[wordpress插件] Backup by Supsystic由Supsystic备份

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-28 11:40 566 0 全屏看文



Backup WordPress website to the FTP, DropBox, Google Drive or Local Computer and restore in two clicks.

将WordPress网站备份到FTP,DropBox,Google Drive或本地计算机,然后单击两次即可恢复。

With Backup plugin by Supsystic


make keeping a copy of your site's data on hand extraordinarily simple.


Backup plugin features


    • Backup to FTP
    • 备份到FTP

    • Backup to DropBox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Amazon S3 cloud service backup
    • 备份到DropBox,Google Drive,OneDrive,Amazon S3云服务备份

    • Customisation and presets.

    • 自定义和预设。

      Database backup, plugins, WordPress core files backup

    • 数据库备份,插件,WordPress核心文件备份

    • Backup in archive with .zip
    • 使用.zip存档存档

    • Local backup
    • 本地备份

    • WordPress website restoration.

    • WordPress网站恢复

      Plugins, Posts, Databases, Themes and Files

    • 插件,帖子,数据库,主题和文件

    • WordPress Core, Plugins, Themes, Uploads, Database, any folder inside wp-content backup
    • WordPress核心,插件,主题,上载,数据库,wp内容备份内的任何文件夹

    • Encrypted and Secure backups
    • 加密和安全的备份

    • Backup Logs
    • 备份日志

    • Secure Backup
    • 安全备份

    • Backup Scheduler (PRO feature)
    • 备份计划程序(PRO功能)

    • Website migration (PRO feature)
    • 网站迁移(PRO功能)

    • Secret Key for Database Backup (PRO feature)
    • 数据库备份的秘密密钥(PRO功能)

    • Remote FTP, SFTP(SCP), FTPS Server Backup (PRO feature)
    • 远程FTP,SFTP(SCP),FTPS服务器备份(PRO功能)

    Why do you need to backup your site?


    Any number of undesirable events can happen:


      • If you update the core WordPress files or a plugin, sometimes the update may not run properly and you may need to restore your backup & start again,
      • 如果更新核心WordPress文件或插件,有时更新可能无法正常运行,并且您可能需要还原备份并重新开始,

      • If you're tinkering with your site and playing in areas that perhaps you shouldn't be (eg in the functions.php file), depending on the severity of the problem, you may need to restore your backup,

      • 如果您要修改站点并在可能不应该使用的区域中玩耍(例如在functions.php文件中),则根据问题的严重性,您可能需要恢复备份,



      • If your site gets hacked, having a backup to restore to will mean all your hard work doesn’t go down the drain.
      • 如果您的网站遭到黑客攻击,则拥有备份还原到您的网站将意味着您的所有辛苦工作不会花光。

      Video Tutorial how to backup to FTP or DropBox


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