[wordpress插件] Auto Video Youtube Poster汽车视频Youtube海报

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-25 01:10 741 0 全屏看文



This plugin allows you to create and upload automatically videos from your blog posts to Youtube.


Videos are generated with all the images contained in your post content filled with it’s title.


If title doesn’t exists, capitalized alt is used instead.


The uploaded video will be named as your post title.


Also you can add (optional) your post’s tags to your Youtube video.


Auto Video Youtube Poster features a free-copyright music gallery with a wide song repository.

Auto Video Youtube Poster具有免费版权的音乐画廊和宽广的歌曲库。

Before creating the video, you are allowed to select its music easily.


The purpose of Auto Video Youtube Poster is to offer a really simply tool to convert your posts to monetizable Youtube videos in an easy and fast way.


Get your FREE account with us


Sign up for your FREE AVY Poster Account and


try out our plugin and the rest of our features now, including:


    • 4 videos/month
    • 每月4个视频

    • 1 account by domain
    • 1个帐户(按域)

    • videos generated WITHOUT watermark
    • 没有水印的视频

    • …and more.
    • …还有更多。

About the plugin


    • Free accounts can use their AVY Poster key on one site/blog.
    • 免费帐户可以在一个站点/博客上使用其AVY海报密钥。

    • Spend less than 15 seconds to convert your posts to Youtube videos.
    • 花费不到15秒的时间将您的帖子转换为Youtube视频。

    • Customize your videos with your own intro image.
    • 使用您自己的介绍图片自定义视频。

    • Videos are generated from your post’s images.
    • 视频是根据您的帖子图像生成的。

    • Pro accounts can generate as many videos as they want.

    • 专业版帐户可以生成所需数量的视频。

      No limits!

    • 没有限制!

    • Administrators can manage wich roles are allowed to generate automatically videos.
    • 管理员可以管理角色,允许他们自动生成视频。

    • This plugin does not require any root or command-line access.

    • 此插件不需要任何root或命令行访问。

      No compilation and installation of any binaries is necessary.

    • 无需编译和安装任何二进制文件。

    • To use this plugin, you must obtain a key from http:

    • 要使用此插件,您必须从http:获取密钥。


      //tendenziasmedia.com/avy-poster/ 。

      Our free account comes with a limited quota for testing our pro features, including this plugin.

    • 我们的免费帐户有有限的配额来测试我们的专业功能,包括此插件。

    • Uploaded videos are completely monetizable.
    • 上传的视频可以完全获利。

    • English and spanish support.
    • 英语和西班牙语支持。

    Connect with AVY Poster

    连接AVY Poster

      • Website: http://tendenziasmedia.com/avy-poster/
      • 网站:http://tendenziasmedia.com/avy-poster/


To install the Auto Video Youtube Poster Plugin:

要安装Auto Video Youtube Poster插件,请执行以下操作:

    1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    2. 将插件文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件

    5. Navigate to Settings->Auto Video Youtube Poster

    6. 导航到“设置”->“自动视频Youtube海报”

      3.1 – Obtain the “Credencial” key from AVY Poster and

      3.1 –从AVY海报获取“ Credencial”密钥

      set it in the input field.


      3.2 – Authorize the plugin to upload and posts videos on your Youtube account.

      3.2 –授权该插件在您的YouTube帐户上上传和发布视频。

      You will recieve a Google-KEY.


      3.3 – Write your Google-KEY in the “Code Google” input.

    7. 3.3 –在“ Google编码”输入中输入Google-KEY。

    8. (Optional) Add an intro image to your videos.

    9. (可选)向视频添加简介图片。

      If input is empty, default intro image will be used.

    10. 如果输入为空,将使用默认的介绍图片。

    11. Allow other roles to generate Youtube videos.

    12. 允许其他角色生成Youtube视频。

      (Administrator only is recommended).

    13. (建议仅管理员)。

    14. Press “Guardar cambios” to save your settings and finish configuration.
    15. 按“ Guardar cambios”以保存您的设置并完成配置。

    How to create a video:


      1. Edit your post or go to Posts->All posts and edit the desired post.

      2. 编辑您的帖子,或转到“帖子”->“所有帖子”并编辑所需的帖子。



        A new “AVY Poster” panel has been added to the editing page at the top right corner.

      3. 新的“ AVY Poster”面板已添加到右上角的编辑页面。

      4. (Optional) Mark “Añadir enlace a descripción Youtube” to add a link to your post in your youtube video description.
      5. (可选)标记为“Añadir附加到YouTube上的描述”,以在您的youtube视频描述中添加指向您帖子的链接。

      6. (Optional) Mark “Tags del post en Tags YouTube” to set your post tags to your Youtube video keyword field.
      7. (可选)标记“ Tags del post en Tag YouTube”以将您的帖子标签设置到您的YouTube视频关键字字段。

      8. (Optional) Select your favourite song.
      9. (可选)选择您喜欢的歌曲。

      10. CHECK “Enviar a YouTube” checkbox.
      11. 选中“通过YouTube启用”复选框。

      12. Click on “Update” o “Publish” Button, if everything goes right a green massage will show up.

      13. 单击“更新”或“发布”按钮,如果一切正常,将显示绿色按摩。



        Now you can close your navigator window or navigate freely.

      14. 现在,您可以关闭导航器窗口或自由导航。

      15. Wait a few minutes to see your auto-generated video published in Youtube.
      16. 请耐心等待几分钟,以观看在YouTube上发布的自动生成的视频。





钻级赞助商 我要加入



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