[wordpress插件] Element Pack Lite – Addon for ElementorElement Pack Lite – Elementor的附件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-02 06:10 1124 0 全屏看文



Ultimate essential addon for Elementor Page Builder with 18 of the most popular and essential elements that you need for everyday use in website

Elementor 页面构建器的最终必要附加组件,其中包含网站日常使用所需的18种最流行和必要的元素

page building.


Development of the Element Pack addon for Elementor has the world's best practices in code standard and meets proper validation using the latest CSS

针对Elementor的 Element Pack 插件的开发具有世界上最佳的代码标准实践,并使用最新的CSS进行了正确的验证

, HTML5 and PHP 7.x (Tested up to 7.3) technology to bring you a professional addon for the Elementor Page Builder Plugin that is WordPress 5.3.x ready and compliant.

,HTML5和PHP 7.x(已通过7.3测试)技术为您提供了适用于WordPress 5.3.x且已兼容的Elementor Page Builder插件的专业插件。

Element Pack for Elementor includes the most commonly used elements (called widgets) that help you easily manage your website content by simply using the drag and drop ability.

Elementor的Element Pack包含最常用的元素(称为小部件),可通过简单地使用拖放功能来帮助您轻松管理网站内容。

There is absolutely no programming knowledge required, seriously!


Widgets Demo


    1. Business Hours – Business hours show your company or business hours as a beautiful list

    2. 营业时间 –营业时间将您的公司或营业时间显示为漂亮的清单

      of workin hours.

    3. 上班时间。

    4. Custom Gallery – Custom gallery with modern design and customization options with lightbox support for

    5. 自定义图片库 –具有现代设计和自定义选项的自定义图片库,具有对灯箱的支持

      your website project.


      You can use it with any theme or project.

    6. 您可以将其用于任何主题或项目。

    7. Flip Box – To show your content with more dynamic and interactive way – flip

    8. 翻转盒 –以更加动态和互动的方式显示内容–翻转

      box is a widget you should must use with your content.


      Enjoy our live demos.

    9. 享受我们的现场演示。

    10. Panel Slider – Panel Slider examples with Infinite No Example,Button Background Example,

    11. 面板滑块 –带有无限示例,按钮背景示例的面板滑块示例,

      Title, Text And Button Color Example Shadow Mode Example & other options

    12. 标题,文本和按钮颜色示例阴影模式示例及其他选项

    13. Lightbox – Lightbox examples with Image Example,Video Example,Google Map Example,Icon Example

    14. 灯箱 –灯箱示例,包括图片示例,视频示例,Google地图示例,图标示例

      ,Button Example

    15. ,按钮示例

    16. Simple Contact Form – Simple Contact Form widget with element pack pro can

    17. 简单联系表单 –带有element pack pro的简单联系表单小部件可以

      give your website a much more dynamic way and interactive way to contact

    18. 为您的网站提供更加动态和互动的联系方式

    19. Slider – Slider to make your website more versatile, sometimes you need slider, with basic

    20. 滑块 –滑块可以使您的网站更加通用,有时需要带有基本功能的滑块

      functions, modification and customization

    21. 功能,修改和自定义

    22. Toggle – Toggle Default Example,Icon Change Example,Toggle With Icon List Example,Toggle

    23. 切换 –切换默认示例,图标更改示例,带图标列表示例切换,切换

      With Image Gallery Example with elemet pack pro plugin

    24. 带有带有elemet pack专业版插件的图片库示例

    25. Call Out – Call out addon is the ultimate call out design for elementor from

    26. 呼出 –呼出插件是elementor的最终呼出设计

      element pack.


      You can hightlight your content using this element.


      Check the demo now.

    27. 立即查看演示。

    28. Countdown – Element Pack plugin for Elementor provides easy solution to add countdown timer to your elementor

    29. 倒计时 – Elementor的Element Pack插件提供了简单的解决方案,可将倒数计时器添加到您的elementor



      Watch the demo to know how to add countdown.

