[wordpress插件] AC Simple Post WidgetAC Simple Post小部件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-24 21:20 631 0 全屏看文






Easily configure this and you can choose what custom post type and amount of post you want to display intro widget area of your site.


A few notes about the sections above:


    • You can create custom titles
    • 您可以创建自定义标题

    • You can choose from what Custom Post Types to display
    • 您可以选择要显示的自定义帖子类型

    • You can set how many posts you wish to display
    • 您可以设置要显示的帖子数

    • You can choose whether or not to display the post title and the excerpt along with the feature image
    • 您可以选择是否显示帖子标题和摘录以及功能图片

    • You can choose from predefined image sizes, or set custom width and height
    • 您可以从预定义的图像尺寸中进行选择,也可以设置自定义宽度和高度

    • You can choose whether or not to link the post to new tab


      Plans for future releases prior to v1.1


      Please feel free to put some comments about the plugin, of what i missed, need to upgrade and bugs.



So you want to feature some posts on your site, Awesome!


Let’s get it done!


Upload Manually


    1. Download and unzip the plugin
    2. 下载并解压缩插件

    3. Upload AC Simple Post Widget to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    4. AC Simple Post Widget 上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    Install Via Admin Area


      1. In the admin are go to Plugins > Add New and search for AC Simple Post Widget
      2. 在管理员中转到“插件”>“添加新内容”,然后搜索“ AC Simple Post Widget”

      3. Click Install and then Click Activate
      4. 单击“安装”,然后单击“激活”

      How to used the Widget


        1. Set up the plugin (refer to above)
        2. 设置插件(请参阅上文)

        3. Go to Appearance > Widgets and drag the AC Simple Post Widget to your sidebar
        4. 转到外观>窗口小部件并将AC Simple Post窗口小部件拖动到侧边栏

        5. Enter the title to appear in front end.

        6. 输入标题以显示在前端。

          For default “AC Simple Post Widget”

        7. 对于默认的“ AC Simple Post Widget”

        8. Choose what custom post type you want to display.

        9. 选择要显示的自定义帖子类型。

          For default “post”

        10. 对于默认的“发布”

        11. Set how many post you want to display.

        12. 设置要显示的帖子数。

          For default “4”

        13. 默认为“ 4”

        14. Check the box if you want to display the content and the excerpt along with the Feature Image.

        15. 如果要显示内容和摘录以及功能图片,请选中该框。

          For default “checked”

        16. 默认为“选中”

        17. Set the custom height and width for the featured image.

        18. 设置特色图像的自定义高度和宽度。

          For default “100 by 100”

        19. 默认为“ 100乘100”

        20. Check the box if you want the post to open new tab.

        21. 如果您希望帖子打开新标签,请选中该框。

          For default “checked”

        22. 默认为“选中”

        How to use shortcode


          1. Navigate to the post or page you would like to custom post type to display.
          2. 导航至您要自定义要显示的帖子类型的帖子或页面。

          3. Enter shortcode [ac_spw]
          4. 输入简码[ac_spw]

          5. Customize the type of posts displayed by adding parameter ‘post_type’ with the custom post type you want to display.

          6. 通过在要显示的自定义帖子类型中添加参数“ post_type”来自定义显示的帖子类型。

            [ac_spw post_type=’post’].

            [ac_spw post_type ='post']。

            By default ‘post’ custom type to be display.

          7. 默认情况下会显示“发布”自定义类型。

          8. Customize the number of posts displayed by adding parameter ‘num_post’ with the number of posts you want to display.

          9. 通过将参数“ num_post”与要显示的帖子数相加,来定制显示的帖子数。

            [ac_spw num_post=’4′].

            [ac_spw num_post ='4']。

            By default ‘4’ posts are display.

          10. 默认情况下,显示“ 4”个帖子。

          11. Customize whether the title and excerpt will be displayed along with the featured image by adding parameter ‘num_post’ with the with a value of ‘on’ and ‘off’ [ac_spw title_content=’on’].

          12. 通过添加参数“ num_post”以及值为“ on”和“ off”的[ac_spw title_content ='on'],自定义是否将标题和摘录与特色图像一起显示。

            By default the title and excerpt has an ‘on’ setting.

          13. 默认情况下,标题和摘录的设置为“打开”。

          14. Customize the width the feature image by adding parameter ‘width’ for the width [ac_spw width=’100′].

          15. 通过为宽度[ac_spw width ='100']添加参数“ width”来自定义特征图片的宽度。

            By default the width was set by ‘100’.

          16. 默认情况下,宽度设置为“ 100”。

          17. Customize the height the feature image by adding parameter ‘height’ for the height [ac_spw height=’100′].

          18. 通过为高度[ac_spw height ='100']添加参数“ height”来自定义特征图片的高度。

            By default the height was set by ‘100’.

          19. 默认情况下,高度设置为“ 100”。

          20. Customize whether the link will be open in a new tab by adding parameter ‘new_Tab’ with the with a value of ‘on’ and ‘off’ [ac_spw new_tab=’on’].

          21. 通过添加参数“ new_Tab”(其值为“ on”和“ off” [ac_spw new_tab =” on”)来定制是否在新标签页中打开链接。

            By default the setting is ‘on’.

          22. 默认情况下,该设置为“开”。

          23. You can use all parameters together like so [ac_spw post_type=’post’ num_post=’4′ title_content=’on’ width=’100′ height=’100′ new_tab=’on’]
          24. 您可以一起使用所有参数,例如[ac_spw post_type ='post'num_post ='4'title_content ='on'width ='100'height ='100'new_tab ='on']








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