[wordpress插件] GetShopped Support ForumsGetShopped支持论坛

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-01 21:30 792 0 全屏看文



Pick and choose which forums you would like to turn into a support forum.


Turning your forums into a support forum will display topic statuses that admin’s, moderators and the topic creator can change.


You can also implement a user ranking system through the forum settings.


For extra functionality check out the GetShopped_support_forum_widgets.


This Plugin requires the new bbPress 2.0 plugin and will not work with their older versions you can find the bbPress plugin here: https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bbpress/

此插件需要新的bbPress 2.0插件,并且无法使用其较早版本,您可以在此处找到bbPress插件:https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bbpress/

Future plans and Ideas


    1. Option for Admin to add their own statuses to the drop down list
    2. 管理员可以将自己的状态添加到下拉列表中的选项

    3. Option for the Admin to select what colours will be displayed for each status – the default at the moment is Green for resolved topics only.
    4. “管理员”选项,用于选择每种状态将显示什么颜色-目前默认为绿色,仅用于已解决的主题。

    5. Allow the admin to apply default ranks to certain capabilities – eg admin are always “forum maters” essentially overriding the user ranking system.
    6. 允许管理员将默认等级应用于某些功能-例如,管理员始终是“论坛主”,本质上覆盖了用户等级系统。

    7. Allow admin to select other text that can be displayed with the users information – eg Admin users and Forum Moderators display a “trusted” message below their ranking.
    8. 允许管理员选择可以与用户信息一起显示的其他文本-例如,管理员用户和论坛主持人在其排名下方显示“受信任”消息。


    1. Upload getshopped_support_forum to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. getshopped_support_forum 上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. You Must be using at least BBPress 2.0 RC 3 As it contains important template tags
    6. 您必须至少使用BBPress 2.0 RC 3,因为它包含重要的模板标签

    Creating a Support forum


      1. The settings for this plugin are included in with the bbPress Forum settings (Settings > Forums) you will need to head over there and configure them first.
      2. 此插件的设置包含在bbPress论坛设置(“设置”>“论坛”)中,您需要先进行设置并对其进行配置。

      3. To create a support forum simply check the “Support forum” checkbox in the forum attributes settings.
      4. 要创建支持论坛,只需选中论坛属性设置中的“支持论坛”复选框。

      Configuring the User Ranking System


        1. Enter in your rank title – eg newbie This is the name that will get displayed below the users name in the forums.
        2. 输入您的排名标题,例如newbie。这是将显示在论坛中用户名下方的名称。

        3. The next value is the minimum number of required posts (these include topics and replies) that a user must have to earn this title.
        4. 下一个值是用户必须获得该职位所需的最少必需帖子(包括主题和回复)。

        5. The last value is the maximum number of posts the user will have before the title is removed (and they will go up a rank assumably)
        6. 最后一个值是用户在标题被删除之前拥有的最大帖子数(它们将排名上升)

        7. The Last option is the show the users post count below their gravatar – this will display how many replies / topics the user has created.
        8. 最后一个选项是显示用户在其头像下方的帖子数–这将显示用户创建了多少回复/主题。

        5.Note: For a consistent flow from rank to rank then you need to make sure that you set up your post counts right so that when one title ends (at say 20 posts) the next one will begin at 21 posts,


        also start your count at 1 not 0.




        User ranking level 1


        Rank Title




        is granted when a user has


        at least 1 posts but


        not more than 20 posts


        User ranking level 2


        Rank Title




        is granted when a user has


        at least 21 posts but


        not more than 50 posts


        Configuring the topic status settings


          1. Default status – This is the status that all support forum topics will start out as the default is not resolved.
          2. 默认状态–这是所有支持论坛主题都将因未解决默认状态而开始的状态。

          3. The Display status options relate to which status options will be shown in the list for the admin, moderators and topic creator to change the topic to.

          4. “显示状态”选项与要在其中将管理员更改为主题的管理员,主持人和主题创建者的列表中显示的状态选项有关。

            by default all the options are selected (not resolved, resolved, not a support question) If you don’t want one of these options then uncheck the box.

          5. 默认情况下,所有选项都处于选中状态(未解决,已解决,不是支持问题)。如果您不想使用这些选项之一,请取消选中该框。

          6. Admin – checking this will allow the admin to update any topic status – default is checked
          7. 管理员-选中此项将允许管理员更新任何主题状态-已选中默认值

          8. Forum Moderator – checking this will allow the Forum Moderators to update any topic status – default is checked
          9. 论坛主持人–选中此项将允许论坛主持人更新任何主题状态–已选中默认设置

          10. Topic Creator – checking this will allow the topic creator to update any topic status – default is checked
          11. 主题创建者-选中此项将允许主题创建者更新任何主题状态-已选中默认设置

          Configuring the Support Forum settings


            1. Urgent Topic Status – Will allow forum admin and moderators to mark topics as urgent an [urgent]t title will then display next to the topic title
            2. 紧急主题状态–将允许论坛管理员和主持人将主题标记为紧急主题,然后在主题标题旁边显示[紧急]标题

            3. Move Topics – Selecting this will enable admin and forum moderators to move topics to other forums
            4. 移动主题–选择此项将使管理员和论坛版主可以将主题移到其他论坛

            5. Assign Topics – Selecting this will enable admin and forum moderators to assign topics to other forum admin or moderators
            6. 分配主题–选择此项将使管理员和论坛版主可以将主题分配给其他论坛管理员或版主

            7. Claim topics – Allow the forum moderators and admin to claim a topic, this will mark the topic title with [claimed] but will only show to forum moderators and admin users
            8. 声明主题–允许论坛版主和管理员声明主题,这将以[claimed]标记主题标题,但仅向论坛版主和管理员用户显示

            9. Display username – By selecting this option if a topic is claimed the claimed persons username will be displayed next to the topic title instead of the words [claimed], leaving this unchecked will default to [claimed]
            10. 显示用户名-如果声明了某个主题,则选择此选项,则将在主题标题旁边显示“声明的人的用户名”,而不是“ [claimed]”一词,如果未选中,则默认为[claimed]





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