    30. 观看演示以了解如何添加倒计时。

    31. Cookie Consent – If you are looking for the ultimate cookie consent addon for elementor

    32. Cookie同意 –如果您正在寻找elementor的最终cookie同意插件

      page builder, this addon of element pack is the solution.


      It complies site with GDPR

    33. 它符合GDPR的网站

    34. Image Compare – Helps to compare two images with Horizontal Example, Vertical Example,

    35. 图像比较 –使用水平示例,垂直示例,

      After and Before Background and Color Example,Bar Color Example.


    36. Image Magnifier – Image Magnifier converts your website more interesting and more interactive.

    37. 图像放大镜 –图像放大镜使您的网站更加有趣和更具交互性。

      You can see every part of the photos and zoom it.

    38. 您可以看到照片的每个部分并进行缩放。

    39. Member – To show member profile – default, Alternative Photo Example,Phaedra skin Example,

    40. 会员 –显示会员资料–默认,替代照片示例,Phaedra皮肤示例,

      Calm skin Example,Parfait skin Example,Text Alignment Example and other

    41. 镇静皮肤示例,冻糕皮肤示例,文本对齐示例等

    42. Progress Pie – After Before Middle Text Example,Line Width Example,Delay Example

    43. 进度饼 –中文字示例,线宽示例,延迟示例之前

      ,Duration Example,Background Example with element pack pro plugin.


    44. Scroll Button – With examples like -Scroll Down Example,Scroll Up Example,

    45. 滚动按钮 –例如-向下滚动示例,向上滚动示例,

      Duration Example,Offset Example (50px),Before Icon Position Example and others

    46. 持续时间示例,偏移示例(50px),图标位置示例及其他之前

    47. Trailer Box – Product With Trailer Box,Salon Product With Trailer Box,Fashion

    48. 拖车箱 –带有拖车箱的产品,带有拖车箱的沙龙产品,时尚

      With Trailer Box Element pack pro widget WordPress plugin

    49. 带有Trailer Box Element Pack专业版小部件WordPress插件

    50. Contact Form 7 – You can easily integrate contact form 7 plugin using

    51. 联系表格7 –您可以使用以下方法轻松集成联系表格7插件

      Element Pack Plugin for Elementor.


      There are dozens of different design to choose from to design a form

    52. 设计表单时,有数十种不同的设计可供选择

    More widgets are coming soon…


    Pro Version Widgets


      1. Carousel – Touch Custom Carousel with modern looks and fell with customization options according to your needs.

      2. 旋转木马 –触摸具有现代外观的定制旋转木马,并根据您的需要使用定制选项。

        You’ll get awesome experience with it.


      3. FAQ -Every service or website need FAQ sections to help its visitor give a

      4. 常见问题解答-每个服务或网站都需要“常见问题解答”部分来帮助其访问者



        We’ve basic FAQ, Multi Open FAQ,Collapsible All Item and many more options.

      5. 我们有基本的常见问题解答,多重打开常见问题解答,可折叠的所有项目以及更多选项。

      6. News Ticker – News Ticker Default Example,Label Hide With Animation Example,News

      7. 新闻行情 –新闻行默认示例,带有动画的标签隐藏示例,新闻

        Content Excerpt With Animation Example,Without Navigation Animation & many more options.

      8. 内容摘录(带动画示例),无导航动画和更多选项。

      9. Post Slider -Post Slider widget allows you to display your blog posts in a

      10. Post Slider -Post Slider小部件可让您在

        very beautiful slider that will be present your content more dynamically.


      11. Post Card -Without Image Example,Without Tag Example,Without Excerpt Example,

      12. 明信片-无图像示例,无标签示例,无摘要示例,

        Read More With Icon Color Example for your blog and websites.

