[wordpress插件] Better Share Links shortcode更好的共享链接简码

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-04 05:40 490 0 全屏看文



Better Share Links shortcode plugin:


    • The better way of sharing important links is to share them with their screenshot.
    • 共享重要链接的更好方法是与他们的屏幕截图共享。

    • The plugin makes sharing links(URLs) more user friendly.
    • 该插件使共享链接(URL)更加用户友好。

    • The plugin require API key from page2images.com(Read step 7 of the installation instructions )
    • 插件需要来自page2images.com的API密钥(请阅读安装说明的第7步)

    • The free account gives the user 3000 calls per month.
    • 免费帐户每月为用户提供3000个呼叫。

    • The free account works only on http URL addresses.
    • 免费帐户仅适用于http URL地址。

    • The author of this plugin is not associated in any way with the API provider.
    • 此插件的作者与API提供者没有任何关联。

    • The shortcode will output a standard clickable link, until a screenshot is generated.
    • 简码将输出标准的可点击链接,直到生成屏幕截图为止。

    • Text button “Share link” within TinyMCE editor that outputs [better_share_link url=”|||||”

    • TinyMCE编辑器中的文本按钮“共享链接”,其输出[better_share_link url =” ||||||”


    • ]

    • More options coming to this plugin, as an admin page, in which the webmaster can include a custom CSS, enabling and disabling features, etc.
    • 作为管理员页面,此插件提供了更多选项,网站管理员可以在其中包含自定义CSS,启用和禁用功能等。

    The current template of the shortcode is


      • A title within H3 tag(the title is obtained via “PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser”).
      • H3标签内的标题(该标题通过“ PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser”获得)。

      • A subtitle within H6 tag containing the URL address itself
      • H6标记中包含URL地址本身的字幕

      • The image of the screenshot
      • 屏幕截图的图像

      • All of the three parts are links.
      • 这三个部分都是链接。

      The SEO optimized output of the shortcode contains


    • Alt tag, title tag of the image are equal to the title of the shared URL.
    • Alt标记,图像的标题标记等于共享URL的标题。

    • The filename of the image is the sanitized title of the URL, i.e. the whitespaces are replaced with dashes(-).
    • 图像的文件名是URL的净化标题,即,空格用破折号(-)代替。

    • The height and the width of image are set within the ‘img’ tag.
    • 图像的高度和宽度在“ img”标签中设置。

    • All the outputted links are nofollow.
    • 所有输出的链接均为nofollow。


    1. Upload better_share_links.zip onto your local computer.
    2. better_share_links.zip 上传到本地计算机上。

    3. Go to your WordPress Dashboard and select Plugins >> Add New.
    4. 转到您的WordPress信息中心,然后选择插件>>添加新

    5. Click on the Upload option at the top and select the better_share_links.zip file you just downloaded.
    6. 点击顶部的上传选项,然后选择您刚刚下载的 better_share_links.zip文件

    7. Click on Install.
    8. 单击安装

    9. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    10. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    11. Click on the text button ‘Share link’ inside the visual text editor(when editing or publishing page or post)
    12. 在可视文本编辑器中单击文本按钮“共享链接”(在编辑或发布页面或帖子时)

    13. Sign up for the free API of page2images.com and insert it on line 78 in the php file of this plugin
    14. 注册免费的page2images.com API,并将其插入此插件的php文件中的第78行

    15. The button will output [better_share_link url=”||||||”]
    16. 该按钮将输出[better_share_link url =” ||||||”]

    17. Paste URL between any of the bars ||||||
    18. 在任何条之间粘贴URL ||||||





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