[wordpress插件] Accessibility Lite – A super lightweight WordPress pluginAccessibility Lite –一个超轻量级的WordPress插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-25 09:00 563 0 全屏看文






Accessibility Lite has been developed by highly skilled programmers who are SEO oriented.

Accessibility Lite是由面向SEO的高技能程序员开发的。

This plugin was developed especialy for website owners highly aware of website speed preference and the effect it has on their SERP rankings.


This plugin will help your SEO efforts as well as accessibility compliance, Thanks to it’s lightweight coding and “Fix missing ALT attributes on IMG tags” feature.


Another great feature of this plugin is it automatically inherits your website’s default font family and style.


Available languages: English (US), Hebrew


Plugin Features


    1. Disable/enable check mark
    2. 禁用/启用复选标记

    3. Addemove effect to items on focus mode
    4. 在焦点模式下为项目添加/删除效果

    5. Choose the type of effect for focus mode
    6. 选择对焦模式的效果类型

    7. Links underline
    8. 链接下划线

    9. Fix missing ALT attributes on IMG tags
    10. 修复IMG标签上缺少的ALT属性

    11. Disable/enable the black screen
    12. 禁用/启用黑屏

    13. Choose front end panel side (leftight)
    14. 选择前端面板的侧面(左/右)

    15. Choose front end panel icon
    16. 选择前端面板图标

    17. Choose front end panel background color
    18. 选择前端面板的背景颜色

    19. Customize icon size, shape and margins from top and side
    20. 从顶部和侧面自定义图标的大小,形状和边距

    21. Hide the button to disable flashes
    22. 隐藏按钮以禁用闪烁

    23. Hide the button to to mark heading
    24. 隐藏按钮以标记标题

    25. Hide the button to change background color
    26. 隐藏按钮以更改背景颜色

    27. Hide the screen zoom buttons
    28. 隐藏屏幕缩放按钮

    29. Hide the font resize buttons
    30. 隐藏字体大小调整按钮

    31. Hide the button that change to readable font
    32. 隐藏更改为可读字体的按钮

    33. Hide the contrast buttons
    34. 隐藏对比按钮

    35. Hide the underline button
    36. 隐藏下划线按钮

    37. Hide the button to mark links
    38. 隐藏按钮以标记链接

    39. Include additional elements that should be affected with the font size modifier (customize to your needs)
    40. 包括应该受字体大小修饰符影响的其他元素(根据您的需要定制)

    41. Exclude additional elements from the effect of the font size modifier
    42. 从字体大小修饰符的效果中排除其他元素

    43. Display a link to your accessibility statement page in front end panel
    44. 在前端面板中显示指向您的辅助功能声明页面的链接

    45. Display a link to your feedback page in front end panel
    46. 在前端面板中显示指向您的反馈页面的链接

    47. CSS Important (Advanced) – Hardened the effect of some toolbar button with the use of CSS important
    48. 重要的CSS(高级)–通过使用重要的CSS加强了某些工具栏按钮的效果

    WordPress Accessibility made super easy!



    1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/accessibility-lite directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    2. 将插件文件上传到/ wp-content / plugins / accessibility-lite目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件。

    5. Use the Accessibility screen to configure the plugin.
    6. 使用“辅助功能”屏幕来配置插件。

    7. Use the default Accessibility icon that comes with the plugin or upload your own.
    8. 使用该插件随附的默认辅助功能图标或上传自己的图标。








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