      13. 为您的博客和网站阅读更多有关“图标颜色示例”的信息。

      14. Post Grid -Skin (Alter) Example,Skin (Paddle) Example,

      15. 发布网格-皮肤(Alter)示例,皮肤(Paddle)示例,

        Skin (Trosia) Example, Skin Elanza Example,Skin Modern,Skin Carmie post grid widget – elementor page builder

      16. 皮肤(Trosia)示例,皮肤Elanza示例,Skin Modern,Skin Carmie帖子网格小部件–元素或页面构建器

      17. Post Grid Tab -Post Grid Pagination Example with modification options and basic

      18. 后网格选项卡-后网格分页示例,其中包含修改选项和基本

        color, background,gradient background color changes

      19. 颜色,背景,渐变背景颜色变化

      20. Post Gallery – Post Gallery widgets with Filter Example,Skin (Trosia) Example

      21. 帖子库 –带有滤镜示例,皮肤(Trosia)示例的帖子库小部件

        ,Skin Fedara Example,Skin Abetis Example,Masonry Example to show post more dynamic way.

      22. ,皮肤Fedara实例,皮肤Abetis实例,砌体实例以显示更动态的方式。

      23. Post List – Post list for your next elementor page builder to show it in

      24. 发布列表 –下一个元素或页面构建器的发布列表以显示在

        more dynamic way with title, date excerpt, thumbnail style modifier.

      25. 标题,日期摘录,缩略图样式修改器等更动态的方式。

      26. Post Block – Post block on websites with more dynamic way with managing its number

      27. 发布阻止 –通过更动态的方式管理网站编号,在网站上发布阻止

        , style and other things.


      28. Post Block Modern – Another way to show your post with desired number

      29. Post Block Modern –另一种显示具有所需编号的帖子的方法

        , designs, styles and other things, helps you to branding your sites more than any other things.

      30. ,设计,样式和其他事物,比其他任何事物都可以帮助您更轻松地为网站品牌。

      31. Single Post – Single Post Example,Single Post Title and Excerpt Example,Category

      32. 单帖 –单帖示例,单帖标题和摘录示例,类别

        & Date Hide Example to make up your websites and give it a master stroke.

      33. &Date Hide Example组成您的网站,并熟练掌握它。

      34. Portfolio Gallery – a new way to match your designs.

      35. Portfolio画廊 –一种匹配您的设计的新方法。

        Now you can show Widget Equal Height on elementor page builder, helps you to match the design.

      36. 现在,您可以在elementor页面构建器上显示Widget Equal Height,以帮助您匹配设计。

      37. Testimonial Grid – Different style Testimonial Grid, comes with element pack pro WordPress plugin

      38. 见证网格 –元素包专业版WordPress插件随附了不同样式的见证网格


        You can use Top Avatar,Reverse,Image Hide skins to do that.

      39. 您可以使用Top Avatar,Reverse,Image Hide皮肤来做到这一点。

      40. Table of Content -You may define the different

      41. 目录-您可以定义其他内容

        sections of the user generated table of contents with any tag or CSS class included in the page or post content.


        Our widget makes it easier than ever.


      42. Testimonial Slider – Single skin,Thumb skin,Post Limit Example,Arrows Style

      43. 见证滑块 –单皮肤,拇指皮肤,后限示例,箭头样式

        Example,Thumb Border Example,Dots Size (15px) Example and other examples with element pack pro

      44. 示例,缩略图边框示例,点尺寸(15像素)示例以及其他带有元素包pro的示例

      45. Testimonial Carousel – Skin Twyla Example,Skin Vyxen Example,Skin Vyxen Gradient Example

      46. 见证轮播 –皮肤Twyla示例,皮肤Vyxen示例,皮肤Vyxen渐变示例

        ,Shadow Mode Example,Shadow Mode Color Example and many more examples

      47. ,阴影模式示例,阴影模式颜色示例以及更多示例

      48. Thumb Gallery – Default ,Skin Custom Content,Content Style,Thumb Position Top

      49. 缩略图图库 –默认,皮肤自定义内容,内容样式,缩略图位置

        Left,Thumb Position Top Right and other examples for you elementor plugin websites

      50. Left,Thumb Position,Top Right和适合您元素或插件网站的其他示例

      51. Timeline – Timeline with different style like default, Skin Olivier Example,Without Background Example,

      52. 时间线 –时间线具有不同的样式,例如默认,皮肤Olivier示例,无背景示例,

        Skin Olivier Without Image Example and others.

