[wordpress插件] Automatic Copyrights Shortcode自动版权简码

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-25 09:30 596 0 全屏看文



Are you tired of updating the copyright year of your websites every year?


Don’t worry!


This plugin allows you to write once and forget about the updating it every year.


Just write the schortcode [acs] in the post or widget or anywhere, and it will show the complete copyright year with 'copyright symbol', 'copyright text', 'current year', 'site name' and 'site url'.<

只需在帖子或窗口小部件中或任何地方写下schortcode [acs],它就会显示完整的版权年份,并带有“版权符号”,“版权文本”,“当前年份”,“站点名称”和“站点URL”。


/ p>

Tested with WordPress 5.0.3!

已通过WordPress 5.0.3测试!

[acs] shortcode also support various attributes and that can be hide or modified easily.


Plugin Usage


    1. By default, writing [acs] shortcode will produce like © copyright 2019 WordPress
    2. 默认情况下,编写[acs]短代码将产生类似于©copyright 2019 WordPress

    3. You can skip anything in default copyright text, just write ‘hide’ for that attribute
    4. 您可以跳过默认版权文字中的任何内容,只需为该属性写“隐藏”

    5. For example, to hide the copyright symbol from copyright, just write [asc symbol=’hide’] and it will hide the symbol copyright 2019 WordPress
    6. 例如,要从版权中隐藏版权符号,只需写[asc symbol ='hide'],它将隐藏符号 copyright 2019 WordPress

    7. You can also change anything in default copyright text, just write the value of that attribute
    8. 您还可以更改默认版权文本中的任何内容,只需写下该属性的值

    9. For example, to change the default title of the site, just write [asc title='WordPress.org'] and it will override the default value © copyright 2019 WordPress.org

    10. 例如,要更改网站的默认标题,只需输入[asc title ='WordPress.org'],它将覆盖默认值©copyright 2019 WordPress.org



    11. You can add the founded year in copyright text, just write the year to attribute byear
    12. 您可以在版权文本中添加成立年份,只需将年份写为属性 byear

    13. For example, to write 2012 as founded year, just write [asc byear=’2012′] and it will show like © copyright 2012-2019 WordPress
    14. 例如,要写2012年作为创立年份,只需写[asc byear ='2012'],它就会显示为©版权所有2012-2019 WordPress

    Is it not simple?




    definitely it is.


    Below is the list of all attributes you can modify or hide.


    Available Attributes


      1. symbol – It shows the copyright symbol.

      2. 符号 –显示版权符号。

        Default value is ‘©’

      3. 默认值为“©”

      4. copyright – It shows the copyright text.

      5. 版权 –显示版权文字。

        Default value is ‘copyright’

      6. 默认值为“版权”

      7. cyear – It shows the current year.

      8. cyear –显示当前年份。

        Default value is ‘true’

      9. 默认值为“ true”

      10. byear – It shows the founded year.

      11. byear –显示创建年份。

        Default value is ‘false’

      12. 默认值为“ false”

      13. title – It shows the site name.

      14. title –显示站点名称。

        Default value is your site name

      15. 默认值为您的网站名称

      16. url – It links the url to the title.

      17. url –将URL链接到标题。

        Default value is your site url

      18. 默认值为您的网站网址


Installing directly from wordpress backend


    1. Goto Plugins -> Add New
    2. 转到插件->添加新内容

    3. Search for Automatic Copyrights Shortcode
    4. 搜索自动版权简码

    5. Install and Activate the plugin
    6. 安装并激活插件

    7. Use the shortcode [acs] wherever you want.
    8. 在任何需要的地方使用简码[acs]。

