[wordpress插件] BasePress Knowledge BaseBasePress知识库

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-29 14:10 658 0 全屏看文



BasePress allows you to build as many knowledge bases as you need to document your products or services.


Reduces your customer support cost and helps your customers find the answer they need 24/7.


It is designed to be easy to use thanks to its clean administration tools that integrates seamlessly in WordPress admin area.


What makes BasePress the right tool for your business?


    1. Ready to use in less then 5 minutes.
    2. 准备在不到5分钟的时间内使用。

    3. Create as many knowledge bases as you need.
    4. 根据需要创建尽可能多的知识库。

    5. Keep your content organized in a logical way dividing it by product, service, department etc.
    6. 以合理的方式将您的内容按产品,服务,部门等划分。

    7. Serve targeted answer to your customers saving them time too.
    8. 为您的客户提供目标明确的答案,也节省了他们的时间。

    9. Adapts to all devices.

    10. 适用于所有设备。

      Your customers can consult it form any device including tablets and phones.

    11. 您的客户可以通过任何设备(包括平板电脑和手机)进行咨询。

    12. Keeps the look of your website professional.
    13. 保持网站专业人士的风貌。

    BasePress creates an entry page for your customers where they can choose the knowledge base they want to consult.


    They will be taken to the right knowledge base for their needs and all the articles, searches and suggestions will be fully relevant to what they are looking for.


    This is a Lite version of our Premium plugin that we wanted to share with the WordPress community.


    It has all the features you need to create your fully functional knowledge base and nothing less.




      1. Build a single or multiple knowledge base
      2. 建立一个或多个知识库

      3. A dedicated page for users to choose the knowledge base
      4. 供用户选择知识库的专用页面

      5. Unlimited sections hierarchy
      6. 无限的部分层次结构

      7. List and boxed sections styles
      8. 列表和框式样式

      9. Image and description for each knowledge base
      10. 每个知识库的图片和说明

      11. Image, icon and description for each section
      12. 每个部分的图像,图标和说明

      13. Icon selector for each articles
      14. 每篇文章的图标选择器

      15. Drag and drop reorder for knowledge bases and sections
      16. 拖放知识库和部分的重新排序

      17. Search bar with live results
      18. 带有实时结果的搜索栏

      19. Shortcode to add the search bar anywhere in your website
      20. 用于在您网站的任何位置添加搜索栏的短代码

      21. Related articles widget
      22. 相关文章窗口小部件

      23. Sections widget
      24. 部分小部件

      25. Knowledge bases widget
      26. 知识库工具

      27. Easy to use admin screens
      28. 易于使用的管理屏幕

      29. Translatable via .pot files
      30. 可通过.pot文件进行翻译

      31. Easy customization
      32. 轻松定制

      33. 3 default themes included
      34. 包括3个默认主题

      If you need some extra features for you and your customers consider upgrading to the Premium version and get access to these extra benefits:




        1. Improved search bar results based on user votes and visits as well
        2. 还基于用户的投票和访问改善了搜索栏结果

        3. Articles voting
        4. 文章投票

        5. Popular articles widget based on votes and/or visits
        6. 基于投票和/或访问的热门文章窗口小部件

        7. Dashboard widget
        8. 仪表板小部件

        9. Automatic Table of Contents (in article and/or widget)
        10. 自动目录(在文章和/或小部件中)

        11. Drag and drop articles reorder
        12. 拖放文章重新排序

        13. Next and Previous articles navigation
        14. 下一篇和上一篇文章导航

        15. Advanced Content Restriction by user role
        16. 按用户角色的高级内容限制

        17. Knowledge base Insights
        18. 知识基础见解

        19. Multisite support
        20. 多站点支持

        21. WPML support
        22. WPML支持

        23. Shortcode editor to add dynamic lists of articles outside of the knowledge base
        24. 短代码编辑器可在知识库之外添加动态的文章列表


    1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    2. 将插件文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / plugin-name 目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件。

    5. Follow the Setup Wizard or the steps below
    6. 按照设置向导或以下步骤操作

    7. Create a page and add the shortcode [basepress] to that page.
    8. 创建一个页面,并将简码[basepress]添加到该页面。

    9. Go to BasePress->Settings->General and select the page you just created on ‘Knowledge Base page’.
    10. 转到BasePress->设置->常规,然后选择您刚刚在“知识基础页面”上创建的页面。

    11. Select ‘Single Knowledge Base Mode’ if you just need a single knowledge base skipping the knoledge bases selection page.
    12. 如果您只需要一个知识库,则跳过“知识库”选择页面,请选择“单一知识库模式”。

    13. Start creating your first Knowledge Base and sections.
    14. 开始创建您的第一个知识库和章节。

    15. Add your articles.
    16. 添加您的文章。





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