      53. 没有图像示例的皮肤Olivier等。

      54. Accordion – Element Pack pro plugin provides advanced accordion design for the elementor page builder.

      55. 手风琴 – Element Pack pro插件为elementor页面构建器提供了高级手风琴设计。

        This page demonstrate the accordion addon from element pack pro.

      56. 本页演示了来自element pack pro的手风琴插件。

      57. Advanced Image Gallery – If you want to add some advanced feature to

      58. 高级图片库 –如果要向其中添加一些高级功能

        your element page builder based site, you can consider looking at element pack advanced image gallery widget.

      59. 您的基于元素页面构建器的网站,您可以考虑查看元素包高级图片小部件。

      60. Circle Menu – You can now add cool circle menu with animation using Element Pack

      61. 圆形菜单 –您现在可以使用Element Pack添加带有动画的炫酷圆形菜单



        This menu will help you to make the ultimate cool menu for Elementor Page Builder

      62. 此菜单将帮助您制作Elementor Page Builder的终极炫酷菜单

      63. Custom Carousel – Touch Custom Carousel with modern looks and fell with customization options according

      64. 自定义转盘 –触摸具有现代外观的自定义转盘,并根据自定义选项进行选择

        to your needs.


        You’ll get awesome experience with it.


      65. Comment – Element Pack Plugin for the Elementor Page builder provides inegration for commenting system like disqus

      66. 评论 – Elementor Page构建器的Element Pack插件为诸如disqus之类的评论系统提供了完整性

        and facebook comments in your website.


        Watch Demo!

      67. 观看演示!

      68. Device Slider – Fully responsive and SEO optimized module for your next wordpress site.

      69. 设备滑块 –针对您的下一个wordpress网站进行了全面响应和SEO优化的模块。

        Create beautiful sliders and tell stories without any code.

      70. 创建漂亮的滑块并讲故事而无需任何代码。

      71. Document Viewer – Our pdf and docs file Document Viewer for WordPress site module can

      72. 文档查看器 –我们的pdf和docs文件WordPress站点模块文档查看器可以

        read your pdf and doc files and show you in your page or post.


      73. Fancy list – This widget can make your site looks more modern and fancy looks

      74. 精美列表 –此小部件可以使您的网站看起来更现代,更精美


        You can show your content list more dynamically with this widget.

      75. 您可以使用此小部件更动态地显示内容列表。

      76. Pricing Table – Default Example, Tooltip Example,Skin Parfait Example,Badge Example

      77. 定价表 –默认示例,工具提示示例,皮肤冻糕示例,徽章示例

        ,pricing table with background options and many other variations.

      78. ,带有背景选项和许多其他变体的定价表。

      79. Pricing List – Pricing list with some different examples like Item With Image Example,

      80. 定价列表 –定价列表包含一些不同的示例,例如带有图像示例的商品,

        Pricing Background Color Example,Border Radius Example,List Style Different Color

      81. 定价背景颜色示例,边界半径示例,列表样式不同的颜色

      82. Modal – Modal Default Example,Modal Layout,Custom Link With Heading,Modal Optional Example

      83. 模态 –模态默认示例,模态布局,带有标题的自定义链接,模态可选示例

        ,Modal Button Style Example customization and many more options.

      84. ,模态按钮样式示例自定义以及更多选项。

      85. Navbar – Responsive Navbar options with lots of possibilities and modern design.

      86. 导航栏 –响应式导航栏选项,具有很多可能性和现代设计。

        Really easy to use and user friendly navbar to make sure your job easy.

      87. 真正易于使用且用户友好的导航栏可确保您的工作轻松。

      88. Scroll Image – Height With Badge Example,Image Caption Example,Lightbox Icon Position

      89. 滚动图像 –带有徽章的高度示例,图像标题示例,灯箱图标位置

        Example,External Link Example with element pack pro

      90. 示例,带有元素包pro的外部链接示例

      91. Slideshow – Variations, easy positioning, customizations gives element pack pro plugins slider give a ninza

      92. 幻灯片 –变体,易于定位,自定义提供了元素包专业插件滑块提供了一个ninza

        way to make your website classic.

