的帖子,将其替换为可以通过BitTorrent共享的网络种子可以大大减少服务器的负载。这对于播客或其他大型期刊也非常有帮助


    • If you regularly host controversial content likely to be censored or threatened with a copyright takedown notice, publishing a web seed and encouraging your visitors to re-share it over BitTorrent can be the difference between being silenced and being heard.

    • 如果您经常托管有争议的内容,这些内容可能会受到版权删除通知的审查或威胁,那么发布网络种子并鼓励您的访客通过BitTorrent重新共享它,可能是沉默与倾听之间的区别。

    • Today’s centralized architectures are a thing of the past.

    • 如今的集中式架构已成为过去。

      New Web browsers, like Project Maelstrom, that use BitTorrent by

      新的Web浏览器,例如 Project Maelstrom ,它们使用BitTorrent

      default are already being experiemented with.


      Stay on the cutting edge.

    • 保持领先地位。

    You don’t need to know anything about BitTorrent to use this plugin.


    Use the zero-configuration out of the box options or customize the generated torrents on the plugin options screen.


    (The default tracker addresses udp://tracker.publicbt.com:80 and udp://open.demonii.com:1337/announce are used for all generated torrents

    (默认跟踪器地址 udp://tracker.publicbt.com:80 udp://open.demonii.com:1337 / announce 用于所有生成的种子

    unless you set your own.)


    New to BitTorrent?


    Read this gentle introduction to BitTorrent that clarifies BitTorrent's complexity in very simple language.

    -bittorrent-with-public-proxies /“ rel =” nofollow“>对BitTorrent的温和介绍,以非常简单的语言阐明了BitTorrent的复杂性。

    Want to try before you install?


    Download the previous link as a torrent!

    -public-proxies / webseed“ rel =” nofollow“>将上一个链接下载为torrent !

    If you like this plugin, please consider making a donation for your use of the plugin, purchasing one of Meitar's web development books or, better yet, contributing directly to

    %255Fdp%255Fsr%255F2%26field-author%3DMeitar%2520Moscovitz&tag = maymaydotnet-20&linkCode = ur2&camp = 1789&creative = 390957“ rel =” nofollow“>购买Meitar的一本网络开发书籍,或者更好的是,直接贡献了

    Meitar's Cyberbusking fund.


    (Publishing royalties ain’t exactly the lucrative income it used to be, y’know?) Your support is appreciated!


    Template tags and shortcodes


      • wp_bittorrent_metainfo_file – Creates a .torrent metainfo file and returns the URL to it.

      • wp_bittorrent_metainfo_file –创建一个 .torrent 元信息文件并返回URL。



          • $seed (string) The seed for the torrent.

          • $ seed (字符串)种子的种子。

            Can be a URL, a local file, or a local folder.

          • 可以是URL,本地文件或本地文件夹。

          • $return (bool) Whether to return the URL to the torrent or to print it.

          • $ return (布尔型)是将URL返回到torrent还是将其打印。

            (Default: false, prints it.)

          • (默认: false ,将其打印出来。)

          • Example:
          • 示例: <?php do_action('wp_bittorrent_metainfo_file',content_url('uploads / my-awesome-video.avi'));?>

        • wp_bittorrent_magnet_uri – Creates a .torrent metainfo file and returns the magnet URI for it.

          nofollow“>磁铁URI 。



            • $seed (string) The seed for the torrent.

            • $ seed (字符串)种子的种子。

              Can be a URL, a local file, or a local folder.

            • 可以是URL,本地文件或本地文件夹。

            • $return (bool) Whether to return the URL to the torrent or to print it.

            • $ return (布尔型)是将URL返回到torrent还是将其打印。

              (Default: false, prints it.)

            • (默认: false ,将其打印出来。)

            • Example:
            • 示例: <?php do_action('wp_bittorrent_magnet_uri',content_url('uploads / my-awesome-video.avi'));?>

          • wp_bittorrent_magnet_pointer – Creates a .torrent metainfo file and returns a magnet pointer to it.

          • wp_bittorrent_magnet_pointer –创建一个 .torrent 元信息文件,并返回一个指向该文件的磁力指针。

            (Mostly useful for Project Maelstrom, at the moment.) Parameters:


              • $seed (string) The seed for the torrent.

              • $ seed (字符串)种子的种子。

                Can be a URL, a local file, or a local folder.

              • 可以是URL,本地文件或本地文件夹。

              • $return (bool) Whether to return the URL to the torrent or to print it.

              • $ return (布尔型)是将URL返回到torrent还是将其打印。

                (Default: false, prints it.)

              • (默认: false ,将其打印出来。)

              • Example:
              • 示例: <?php do_action('wp_bittorrent_magnet_pointer',content_url('uploads / my-awesome-video.avi'));?>

            Each of the above template tags has a matching shortcode:


              • [wp_bittorrent_tag metainfo_file="SEED_URL"]
              • [wp_bittorrent_tag metainfo_file =“ SEED_URL”]

              • [wp_bittorrent_tag magnet_uri="SEED_URL"]
              • [wp_bittorrent_tag magnet_uri =“ SEED_URL”]

              • [wp_bittorrent_tag magnet_pointer="SEED_URL"]
              • [wp_bittorrent_tag magnet_pointer =“ SEED_URL”]


    1. Upload the unzipped wp-bittorrent directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    2. 将解压缩的 wp-bittorrent 目录上传到您的 / wp-content / plugins / 目录。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    5. Optionally, configure the plugin’s defaults in its settings screen.

    6. (可选)在其设置屏幕中配置插件的默认设置。

      See Screenshots for some examples.

    7. 有关某些示例,请参见屏幕截图

    8. Add links to your site with the special webseed query string to generate a torrent.
    9. 使用特殊的 webseed 查询字符串将链接添加到您的网站,以生成种子。

    System requirements


    For all features of this plugin to work, you must be using PHP 5.3, with the

    为使该插件的所有功能正常工作,您必须使用PHP 5.3,并且

    fileinfo extension.


    (This is available by default on most PHP 5.3 and greater systems.)

    (在大多数PHP 5.3和更高版本的系统上默认情况下可用。)





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