[wordpress插件] BitPay Checkout for WoocommerceWoocommerce的BitPay Checkout

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-05 19:00 587 0 全屏看文



The most secure and fastest way to accept crypto payments (Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, etc).


BitPay Payment Gateway plugin for WooCommerce


Key features


    • Accept bitcoin and bitcoin cash payments from payment protocol compatible wallets
    • 从兼容支付协议的钱包中接受比特币和比特币现金支付

    • Price in your local currency
    • 以您当地的货币标价

    • Get settled via Bank transfer (EUR, USD, GBP or any of the supported fiat currencies),

    • 通过银行转帐(欧元,美元,英镑或任何受支持的法定货币)进行结算,

      BTC, BCH or stable coins (GUSD, USDC)

    • BTC,BCH或稳定币(GUSD,USDC)

    • By design, chargebacks are not possible with cryptocurrency payments
    • 根据设计,使用数字货币付款无法退款

    • Have an overview of all your bitcoin and bitcoin cash payments in your BitPay merchant account at https://bitpay.com/dashboard
    • 在https://bitpay.com/dashboard 上具有您的BitPay商家帐户中所有比特币和比特币现金支付的概述

    • Refund your customers in bitcoin or bitcoin cash in your BitPay merchant dashboard at https://bitpay.com/dashboard/payments
    • 通过https://bitpay.com/dashboard/payments在您的BitPay商户仪表板中以比特币或比特币现金为客户退款

    Customer journey


      1. The customer is adding items to his shopping card and proceeds to checkout – the total amount is $100 USD.
      2. 客户正在向购物卡中添加商品并继续结帐-总金额为$ 100 USD。

      3. The customer selects BitPay as checkout method.
      4. 客户选择BitPay作为结帐方法。

      5. A BitPay invoice is generated, the customer selects one of the supported cryptocurrency to complete the payment.

      6. 将生成BitPay发票,客户选择一种受支持的加密货币以完成付款。

        The invoice will display an amount to pay in the selected cryptocurrency, at an exchange rate locked for 15 minutes.

      7. 发票将显示以选定的加密货币支付的金额,汇率锁定15分钟。

      8. The customer completes the payment using a compatible wallet within the 15 min window.
      9. 客户在15分钟内使用兼容的钱包完成付款。

      10. Once the transaction is fully confirmed on the blockchain, BitPay notifies the merchant and the corresponding amount is credited to the BitPay merchant account minus our 1% processing fee – thus $99 USD in this example.
      11. 交易在区块链上得到完全确认后,BitPay会通知商家,相应的金额将记入BitPay商家帐户,扣除我们的1%手续费-在此示例中为99美元。




    NOTE: If you were using a previous version of this plugin, this version (3.0) was completely rewritten to improve the user experience and the security.


    Plugin installation


      1. Get started by signing up for a BitPay merchant account
      2. 通过注册 BitPay商家帐户开始

      3. Look for the BitPay plugin via the WordPress Plugin Manager.

      4. 通过 WordPress插件管理器查找BitPay插件。

        From your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > Add New > Search plugins and type BitPay

      5. 在WordPress管理面板中,转到插件>添加新>搜索插件,然后输入 BitPay

      6. Select BitPay for Woocommerce and click on Install Now and then on Activate Plugin
      7. 选择用于Woocommerce的BitPay ,然后单击立即安装,然后单击激活插件

      After the plugin is activated, BitPay will appear in the WooCommerce>Payments section.


      Plugin configuration


      After you have installed the BitPay plugin, the configuration steps are:


        1. Create an API token from your BitPay merchant dashboard:

        2. 从您的BitPay商家信息中心创建API令牌:

            • Login to your BitPay merchant account and go to the API token settings

            • 登录到您的BitPay商家帐户,然后转到 API令牌设置



            • click on the Add new token button: indicate a token label (for instance: Woocommerce), uncheck “Require Authentication” and click on the Add Token button

            • 点击添加新令牌按钮:指定令牌标签(例如:Woocommerce),取消选中“需要身份验证”,然后点击添加令牌按钮



            • Copy the token value
            • 复制令牌值

          • Log in to your WordPress admin panel, select Woocommerce > Payments and click on the Set up button next to the BitPay Payment methods

          • 登录到WordPress管理面板,选择Woocommerce>付款,然后单击BitPay付款方式旁边的设置按钮

              • Paste the token value into the appropriate field: Development Token for token copied from the sandbox environment (test.bitpay.com) and Production Token for token copied from the

              • 将令牌值粘贴到适当的字段中:开发令牌(用于从沙箱环境(test.bitpay.com)复制的令牌)和生产令牌(用于从沙箱环境复制的令牌)。

                live environment (bitpay.com)

              • 实时环境(bitpay.com)

              • select the endpoint – Test or Production
              • 选择端点–测试或生产

              • Click “Save changes” at the bottom of the page
              • 点击页面底部的“保存更改”

        Order fulfilment


        This plugin also includes an IPN (Instant Payment Notification) endpoint that will update your WooCommerce order status.


        An order note will automatically be added with a link to the BitPay invoice (will open in a new window):


          • When the customer initiates a transaction from his wallet to pay the BitPay invoice, the status of the Woocommerce order will change to Processing
          • 当客户从其钱包中发起交易以支付BitPay发票时,Woocommerce订单的状态将更改为正在处理

          • When the transaction is confirmed by BitPay, the status of the Woocommerce order will change to Completed.

          • 当BitPay确认交易后,Woocommerce订单的状态将更改为已完成

            The order will be safe to ship, allow access to downloadable products, etc.

          • 该订单将可以安全运输,允许访问可下载的产品等。

          • If a bitpay invoice expires before the customer completed the payment, the Woocommerce order will change to Cancelled.
          • 如果在客户完成付款之前某位支付发票过期,则Woocommerce订单将更改为已取消

          • If you refund a BitPay invoice from your BitPay merchant dashboard, the Woocommerce order will change to Refunded once the refund is processed by BitPay.
          • 如果您从BitPay商家信息中心退款BitPay发票,则在BitPay处理退款后,Woocommerce订单将更改为退款





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