      93. 网站经典的方式。

      94. Switcher – Switcher to showcase your content with more interactive way.

      95. 切换器 –切换器以更具交互性的方式展示您的内容。

        You can add two different content to show with element pack pro switcher.

      96. 您可以添加两个不同的内容以与Element Pack Pro切换器一起显示。

      97. Tabs – Element pack pro Tabs is a tremendous tools to show your content with more disciplined

      98. 标签 – Element pack专业版标签是一种功能强大的工具,可以更加规范地显示您的内容


      99. 方式。

      100. Video Gallery – Default Example,Thumb Layout (Horizontal) Example, Video Title

      101. 视频库 –默认示例,缩略图布局(水平)示例,视频标题

        & Description Hide Example and many other examples with element pack pro WordPress plugin

      102. 和说明隐藏示例以及带有Element Pack Pro WordPress插件的许多其他示例

      103. Advanced Button – Element Pack Plugin provides addon for with advanced feature for button in

      104. 高级按钮 – Element Pack插件为按钮中的按钮提供了高级功能

        the elementor page builder.


        Watch Advanced Button Demo now.

      105. 立即观看“高级按钮演示”。

      106. Advanced Heading – You can easily add advanced feature in the heading of your content

      107. 高级标题 –您可以轻松地在内容标题中添加高级功能

        using Element Pack Plugin for elementor page builder.

        将Element Pack插件用于elementor页面构建器。

        Watch the demo now.

      108. 立即观看演示。

      109. Advanced Google Map – If you want to make some advaned map with

      110. 高级Google地图 –如果您想制作一些高级地图,请使用

        customized feature, this advanced google map addon from Element Pack for Elementor Page builder is your solution.

      111. 自定义功能,这个来自Element Pack for Elementor Page构建器的高级google地图插件是您的解决方案。

      112. Animated Heading – You can easily add animation in the heading of your content using

      113. 动画标题 –您可以使用以下内容轻松地在内容标题中添加动画

        Element Pack Plugin for elementor page builder.

        用于elementor页面构建器的Element Pack插件。

        Animated Heading is cool feature to have.

      114. 动画标题是很酷的功能。

      115. Advanced Icon Box – Make your content more organized and eye catching with

      116. 高级图标框 –使您的内容更加有条理并引人注目

        element Pack Advanced Icon Box.


        Great tools for your website to present your content.

      117. 网站展示您内容的绝佳工具。

      118. Audio Player – Element Pack provide you the authority to embed or upload any audio

      119. 音频播放器 – Element Pack为您提供嵌入或上传任何音频的权限

        file and stream it with Audio Player in your website.


        Watch the demo now.

      120. 立即观看演示。

      121. Charts – Element Pack Plugin is the ultimate solution to make charts in the Elementor Page builder.

      122. 图表 – Element Pack插件是在Elementor Page构建器中制作图表的最终解决方案。

        You can easily make animated charts in your site using this.

      123. 您可以使用此工具轻松地在网站上制作动画图表。

      124. Crypto Currency Card
      125. 加密货币卡

      126. Crypto Currency Table
      127. 加密货币表

      128. Dual Button – Fancy modern premade dual button for your sites more engagement.

      129. 双按钮 –精美的现代预制双按钮使您的网站更具吸引力。

        its group button and you can modify the buttons every elements.

      130. 它的组按钮,您可以修改每个元素的按钮。

      131. Dropbar – To get more engagement with your visitors, drop bar is a must have widget

      132. Dropbar –要与访问者进行更多互动,Drop bar是必不可少的小部件

        with elementor page builder and element pack pro plugin

      133. 带有elementor页面构建器和element pack专业版插件

      134. Icon Nav – Icon nav helps to create modern responsive and device friendly website designs

      135. Icon Nav –图标nav有助于创建现代的响应式和设备友好型网站设计


        The best part it – you can modify its every part.


