[wordpress插件] AzonPost阿宗邮报

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-27 18:40 638 0 全屏看文



AzonPost uses Amazon Product Advertising API (Public and Private Key) and Amazon Associates ID to make an access and request for searching Amazon products information and features, so you will need them before using this plugin.

AzonPost使用Amazon产品广告API(公共和私有密钥)和Amazon Associates ID进行访问和请求,以搜索Amazon产品信息和功能,因此在使用此插件之前,您将需要它们。

When you have saved your Amazon Product Advertising API, you can create posting campaigns as you want.

保存Amazon Product Advertising API后,您可以根据需要创建发布活动。



* Edit, copy, and delete campaigns.


* Auto create Post Categories.


* Unlimited campaigns.


* Posting status of each individual campaign.


* Built-in shortcodes.


* Free to create your own post templates.


Additional features:


* Auto insert Read More link after your specified words count.


* Auto insert post Tags (sorted by high to low density).


* Auto create Meta Description.


* Auto create Meta Keywords (sorted by high to low density).


* Facebook Comments Box.

* Facebook评论框。



Shortcode for Category Setting:


Use ][ as separator if you want publish post under sub categories.

如果要在子类别下发布帖子,请使用] [作为分隔符。

ex: Women][Shoes, where Women is parent category and Shoes is sub-category of Woman category.

例如:女士] [鞋子,其中女士是父类别,而鞋子是女士类别的子类别。

1 deep level only.


Shortcodes for post title:


^asin^ = ASIN code

^ asin ^ = ASIN代码

^title^ = Product title

^ title ^ =产品标题

Shortcodes for post content:


^asin^ = ASIN code

^ asin ^ = ASIN代码

^title^ = Product title

^ title ^ =产品标题

^url^ = Url product page

^ url ^ =网址产品页面

^brand^ = Product brand

^ brand ^ =产品品牌

^price^ = Product price

^ price ^ =产品价格

^simgurl^ = Small product image URL

^ simgurl ^ =小商品图片网址

^mimgurl^ = Medium product image URL

^ mimgurl ^ =中等商品图片网址

^limgurl^ = Large product image URL

^ limgurl ^ =大商品图片网址

^simage^ = Small product image

^ simage ^ =小商品图片

^mimage^ = Medium product image

^ mimage ^ =中等商品图片

^limage^ = Large product image

^ limage ^ =大商品图片

^simagel^ = Small image with link

^ simagel ^ =带有链接的小图片

^mimagel^ = Medium image with link

^ mimagel ^ =具有链接的中等图像

^limagel^ = Large image with link

^ limagel ^ =带有链接的大图像

^lowprice^ = Low price offer

^ lowprice ^ =低价报价

^offerprice^ = Offer price

^ offerprice ^ =报价

^ybuys^ = Yellow small buy button

^ ybuys ^ =黄色的小购买按钮

^ybuym^ = Yellow medium buy button

^ ybuym ^ =黄色的中等购买按钮

^ybuyl^ = Yellow large buy button

^ ybuyl ^ =黄色的大型购买按钮

^wbuys^ = White small buy button

^ wbuys ^ =白色的小购买按钮

^wbuym^ = White medium buy button

^ wbuym ^ =白色中等购买按钮

^wbuyl^ = White large buy button

^ wbuyl ^ =白色大号购买按钮

^features^ = Product features

^ features ^ =产品功能

^description^ = Product description

^ description ^ =产品说明

^iframereview^ = Product reviews on iframe

^ iframereview ^ = iframe上的产品评论

^fbcomments^ = Facebook Comments Box

^ fbcomments ^ = Facebook评论框

Development Notes


Tested 3.5, 3.4.2, 3.0.4, 3.2.1.



    1. Copy this file into the plugins directory in your WordPress installation (wp-content/plugins).
    2. 将此文件复制到WordPress安装中的plugins目录(wp-content / plugins)中。

    3. Log in to WordPress Admin.

    4. 登录WordPress管理员。

      Go to the Plugins section and click Activate for this plugin.

    5. 转到“插件”部分,然后单击“为此插件激活”。

    6. Take a look at the Admin Panel section, click "AzonPost".
    7. 查看“管理面板”部分,单击“ AzonPost”

    8. Insert your Amazon Product Advertising API and save your settings.
    9. 插入您的Amazon Product Advertising API并保存您的设置。

    10. Create post template and click save.
    11. 创建帖子模板,然后单击“保存”。

    12. Customize your options at the Tools page.
    13. 在“工具”页面上自定义选项。

    14. Copy your cron url and add to your cronjob.
    15. 复制您的cron网址并添加到您的cronjob。

