[wordpress插件] AZIndexAZ索引

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-27 17:50 575 0 全屏看文



Enhance your blog by creating multiple, three-level alphabetical indexes of your posts based on any combination of


post title, author, extract, tags, categories, or custom fields of your choice.


Select which posts are included in your indexes using


a combination of categories and tags, display them in up to four columns on a single page or over multiple pages.


For example, the AZIndex plugin can be used to:


    • Create an alphabetical index of all your blog posts, based on their titles, using extracts as short descriptions.
    • 使用摘录作为简短描述,根据标题为所有博客文章创建字母索引。

    • Create a music review index, sorted by the name of the artist and the name of their albums.
    • 创建音乐评论索引,按歌手姓名和专辑名称排序。

    • On blogs with multiple authors, create an index of posts by each author’s name.
    • 在具有多个作者的博客上,按每个作者的名字创建帖子索引。

    • Create a full alphabetical index of all your blog’s published pages in seconds with no PHP, HTML, or CSS required.
    • 在几秒钟内为您博客的所有已发布页面创建完整的字母索引,而无需PHP,HTML或CSS。

    Full list of features:


      • Index blog posts by title, extract, author, or any custom field.
      • 按标题,摘要,作者或任何自定义字段对博客文章进行索引。

      • Create indexes for your blog pages.

      • 为博客页面创建索引。

        Now you can create a full alphabetical index of every page and post on your site.


      • Select index contents using a combination of categories and tags.
      • 使用类别和标签的组合选择索引内容。

      • One, two or three-level entries – heading, subheading, and description, all customizable.
      • 一级,二级或三级条目-标题,子标题和说明,都可以自定义。

      • Up to four columns on a page.
      • 页面上最多四列。

      • Multiple indexes can be created, each customized with its own settings.
      • 可以创建多个索引,每个索引都有其自己的设置。

      • Indexes may be embedded in posts as well as pages.
      • 索引既可以嵌入帖子中,也可以嵌入页面中。

      • Fully customizable from the WordPress admin console.

      • 可以从WordPress管理控制台完全自定义。

        No need to know HTML or PHP.

      • 无需了解HTML或PHP。

      • Single or multi-page indexes with page links.
      • 具有页面链接的单页或多页索引。

      • Optional alphabetical links.
      • 可选的字母链接。

      • Display alphabetical headings in your index with links back to the top of the page.
      • 在索引中显示字母标题,并返回指向页面顶部的链接。

      • Group items with the same heading under one entry (e.g. all the novels of the same author).
      • 将同一标题下的项目归为一类(例如同一作者的所有小说)。

      • Add your own text to the index page.
      • 将您自己的文本添加到索引页面。

      • Control over the number of index items per page.
      • 控制每页索引项的数量。

      • Indexes are cached to ensure speedy operation when dealing with large indexes.
      • 索引被缓存,以确保在处理大索引时快速运行。

      • Customize the stylesheets for the index contents directly from the index administration page.
      • 直接从索引管理页面自定义索引内容的样式表。

      • Use CSS style striping to decorate your index entries (e.g. add a gray background to alternate entries).

      • 使用CSS样式条来装饰索引条目(例如,在备用条目中添加灰色背景)。

      • Use your own customized sort to sort an index.
      • 使用您自己的自定义排序对索引进行排序。

      • Customize which alphabetical links appear with your index.

      • 自定义与索引一起显示的字母链接。

      • Index entries that do not begin with a character or number can be placed at the beginning or the end of the index.
      • 可以将不以字符或数字开头的索引条目放置在索引的开头或结尾。

      • Punctuation like quotes or double-quotes can be ignored while sorting the index.
      • 对索引进行排序时,可以忽略引号或双引号之类的标点符号。

      • You can exclude categories and tags from an index.

      • 您可以从索引中排除类别和标签。

        Useful if you just need to exclude a few posts from an index.


      • Option to automatically include child categories in the index.

      • 用于在索引中自动包含子类别的选项。

      • Support for the superfast WP Super Cache plugin.
      • 支持超快速WP Super Cache插件。

      • Support for national languages.

      • 支持本国语言。

        Non-English characters in headings and alphabetical links should now be displayed correctly.