      136. Lottie Image – Touch Custom Carousel with modern looks and fell with customization options according to

      137. 洛蒂图片 –触摸具有现代外观的定制旋转木马,并根据

        your needs.


        You’ll get awesome experience with it.

      138. 您将获得很棒的体验。

      139. Instagram – You can easily display your instagram images on your website with options like : Default

      140. Instagram –您可以使用以下选项轻松在您的网站上显示instagram图像:默认

        Instagram,Carousel Example,Masonry Example and others

      141. Instagram,轮播示例,砌体示例等

      142. Open Street Map – Open Street Map with Default Example, Map Height

      143. 打开街道地图 –使用默认示例(地图高度)打开街道地图

        Example​,Tooltip Background Color Example,Tooltip Radius Example,Tooltip Box Shadow Example

      144. 示例,工具提示背景颜色示例,工具提示半径示例,工具提示框阴影示例

      145. Profile Card – a new way to match your designs.

      146. 资料卡 –一种匹配您的设计的新方法。

        Now you can show Widget Equal Height on elementor page builder, helps you to match the design.

      147. 现在,您可以在elementor页面构建器上显示Widget Equal Height,以帮助您匹配设计。

      148. Dark mode – To show your content differently, dark mode can help you to make

      149. 黑暗模式 –要以其他方式显示您的内容,黑暗模式可以帮助您制作

        it read / show the content amazingly.


        Different color and text looks..

      150. 不同的颜色和文字外观。

      151. 360° Product Viewer – 3D Product viewer for Elementor Page builder is

      152. 360°产品查看器 –用于Elementor页面构建器的3D产品查看器是

        the ultimate essential elementor addons you need for your ecommerce site.


        Check this element pack addon demo

      153. 检查此元素包插件演示

      154. Help Desk – Here we've shown Help Desk example, just insert this

      155. 帮助台 –这里我们显示了帮助台示例,只需插入

        element then you can add your social share link/id.

        元素,然后您可以添加您的社交共享链接/ ID。

        For Example… WhatsApp, Messenger and others

      156. 例如... WhatsApp,Messenger和其他人

      157. Iframe – Options with audio,video google map embedding options and lazy load scroll bars,

      158. iframe –带有音频,视频Google地图嵌入选项和延迟加载滚动条的选项,

        360 degree view, basic elementor dashboard customization examples

      159. 360度视图,基本元素或仪表板自定义示例

      160. Marker – Marker can makes your sites more enjoyable with marker and tooltip.

      161. 标记 –标记可通过标记和工具提示使您的网站更加有趣。

        You can modify the basic – color, background color, typography with this widget.

      162. 您可以使用此小部件修改基本的颜色,背景色,版式。

      163. Mailchimp – Mailchimp integration and customization dashboard options – you can modify and place it's shortcode anywhere

      164. Mailchimp – Mailchimp集成和自定义仪表板选项–您可以在任何地方修改和放置简码

        you want on your theme.

      165. 您想要主题。

      166. Offcanvas – Default Example,Custom Menu Example,Offcanvas Overlay Example,Offcanvas Flip Example Choose

      167. Offcanvas –默认示例,自定义菜单示例,Offcanvas覆盖示例,Offcanvas翻转示例选择

        Sidebar Example and many other examples.

      168. 补充工具栏示例和许多其他示例。

      169. Protected Content – Password protected WordPress form and style changer from your dashboard with the

      170. 受保护的内容 –使用仪表板中的密码保护WordPress表单和样式更改器

        help of element pro plugin.


        Fancy way to style and protect content.

      171. 花哨的样式和保护内容的方式。

      172. Search – Search is a simple search widget for for elementor widget.

      173. 搜索 –搜索是用于elementor小部件的简单搜索小部件。

        You can get simle search,modal options also.

      174. 您还可以进行简单搜索,模态选择。

      175. Social share – Social share widget gives element pack pro plugin a diversive way to

      176. 社交共享 –“社交共享”小部件为element pack专业版插件提供了多种多样的方式

        make their clients comfort.


        Also it helps visitor to share their feel about the site.

