[wordpress插件] Banner Effect Header横幅效果标题

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-29 07:30 605 0 全屏看文



If you want to add dynamic animation to the header of your WordPress website, this plug-in is exactly what you need.


Once installed, you just have to enter the email address you used when you created banners using Banner-Effect software and you will just have to pick which banner you want to be displayed on the top of your site.


This plug-in will copy all necessary files for the banner to your website.


In a few clicks, you will have an HTML5 or Flash animation displayed on your site.




    • Display HTML5 (Javascript) or FLASH animations automatically (depending if Flash is available or not)
    • 自动显示HTML5(Javascript)或FLASH动画(取决于Flash是否可用)

    • Banners will be visible on all devices (Windows/Mac/iPhones/iPads/Android)
    • 横幅将在所有设备(Windows / Mac / iPhones / iPads / Android)上可见

    • Copy banners automatically directly from banner-effect repository.
    • 直接从横幅效果存储库自动复制横幅。

    • Replace default header.
    • 替换默认标题。

    • You can also set a different banner for particular pages/articles.
    • 您还可以为特定页面/文章设置不同的横幅。

    • Quick and lightweight.
    • 轻巧快捷。

    Important: To use this plug-in, you have to download and install Banner Effect software ( Banner Effect Free Edition ) on your computer – a free version is available.

    = wp_plugin&utm_medium = plugin&utm_campaign = wordpress“ title =”点击这里下载“ rel =” nofollow“>横幅效应免费版)–您可以使用免费版本。


These are the directions for the install.


Be sure to read Directions for Use before using.


    1. Upload ‘the banner-effect’ directory to your plugins directory
    2. 将“ banner-effect”目录上传到您的插件目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Go to Settings -> Banner Effect Header and enter the email you used to publish your banners on Banner-Effect servers.
    6. 转到“设置”->“横幅效果标题”,然后输入用于在横幅效果服务器上发布横幅的电子邮件。

    7. Then you should see a list of available banner: pick one and it will be displayed as header.

    8. 然后,您应该看到可用横幅的列表:选择一个,它将显示为标题。

    Banner Effect Installation


    Important: To use this plug-in, you have to download and install Banner Effect software ( Banner Effect Free Edition ) on your computer – a free version is available.

    = wp_plugin&utm_medium = plugin&utm_campaign = wordpress“ title =”点击这里下载“ rel =” nofollow“>横幅效应免费版)–您可以使用免费版本。

    Then follow these steps:


      1. Install and start Banner Effect.
      2. 安装并启动横幅效果。

      3. Create the banner you want to use as header.
      4. 创建要用作标题的横幅。

      5. Then go to menu File/Create Flash/HTML5 banner… a small wizard will open.
      6. 然后转到菜单文件/创建Flash / HTML5标语…,将打开一个小向导。

      7. On the Destination tab of the wizard (“Where do you want to save the banner”), choose “On Banner-Effect’s Server” and enter your email address.
      8. 在向导的“目标”标签上(“您要将横幅保存在哪里”),选择“在横幅效果服务器上”,然后输入您的电子邮件地址。

      9. Then, finish the wizard to publish the banner.
      10. 然后,完成向导以发布横幅。

      11. Back to WordPress, go to administration panel, Settings -> Banner Effect Header, enter the same email address and press “Save changes”
      12. 返回WordPress,转到管理面板,设置->横幅效果标题,输入相同的电子邮件地址,然后按“保存更改”

      13. You should see a list with all available banners.

      14. 您应该看到包含所有可用横幅的列表。

        Pick one, click “Save changes” again and the banner will be displayed on your WordPress website.

      15. 选择一个,再次单击“保存更改”,横幅将显示在您的WordPress网站上。

      16. You can also set a particular banner for an article or a page: edit the page, and, on “Banner Effect Header” box, select the specific banner you want to use.

      17. 您还可以为文章或页面设置特定的横幅:编辑页面,然后在“横幅效果标题”框中,选择要使用的特定横幅。

        Then press “Update” to save the change.

      18. 然后按“更新”以保存更改。





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