      • Translatable text provided — help requested for translating the strings (in azindex.pot), it would only take a few minutes of your time.
      • 提供了可翻译的文本-请求帮助翻译字符串(在azindex.pot中),只需几分钟的时间。

      • NEW in 0.8.0 Sort indexes by tag names or category names.
      • 0.8.0中的新功能:按标签名称或类别名称对索引进行排序。

      • NEW in 0.8.0 New item filter allows you to tailor the sorting of the index to you needs.
      • 0.8.0中的新功能:新项目过滤器可让您根据需要定制索引的排序。

      • NEW in 0.8.0 Three new output filters allow you to modify the HTML of the index, or even create your own!
      • 新功能(0.8.0版):三个新的输出过滤器可让您修改索引的HTML,甚至创建自己的HTML!

      • NEW in 0.8.0 The table of indexes on the Index Management page is now sortable.
      • 0.8.0中的新增功能。现在可以对“索引管理”页面上的索引表进行排序。

      • NEW in 0.8.1 Item display filter, allowing you to modify the content of an item before it is displayed.
      • 0.8.1版中的新功能:项目显示过滤器,可让您在项目显示之前修改其内容。

      IMPORTANT NOTE: This is still a BETA release, meaning that while the plugin is stable and has undergone

      重要提示::这仍然是 BETA 版本,这意味着该插件稳定且已执行

      considerable testing, you may encounter some bugs as new features and code are added.


      I have not been able to test


      all the plugin’s features on all combinations of WordPress versions, browsers, databases, and PHP versions, so


      some problems could remain on some of the many possible configurations.


      The best thing to do is just give it


      a try!


      Please read the Other Notes section before installing.


      If you try this plugin and like what you see, email to azindex@englishmike.net or visit the


      AZIndex Plugin Feedback Page to provide your feedback.


      Whether you’re reporting a bug, requesting a new feature, or just wanting to make a comment, I will be happy to hear from you.


      Stay up-to-date with all the important information and updates about AZIndex by subscribing to the


      AZIndex Announcements Mailing List.


      Release Notes version 0.8.1


      Minimum versions tested


        • WordPress 2.5 is the minimum required (will not work with older versions of WordPress)
        • 最低要求是WordPress 2.5(不适用于旧版本的WordPress)

        • PHP4 (4.4.8) & PHP5 (5.2.6) (will probably work with earlier versions of PHP4 and PHP5)
        • PHP4(4.4.8)和PHP5(5.2.6)(可能与早期版本的PHP4和PHP5兼容)

        • MYSQL 4.1.22 & MYSQL 5.0.5 (will probably work with earlier versions of MYSQL 4.0 and 5.0)
        • MYSQL 4.1.22和MYSQL 5.0.5(可能适用于MYSQL 4.0和5.0的早期版本)

        Known issues


          • This plugin supports indexes in non-English languages, but all text is English-only.
          • 此插件支持非英语语言的索引,但所有文本均为纯英语。

          • The plugin still contains some debug code.

          • 该插件仍然包含一些调试代码。

            It will not affect the behavior or performance of the plugin.


            It will be removed in later versions.

          • 它将在更高版本中删除。

          • The wp_nonce functions have yet to be implemented.
          • wp_nonce函数尚未实现。

          Changes in version 0.8.1


            • Added new filter: azindex_item_display
            • 添加了新的过滤器:azindex_item_display

            • Fixed bug in item filter.
            • 已修复项目过滤器中的错误。

            Changes in version 0.8.0


              • Added support for sorting the index by tag names and category names.
              • 增加了对按标签名称和类别名称对索引进行排序的支持。

              • Added four new filters: azindex_item, azindex_display_index, azindex_alpha_links, azindex_page_links
              • 添加了四个新的过滤器:azindex_item,azindex_display_index,azindex_alpha_links,azindex_page_links

              • Added sorting of the index table on the Admin Management page.
              • 在“管理管理”页面上添加了索引表的排序。

              • Disabled the grouping option if no subheading is selected.
              • 如果未选择子标题,则禁用分组选项。

              • Updated pointers to new web site: http://azindex.englishmike.net
              • 更新的指向新网站的指针:http://azindex.englishmike.net

              • Several bug fixes relating to the caching of pages
              • 与页面缓存有关的多个错误修复

              Changes in version 0.7.5


                • Rewritten the upgrade process for when a database table change is required.

                • 重写了需要更改数据库表时的升级过程。

                  From now on, the old settings will not be deleted until the plugin has confirmed that the upgrade was successful.

