[wordpress插件] Better Reviews For WooCommerce对WooCommerce的更好评论

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-04 04:10 563 0 全屏看文



Better Reviews for WordPress is a complete replacement for the existing reviews system used by WooCommerce.

“ WordPress更好的评论”完全替代了WooCommerce使用的现有评论系统。

Make your reviews more trustworthy and increase conversions with:


    • A fixed 7 point rating for stars
    • 恒星获得7分的固定评分

    • Allow you to define individual product attributes
    • 允许您定义单个产品属性

    • Reviewers can note attributes about themselves, and review viewers can sort through reviews by individual product attribute
    • 评论者可以记录自己的属性,评论者可以按商品的个性对评论进行排序

    • Includes review author characteristics tied to the review to add more context
    • 包括与评论相关的评论作者特征,以添加更多背景信息

    • Calculate averages to display on product page for both for product rating and product attributes
    • 计算要显示在产品页面上的产品评级和产品属性的平均值

    • Verified reviews for WooCommerce – if the user purchased the product, the review gets flagged as verified
    • WooCommerce的经过验证的评论–如果用户购买了该产品,则该评论被标记为已验证

    • Display WooCommerce review data for customers – a visual aggregate of the review data is shown above the list, including rating breakdowns, averages, etc.
    • 为客户显示WooCommerce审核数据–审核数据的直观汇总显示在列表上方,包括评分明细,平均值等。

    Care for the back-end of your site by making your reviews more reliable:


      • Better Reviews for WooCommerce replaces the existing WooCommerce comment system, both front and back end
      • WooCommerce更好的评论取代了现有的WooCommerce评论系统,包括前端和后端

      • Stores data in custom tables instead of comments
      • 将数据存储在自定义表中,而不是注释中

      • Set WooCommerce reviews to pending – all reviews are set pending on submission
      • 将WooCommerce评论设置为待审核–提交时将所有评论设置为待审核

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