[wordpress插件] Accumulus Subscription Commerce累积订购商务

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-25 22:00 616 0 全屏看文






This plugin enables you to include signup and customer self-service subscription management widgets connected to an Accumulus Subscription Commerce platform account into your new or existing WordPress website to achieve fully automated paid content subscriptions for your website’s premium content.

通过该插件,您可以将连接到Accumulus Subscription Commerce平台帐户的注册和客户自助订阅管理小部件添加到新的或现有的WordPress网站中,以实现网站高级内容的全自动付费内容订阅。

The Accumulus Subscription Commerce platform provides you with all the tools needed to fully automate your customer lifecycles, including plans, signup, payments, notifications, reporting, and much more.

Accumulus Subscription Commerce平台为您提供了使客户生命周期完全自动化所需的所有工具,包括计划,注册,付款,通知,报告等。

When combined with WordPress, the leading content management and website solution on the web, it creates a powerful content monetization platform to monetize your paid/premium content online.


Please note that you will need an Accumulus account to use this WordPress plug-in.


If you do not have an Accumulus account, you can obtain one at accumulus.com.


You can use the WordPress shortcode (details below) to configure and include the signup plugin.


In order to use the customer portal plugin, you have to connect the Accumulus WordPress plugin via the Accumulus settings page in WordPress to an Accumulus to an account (either test or live), you can use the portal shortcode and associated attributes to display the customer

为了使用客户门户插件,您必须通过WordPress中的Accumulus设置页面将Accumulus WordPress插件连接到帐户的Accumulus(测试或实时帐户),您可以使用门户网站简码和相关属性来显示客户

self-service widget.


Please note that you must use HTTPS on those pages within your site to use those widgets.

请注意,您必须在网站内的这些页面上使用HTTPS 才能使用这些小部件。

Signup Shortcode


[accumulus_signup_form code="YOUR_PLAN_CODE_GOES_HERE" tenant_id="YOUR_ACCUMULUS_ID_GOES_HERE"]

  [accumulus_signup_form code =“ YOUR_PLAN_CODE_GOES_HERE” tenant_id =“ YOUR_ACCUMULUS_ID_GOES_HERE”]

Optional attributes:


browser_unsupported_message – text/html for custom ‘browser unsupported’ message

browser_unsupported_message –自定义“浏览器不支持”消息的文本/ html

cancellation_message – text/html shown upon cancellation of signup

cancel_message –取消注册后显示的文本/ html

collect_coupon – true/false value for showing coupon input (defaults to ‘false’)

collect_coupon –用于显示优惠券输入的真/假值(默认为“假”)

confirmation_message – text/html for sign up confirmation,

Confirmation_message –用于确认注册的文本/ html,

default_country_code – default country code (defaults to ‘US’)

default_country_code –默认国家/地区代码(默认为“美国”)

environment – environment setting (defaults to “live”, specify “test” for test)


layout – determines layout of signup form as either ‘single-step’ or ‘multi-step’ (default)


payment_method_types – comma separated list of supported payment method types (defaults to ‘credit-card’)

payment_method_types –逗号分隔的受支持的付款方式类型列表(默认为“信用卡”)

reseller_id – reseller id

reseller_id –经销商ID

base_resource_url – base resource url for loading language file (defaults to /publicesources)

base_resource_url –用于加载语言文件的基本资源URL(默认为/ public / resources)

sections – comma separated list of supported sections (defaults to let plug-in determine needed sections)


Customer Subscription Management Shortcode




Optional attributes:


environment – defaults to “live”, specify “test” for test environment


custom_css – custom CSS for signup widget

custom_css –用于注册小部件的自定义CSS

show_profile – true/false to show profile section

show_profile –是/否以显示配置文件部分

show_subscription_list – true/false to show subscriptions section

show_subscription_list –是/否以显示订阅部分

show_statement_history – true/false to show statements section

show_statement_history –是/否以显示语句部分

show_balance – true/false to show balance section

show_balance –是/否显示余额部分

show_usage_history – true/false to show usage history section

show_usage_history –是/否以显示使用历史记录部分

show_usage_balances – true/false to show usage balance section

show_usage_balances –是/否以显示使用情况余额部分

show_payment_methods – true/false to show payment methods section

show_payment_methods –是/否显示付款方式部分

show_make_payment – true/false to show make payment section

show_make_payment –是/否显示付款部分

subscription_list_cancel_subscription – true/false to allow cancel

subscription_list_cancel_subscription – true / false允许取消

payment_methods_show_credit_cards – true/false to show credit card(s)

payment_methods_show_credit_cards –是/否以显示信用卡

payment_methods_show_bank_accounts – true/false to show bank account(s)

payment_methods_show_bank_accounts –是/否以显示银行帐户

payment_methods_show_billing_agreements – true/false to show PayPal account(s)

payment_methods_show_billing_agreements –是/否以显示贝宝帐户

paypal_confirmurl – PayPal confirmation Url

paypal_confirmurl – PayPal确认网址

paypal_cancelurl – PayPal cancellation Url

paypal_cancelurl – PayPal取消网址


    1. Upload plug-in zipfile to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. 将插件zip文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Go to Settings->Accumulus to connect to an Accumulus test and/or live account.

    6. 转到“设置”->“累积”以连接到累积测试和/或真实帐户。

      Supply the OAuth client id and client secret, obtained from within your Accumulus account (create an api client under Settings->Api Clients in Accumulus).

      提供从您的Accumulus帐户中获取的OAuth客户端ID和客户端密钥(在“设置”->“ Accumulus中的Api客户端”下创建一个api客户端)。

      Save the client id and client secret in WordPress and then click the “Connect” button to connect the account.

    7. 在WordPress中保存客户端ID和客户端密码,然后单击“连接”按钮以连接帐户。

    8. Place a short code (accumulus_signup_form or accumulus_portal_form) on the page where you would like the signup or portal widget to appear
    9. 在您希望注册或门户小部件出现的页面上放置一个简短代码(accumulus_signup_form或accumulus_portal_form)

    10. View the page to verify the widget appears
    11. 查看页面以验证窗口小部件是否出现

    In order to have new customer automatically created in your WordPress site as well as in Accumulus upon signup, you need to create a Webhook in Accumulus.


    Create the Webhook for “customer created and customer updated” event types in Accumulus and point them to your WordPress site (use the URL listed on the WordPress Accumulus settings page for this).

    在Accumulus中为“创建客户和更新客户”事件类型创建Webhook,并将它们指向您的WordPress网站(为此,请使用WordPress Accumulus设置页面上列出的URL)。








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