                • 从现在开始,在插件确认升级成功之前,旧设置将不会被删除。

                • Started internationalizing the text in the plugin.

                • 开始国际化插件中的文本。

                  This is the text like “(more)” and “(continued)” that appear on the index page.


                  I will do the admin pages too once the plugin gets closer to being finished.


                  I will, of course, make the POT file available for people to translate into their languages.


                  Just email me the translated files and I will incorporate them into a later release.

                • 只需通过电子邮件将翻译后的文件发送给我,我便会将它们合并到以后的版本中。

                • Added titles to the links in the alphabetical links and page links in the index (text is included in the POT file)
                • 为标题中的字母链接和页面链接中的链接添加标题(文本包含在POT文件中)

                • The headings in the index now link back to the top of the index, not the top of the page.

                • 索引中的标题现在链接回索引的顶部,而不是页面的顶部。

                  This is more convenient for the user when you have a large heading or a lot of text above the index.

                • 当您的标题较大或索引上方有很多文本时,这对用户来说更方便。

                • Added a “div” around the whole index and given it the id of “azindex-(index-id)”.

                • 在整个索引周围添加了一个“ div”,并​​将其标识命名为“ azindex-(index-id)”。

                  This was to let me point the links back to the top of the index, though it’s also a good idea in the long run too.


                  I haven’t given it a class name yet, see below for the reason why.

                • 我还没有给它一个班级名称,请参阅下面的原因。

                • Fixed a couple of spelling mistakes and some validation issues (there all!)
                • 修复了几个拼写错误和一些验证问题(全部!)

                • Fixed the stray end-style tag (now closes the spans properly)
                • 修复了流浪汉样式标签(现在可以正确关闭跨度)

                • Fixed a problem with the admin page’s custom field text box not appearing in some browers when selected.
                • 修复了选择某些页面时管理页面的自定义字段文本框未显示的问题。

                • Fixed a bug in the sorting of non-alphanumeric characters.
                • 修复了非字母数字字符排序的错误。

                • Fixed the “ignore characters” option which has been almost completely broken since 0.7.0.
                • 修复了“忽略字符”选项,该选项自0.7.0起几乎完全失效。

                • Completely rewrote the alphabetical index code so that it doesn’t stop displaying links when the contents of the index are not in the expected order.
                • 完全重写了字母索引代码,以便当索引的内容不符合预期顺序时,它不会停止显示链接。

                • And last, but not least, tweaked the multi-column code to fix a problem where it would sometimes not work on IE6/IE7.
                • 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,调整了多列代码以解决有时在IE6 / IE7上无法正常工作的问题。

                Changes in version 0.7.4


                  • Fixed regression in sorting lower case alphabetical character in the wrong order.
                  • 修复了按错误顺序对小写字母字符进行排序的回归问题。

                  Changes in version 0.7.3


                    • Fixed regression when creating the az_indexes database table.
                    • 在创建az_indexes数据库表时修复了回归问题。

                    Changes in version 0.7.2


                      • Fixed problem with older databases not working with collation.
                      • 解决了旧数据库无法使用归类的问题。

                      Changes in version 0.7.1


                        • National language support has been added.

                        • 已添加了本国语言支持。

                          Please see the FAQ for more information.

                        • 请参阅常见问题解答以获取更多信息。

                        • Renamed the AZIndex menu item.
                        • 重命名了AZIndex菜单项。

                        Changes in version 0.6.3


                          • Fixed problems caused by the changes to the Admin Console in WordPress 2.7.

                          • 修复了WordPress 2.7中管理控制台的更改所引起的问题。

                          Changes in version 0.6.2


                            • Fixed bug where database table names were incorrectly hard-coded.

                            • 修复了错误地对数据库表名称进行硬编码的错误。

                              Should fix SQL errors when using excluded categories or tags.

                            • 使用排除的类别或标记时,应修复SQL错误。

                            Changes in version 0.6.1


                              • Added an extra array check to fix bug that might causing error messages when saving a post.
                              • 添加了额外的数组检查,以修复在保存帖子时可能导致错误消息的错误。

                              Changes in version 0.6


                                • Added support for excluding post in categories and with tags from an index.

                                • 增加了对排除类别中的帖子以及索引中的标签的支持。

                                  Useful if you only want to exclude a few posts.

