[wordpress插件] BadgeOS LearnDash Add-onBadgeOS LearnDash附加组件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-28 16:50 617 0 全屏看文



The “BadgeOS LearnDash Add-on” allows learners to earn achievements and badges from virtually every course, lesson and quiz activity available in the LearnDash learning management system.

“ BadgeOS LearnDash附加组件”使学习者几乎可以从LearnDash学习管理系统中可用的每门课程,课程和测验活动中获得成就和徽章。

When activated, BadgeOS admins will see a new “LearnDash Activity” menu in their “Required Steps” manager when editing or creating any achievement or badge.

激活后,BadgeOS管理员在编辑或创建任何成就或徽章时将在其“必需步骤”管理器中看到一个新的“ LearnDash活动”菜单。

Note: You will need to install the free BadgeOS plugin

注意:您将需要安装免费的 BadgeOS插件

>™ (version 1.2 or higher) to use the BadgeOS LearnDash Add-on.

>™(1.2版或更高版本)以使用BadgeOS LearnDash附加组件。

You will also need the LearnDash plugin v1.4 or higher installed, available from LearnDash.com.

您还需要安装 LearnDash插件 v1.4或更高版本(可从LearnDash.com获得)。

Get the BadgeOS plugin.


Get the LearnDash plugin.


BadgeOS™ turns your WordPress site into an achievement and badging system.

BadgeOS ™将您的WordPress网站变成成就和徽章系统。

And with LearnDash enabled on your site, badges are not only awarded by activities such as making submissions, earning points, completing required achievements, and making site and community contributions, but also by completing LearnDash courses, lessons, courses and quizzes.


Define the achievements, organize the badge requirements any way you like, and choose from and combine a range of BadgeOS and LearnDash activity options to determine whether each task or requirement has been achieved.


Earned badges are Open Badge compatible and sharable via Credly, the free web service for

获得的徽章与Open Badge兼容,可通过 Credly 共享,

displaying, storing and managing lifelong achievement.


New ways to define achievements and give badges for LearnDash activity


In addition to all of the out-of-the-box features in BadgeOS core, the BadgeOS LearnDash Add-on allows you to award achievements and badges based on these additional triggers:

除了BadgeOS核心中的所有现成功能之外,BadgeOS LearnDash附加组件还允许您根据以下附加触发条件来授予成就和徽章:

    • Courses:


        • Complete a specific Course
        • 完成特定课程

        • Complete any Course
        • 完成任何课程

        • Complete a course from a specific Tag
        • 通过特定标签完成课程

      • Lessons:


          • Complete a specific Lesson
          • 完成特定课程

          • Complete any Lesson
          • 完成任何课程

        • Quizzes:


            • Pass a specific Quiz
            • 通过特定的测验

            • Pass any Quiz
            • 通过任何测验

            • Achieve a minimum percent grade on a specific Quiz
            • 达到特定测验的最低分数等级

            • Achieve a minimum percent grade on any Quiz
            • 达到任何测验的最低分数等级

            • Fail a Quiz (i.e. useful for rewarding the passing of a previously failed quiz)
            • 未通过测验(即有助于奖励先前失败的测验的通过)

            • Fail a specific Quiz
            • 未通过特定测验

          Combine LearnDash Steps with BadgeOS Steps in Defining Achievements


            • Simple interface for defining the “Required Steps” for any badge or achievement seamlessly integrates LearnDash actions
            • 用于定义任何徽章或成就的“必需步骤”的简单界面无缝集成了LearnDash动作

            • Easily define achievements that rely on both BadgeOS required steps and LearnDash actions
            • 轻松定义同时依赖BadgeOS所需步骤和LearnDash操作的成就

            • Easily link together one or more triggers, steps or actions into the conditions needed to earn any badge or mark an achievement.
            • 轻松地将一个或多个触发器,步骤或动作链接到获得任何徽章或标记成就所需的条件中。

            LearnDash Badges are Lifelong Achievements with Credly Integration


              • As badges are earned on WordPress using BadgeOS and LearnDash, they can be automatically sent to Credly for lifelong storage, management, and sharing on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Mozilla Backpack, the earner's own web site, blog, or Credly profile

              • 由于使用BadgeOS和LearnDash在WordPress上获得徽章,可以将它们自动发送到Credly进行终身存储,管理,并在Facebook,LinkedIn,Twitter,Mozilla Backpack,收入者自己的网站,博客或Credly个人资料上共享


              • Badges you create in BadgeOS automatically appear and update on Credly, the home for storing and managing lifelong achievements.
              • 您在BadgeOS中创建的徽章会自动显示并在Credly(用于存储和管理终身成就的主页)上进行更新。

              • As with the BadgeOS core plugin, LearnDash badges are Mozilla Open Badge (OBI) compatible through integration of the “Open Credit” API by Credly, the free web service for issuing, earning and sharing badges.
              • “ rel =“ nofollow”>可信地,这是用于发行,赚取和共享徽章的免费网络服务。

              • Use the Credly iOS app to issue LearnDash badges you created on your WordPress/BadgeOS/LearnDash site.
              • 使用Credly iOS应用发布您在WordPress / BadgeOS / LearnDash网站上创建的LearnDash徽章。

              **Display Badges on User Profiles with Free Community Add-on **



    1. Upload, activate and configure the free BadgeOS v1.2 (or later) plugin to

    2. 上载,激活和配置免费的 BadgeOS v1.2(或更高版本)插件


    3. WordPress。

    4. Upload, activate and configure the LearnDash plugin to WordPress.
    5. LearnDash插件上传,激活并配置到WordPress。

    6. Upload ‘badgeos-LearnDash’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
    7. 将“ badgeos-LearnDash”上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录

    8. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    9. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    10. Add LearnDash action requirements to any new or existing achievement item using the “Required Steps” manager, with your “Earn by” menu set to “Completing Steps.”
    11. 使用“所需步骤”管理器将LearnDash操作要求添加到任何新的或现有的成就项目中,并且“学习方式”菜单设置为“完成步骤”。

    12. Ensure that you have entered the Credly credentials for the badge Issuer in the Credly Integration settings of BadgeOS core to enable badge sharing.
    13. 确保已在BadgeOS core的Credly Integration设置中输入了徽章颁发者的Credly凭据,以启用徽章共享。





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