      177. 它还可以帮助访问者分享他们对该网站的感受。

      178. SVG Image – a new way to match your designs.

      179. SVG图片 –一种匹配您的设计的新方法。

        Now you can show Widget Equal Height on elementor page builder, helps you to match the design.

      180. 现在,您可以在elementor页面构建器上显示Widget Equal Height,以帮助您匹配设计。

      181. Table – Element pack pro Table can display your content more dynamic way and it gives your

      182. – Element pack pro表可以更动态地显示您的内容,并为您提供

        site looks more professional and elegant.

      183. 网站看起来更专业,更优雅。

      184. Twitter Carousel – Twitter Carousel examples page Default Twitter Carousel,Columns (4)

      185. Twitter Carousel – Twitter Carousel示例页面默认Twitter Carousel,列(4)

        Example,Shadow Mode Carousel, Shadow Mode Color Carousel and other examples.

      186. 例如,阴影模式轮播,阴影模式彩色轮播和其他示例。

      187. Twitter Slider – Twitter Slider example page like – Default Example,Execute Buttons Example

      188. Twitter滑块 –像这样的Twitter滑块示例页面–默认示例,执行按钮示例

        ,Time Hide Example,Navigation Bottom Center Example to show case you tweet.

      189. ,时间隐藏示例,导航底部中心示例以显示您发布的消息。

      190. QR Code – Background Color and Shadow Example,Border Example,Fill and Font

      191. QR代码 –背景颜色和阴影示例,边框示例,填充和字体

        Color Example,Corner Radius Example with other options with QR Code widgets.

        颜色示例,角半径示例以及带有QR Code小部件的其他选项。

      192. User Register – WordPress default User register system brings in frontend and you can modify

      193. 用户注册 – WordPress默认用户注册系统带有前端,您可以修改

        the design and give a fine touch to match your design.

      194. 设计,并使其与您的设计完美匹配。

      195. User Login – Fancy User Login widgets for your WordPress website with element pack pro

      196. 用户登录 –具有element pack pro的WordPress网站的精美用户登录小部件



        you can change and customize also your ready blocks.

      197. 您还可以更改和自定义您准备好的方块。

      198. Video Player – When it comes to watching a video, you will always prefer

      199. 视频播放器 –在观看视频时,您总是喜欢

        to watch it on YouTube or other popular streaming websites.


        Our video player plugin is wasy to use and ready to go.

      200. 我们的视频播放器插件使用起来很麻烦,随时可以使用。

      201. Weather – Some different layout examples with Weather widget with custom design options like – background,

      202. 天气 –一些带有“天气”小部件的布局示例,带有自定义设计选项,例如–背景,

        color,typography location selections.

      203. 颜色,印刷术位置选择。

      204. Booked Calendar – Element Pack pro provides intgeration support for third party plugin named Booked

      205. 预订日历 – Element Pack pro为名为Booked的第三方插件提供了整数支持

        Calendar for the elementor page builder for WordPress.


        Watch demo the now.

      206. 立即观看演示。

      207. bbPress – Element Pack pro is the ultimate essential addons to integrate bbPress in the Elementor Page

      208. bbPress – Element Pack Pro是将bbPress集成到Elementor页面中的最终必不可少的附件



        Watch all of the demo in this page to see it in action

      209. 在此页面中观看所有演示,以查看实际操作

      210. BuddyPress Member – Element Pack pro supports buddypress intgegration for elementor page builder.

      211. BuddyPress成员 – Element Pack Pro支持buddypress对elementor页面构建器的集成。

        You can show the member of your forum using this plugin.


        Watch the demo now.

      212. 立即观看演示。

      213. BuddyPress Friends – BuddyPress Friends profile customization is now easy like anything.

      214. BuddyPress朋友 –与任何东西一样,BuddyPress朋友个人资料自定义现在很容易。

        You can add color, customize their borders looks and feel.


        Start now.

      215. 现在开始。

      216. BuddyPress Group – Element Pack pro supports buddypress intgegration for elementor page builder.

      217. BuddyPress组 – Element Pack Pro支持buddypress对el





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