                                • 如果只想排除一些帖子,则很有用。

                                • Added option to include child categories along with the specified category.

                                • 添加了选项以包括子类别和指定类别。

                                  Useful if you have a heirarchy of categories.

                                • 如果您具有类别的层次结构,则很有用。

                                • Added full support for the WP Super Cache plugin.

                                • 添加了对WP Super Cache插件的完全支持。

                                  If you are using that plugin to cache pages on your site, then index pages will be cached too.

                                • 如果您使用该插件在网站上缓存页面,那么索引页面也将被缓存。

                                • Fixed bug where a single item index was not being displayed.
                                • 修复了未显示单个项目索引的错误。

                                Changes in version 0.5.4


                                  • Fixed problem when getting a serialized option in WordPress 2.6.

                                  • 解决了在WordPress 2.6中获取序列化选项的问题。

                                    Will continue to work on WP 2.5 and WP 2.6 if they decide to fix their bug.

                                    如果他们决定修复bug,将继续在WP 2.5和WP 2.6上工作。

                                  Changes in version 0.5.3


                                    • Fixed sorting bug where the heading sort was case sensitive (yikes!)
                                    • 修复了标题排序区分大小写的排序错误(喜欢!)

                                    • Added filter called ‘azindex_heading’ to allow custom manipulation of headings before they are sorted.

                                    • 添加了名为“ azindex_heading”的过滤器,以允许在排序标题之前进行自定义操作。

                                      See the EnglishMike.net blog for more information.

                                    • 有关更多信息,请参见EnglishMike.net博客。

                                    Changes in version 0.5.2


                                      • Added “escape” parameter to shortcode to allow bloggers (i.e. me) to display the [azindex] shortcode in a post without it turning into an index or error message!

                                      • 在简码中添加了“转义”参数,以允许博客作者(即我)在帖子中显示[azindex]简码,而不会变成索引或错误消息!

                                        (format is: escape=”true” if you want to display the shortcode)

                                      • (如果要显示简码,格式为:escape =“ true”)

                                      • Fixed name-collision bug with $mutex global variable.
                                      • 使用$ mutex全局变量修复了名称冲突错误。

                                      • Fixed bug where a link end tag was missing in some index formats.
                                      • 修复了某些索引格式中缺少链接结束标记的错误。

                                      Changes in version 0.5.1


                                        • Fixed bug that gave error messages when creating a new index.
                                        • 已修复在创建新索引时会显示错误消息的错误。

                                        Changes in version 0.5


                                          • Caching has arrived!

                                          • 缓存已到!

                                            Large indexes are now many times faster to load (if you use multiple pages) than before.

                                          • 现在,大型索引(如果使用多个页面)的加载速度比以前快了很多倍。

                                          • The cache can be cleared manually if necessary, or even disabled completely (though I would recommend against it!)
                                          • 可以根据需要手动清除缓存,甚至可以完全禁用缓存(尽管我建议不要这样做!)

                                          • Added option to add alphabetical headings to your index.

                                          • 添加了将字母标题添加到索引的选项。

                                            Each new letter of the alphabet now has its own heading.

                                          • 现在,每个新字母都有自己的标题。

                                          • Added further options to put an alphabetical heading at the beginning of each page or at the top of each column.
                                          • 添加了更多选项,可将字母标题置于每一页的开头或每一列的顶部。

                                          • Improved the pagelinks so that they will never overflow the bounds of the page if you have many pages in your index.
                                          • 改进了页面链接,以便在索引中有很多页面的情况下也不会溢出页面边界。

                                          • Added “(continued)” and “(more…)” when a grouped heading crosses between columns or pages.

                                          • 当分组的标题在列或页面之间交叉时,添加了“(续)”和“(更多……)”。

                                          • Fixed bug that was resulting in the wrong number of items going into a column.
                                          • 修复了导致进入列的项目数量错误的错误。

                                          Upgrading to version 0.5


                                            • No incompatible changes from 0.4.x.

                                            • 从0.4.x起没有不兼容的更改。

                                              Indexes created with versions 0.3.x and 0.4.x will continue to work on 0.5.

                                            • 使用0.3.x和0.4.x版本创建的索引将继续在0.5上运行。

                                            • New CSS styles for the indexes will be added if you have defined custom CSS for your index.

                                            • 如果您为索引定义了自定义CSS,将为索引添加新的CSS样式。

                                              Your own modifications will not be affected.


                                            Changes in version 0.4


                                              • Added option for including blog pages in an index.
                                              • 添加了将博客页面包含在索引中的选项。

                                              • Added option for striping index entries (e.g. giving alternate entries a different backgound color).
                                              • 添加了用于删除索引条目的选项(例如,为备用条目提供不同的背景色)。

                                              • Added option for custom sorting of an index.

                                              • 添加了用于自定义索引排序的选项。

                                                Simply create your own comparison function and add its name to the index’s settings page.

                                              • 只需创建您自己的比较函数并将其名称添加到索引的设置页面即可。

                                              • Added option for filtering out punctuation when sorting the index, so entries don’t get out of order if they begin with a quote or double-quote, for example.
                                              • 添加了用于对索引进行排序时过滤掉标点符号的选项,因此,例如,如果条目以引号或双引号开头,则不会出现混乱。

                                              • Added option for placing entries that begin with non-alphanumeric characters at the end of the index.
                                              • 增加了用于将以非字母数字字符开头的条目放置在索引末尾的选项。

                                              • Fixed bug causing the URL to grow when clicking on the index page links.
                                              • 修复了导致单击索引页面链接时URL增大的错误。

                                              • Fixed bug where entries with no heading were appearing in the index.

                                              • 修复了索引中没有标题的条目出现的错误。

                                              • You can now upgrade to the latest version of the plugin without losing your existing index settings (from v0.3 and above).

                                              • 您现在可以升级到最新版本的插件,而不会丢失现有的索引设置(从v0.3及更高版本开始)。

                                              Upgrading to version 0.4


                                                • No incompatible changes from 0.3.x.

                                                • 从0.3.x开始没有不兼容的更改。

                                                  Indexes created with version 0.3.x will continue to work on 0.4.

                                                • 使用0.3.x版本创建的索引将继续在0.4上运行。

                                                Changes in version 0.3.1


                                                  • Fixed bug preventing plugin working with PHP4.
                                                  • 修复了阻止插件与PHP4配合使用的错误。

                                                  • Added better error checking and error messages to help users during problem determination.
                                                  • 添加了更好的错误检查和错误消息,以帮助用户确定问题。

                                                  Upgrading to version 0.3.1


                                                    • No incompatible changes from 0.3.

                                                    • 从0.3起没有不兼容的更改。

                                                      Indexes created with version 0.3 will continue to work on 0.3.1.

                                                    • 用0.3版创建的索引将继续在0.3.1。上工作。

                                                    Changes in version 0.3


                                                      • Fixed bug that prevented the plugin working with MySQL 4.1 and some early versions of MySQL 5.0
                                                      • 修复了导致插件无法与MySQL 4.1和某些MySQL 5.0早期版本一起使用的错误

                                                      Upgrading to version 0.3


                                                        • VERY IMPORTANT You must uninstall any earlier versions of the AZIndex plugin by clicking the Uninstall AZIndex Plugin link in the Manage >> AZIndexes admin

                                                        • 非常重要,您必须必须卸载所有早期版本的AZIndex插件,方法是单击“管理” >>“ AZIndexes”管理员中的卸载AZIndex插件链接

                                                          page before you install the latest version.


                                                        Changes in version 0.2.1


                                                          • Fixed bug where duplicate entries appear in the index when specifying more than one tag or category for the index.
                                                          • 修复了在为索引指定多个标签或类别时索引中出现重复条目​​的错误。

                                                          • Fixed bug where the Author (the author of the post) was not displayed correctly when specified.
                                                          • 修复了在指定位置未正确显示作者(帖子的作者)的错误。

                                                          Upgrading to version 0.2.1


                                                            • Indexes created on v0.2 should continue to work on v0.2.1
                                                            • 在v0.2上创建的索引应该在v0.2.1上可以继续使用

                                                            Changes in version 0.2


                                                              • Indexes are no longer tied to a specific blog page.

                                                              • 索引不再绑定到特定的博客页面。

                                                                For you convenience, a new page containing the '[az-index id=”x”]' short-code will be created when you add an index, but you can copy that shortcode to any post or page you like.

                                                                为方便起见,添加索引时将创建一个包含“ [az-index id =” x”]”短代码的新页面,但是您可以将该短代码复制到您喜欢的任何帖子或页面上。



                                                              • Posts can now have indexes embedded within them.

                                                              • 帖子现在可以在其中嵌入索引。

                                                                Just insert the short-code ‘[az-index id=”x”]’ where x is the id of the index.

                                                                只需插入短代码“ [az-index id =” x”]”,其中x是索引的ID。



                                                                [az-index id=”1″].

                                                                [az-index id =“ 1”]。

                                                              • You can embed the same short-code in more than one post/page.
                                                              • 您可以在多个帖子/页面中嵌入相同的短代码。

                                                              Upgrading to version 0.2


                                                                • Delete all the indexes created with version 0.1.

                                                                • 删除使用版本0.1创建的所有索引。

                                                                  They will no longer work correctly.


                                                                  The quickest way to do this is to click ‘Uninstall’ and uninstall the plugin before you upgrade.

                                                                • 最快的方法是点击“卸载”并在升级之前卸载插件。

                                                                • You can no longer preview the index page from the ‘Manage Indexes’ table.

                                                                • 您无法再从“管理索引”表中预览索引页面。

                                                                  Go to Manage >> Pages instead.

                                                                • 转到“管理>>页面”。

                                                                • The plugin’s administration page has been renamed from ‘Index Pages’ to ‘AZIndexes’
                                                                • 该插件的管理页面已从“索引页面”重命名为“ AZIndexes”


Installation Instructions:


For WordPress 2.7 and above:

对于WordPress 2.7及更高版本:

    1. Navigate to the Plugins >> Add New page in your blog’s administration section.
    2. 导航至博客管理部分中的插件 >> 添加新页面。

    3. Search for AZIndex.
    4. 搜索 AZIndex

    5. Click Install and follow the on-screen instructions.

    6. 单击“安装”,然后按照屏幕上的说明进行操作。

    For older versions of WordPress:


      1. Download the plugin zip file.

      2. 下载插件zip文件。

      3. Upload the plugin contents into your WordPress installation’s plugin directory.
      4. 将插件内容上传到WordPress安装的插件目录中。

      5. The plugin’s .php files and readme.txt should be installed in the ‘wp-content/plugins/azindex/’ directory.

      6. 应将插件的.php文件和readme.txt安装在“ wp-content / plugins / azindex /”目录中。

      7. From the Plugin Management page, activate the AZIndex plugin.
      8. 在“插件管理”页面中,激活AZIndex插件。

      (Note: if you haven’t installed the One Click Plugin Updater plugin by Janis Elsts yet, then what are you waiting for?)

      (注意:如果尚未安装Janis Elsts的 One Click Plugin Updater 插件,那么您还在等什么?)

      Getting Started (these instructions are for WordPress 2.7 and above):

      入门(这些说明适用于WordPress 2.7及更高版本):

        1. To create a new index, go to Tools >> AZIndex and click on the ‘Add New’ link.
        2. 要创建新索引,请转到工具 >> AZIndex ,然后单击“添加新项” 链接。

        3. Enter a title for your index and select the options you want.

        4. 输入索引标题,然后选择所需的选项。

        5. Click the ‘Add Index’ button and a new index, along with a new unpublished blog page, will be created.
        6. 点击“添加索引” 按钮,将创建一个新索引以及一个新的未发布博客页面。

        7. To view the contents of your new index page, go to Pages and preview the page from there.
        8. 要查看新索引页面的内容,请转到页面并从此处预览页面。

        9. Make sure you try out all the options.

        10. 确保尝试所有选项。

          They can be used to tailor the look and feel of the index to your satisfaction.

        11. 它们可用于调整索引的外观,以使您满意。

        12. Once you are happy with the results, publish the index page (from Pages) so your users can access it.
        13. 对结果满意后,发布索引页(来自 Pages ),以便您的用户可以访问它。

        14. Hint: Consider using custom fields in your posts to set the headings and sub-headings of your index.

        15. 提示:请考虑在帖子中使用自定义字段来设置索引的标题和子标题。

          For example, if you are indexing book reviews you have posted, you can create an index that uses custom fields


          to access the authors’ names as headings, and the book titles as sub-headings.


          That way you can have a


          well organized index without having to mess with the titles of your reviews.

        16. 组织良好的索引,而不必弄乱评论的标题。





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