[wordpress插件] SEO A/B Split Testing: Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO) PluginSEO A / B拆分测试:Google搜索引擎优化(SEO)插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-24 00:00 665 0 全屏看文






Boost Your WordPress SEO Traffic

提高WordPress SEO流量

Optimize your post titles and descriptions for better click through rates


Imagine if you could get 25% more clicks from your existing Google SEO rankings?

想象一下,您是否可以从现有的Google SEO排名中获得25%的点击次数?

By running SEO experiments to improve your articles’ headlines, title tags and meta descriptions to be more compulsive, adding a call to action or simply better target your keywords you can significantly increase traffic from your existing search engine rankings.


A/B Rankings will help you test new variations of your site's titles, layout and content in order to optimize your Google SERP snippet, making your blog or website site look more valuable to the searcher and increasing your organic SEO click through rates

A / B排名将帮助您测试网站标题,布局和内容的新变化,以优化您的Google SERP代码段,使博客或网站对搜索者而言更有价值,并提高自然SEO点击率



A/B Rankings SEO Plugin

A / B排名SEO插件

A/B Rankings is a standalone SEO tool that integrates with all CMS including WordPress.

A / B排名是一个独立的SEO工具,可与包括WordPress在内的所有CMS集成。

You must have an A/B Rankings account in order to take advantage of this plugin.

您必须具有A / B排名帐户才能使用此插件。

Click here to create your FREE account.


How to start SEO split testing


    1. Install this plugin
    2. 安装此插件

    3. Sign up at A/B Rankings
    4. 注册A / B排名

    5. Connect your Google Search Console (Webmaster Tools) account so we can track changes in your SEO ranks
    6. 连接您的Google Search Console(网站站长工具)帐户,以便我们跟踪您的SEO排名更改

    7. Create a new test on abrankings.com and the SEO test’s changes will be deployed instantly to your WordPress site
    8. 在abrankings.com上创建一个新测试,并且SEO测试的更改将立即部署到您的WordPress网站

    Changes made to your site will be visible to all users immediately, so from the very first crawl of your test page Google will see your changes and we will start tracking their impact on your SEO positions.


    Test new content ideas, widgets and copy


    How would your pages perform if you were to update old content, or add an extra 500 words of copy to cover new SEO keywords?


    Before you start an expensive content creation campaign, why not test the impact of changes to your site’s SEO performance by updating your pages and monitoring the impact on your traffic and revenue?


    You might also want to test:


      • Adding additional content to pages to increase keyword coverage and long tail SEO rankings
      • 在页面上添加其他内容以提高关键字覆盖率和长尾SEO排名

      • Adding schema.org JSON-LD structured data to a page for featured snippets in Google’s SERPs
      • 将schema.org JSON-LD结构化数据添加到Google SERP中特色片段的页面上

      • Altering keyword anchors on internal links to improve a major page’s SEO positions and traffic
      • 在内部链接上更改关键字锚点,以改善主要页面的SEO位置和访问量

      • Adding a linked table of contents to an in-depth guide to optimize for inline sitelinks in Google’s search engine result pages
      • 在深入指南中添加链接的目录,以优化Google搜索引擎结果页面中的内联网站链接

      • Adding boilerplate SEO copy to pages to see if you can increase ranking keyword combinations on Google

      • 在页面上添加样板SEO副本,以查看是否可以增加Google上的排名关键字组合

        or anything else you can think of!

      • 或其他您能想到的!



      A/B Rankings is an advanced SEO testing tool.

      A / B排名是高级的 SEO测试工具

      No other WordPress SEO plugin or WordPress title or meta description optimization tool offers the ability to measure the increase in traffic due to your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

      没有其他WordPress SEO插件,WordPress标题或元描述优化工具可以测量由于搜索引擎优化(SEO)导致的流量增加。


    1. Install A/B Rankings SEO Testing Plugin either via the WordPress.org plugin repository or by uploading the files to your server.
    2. 通过WordPress.org插件存储库或通过将文件上传到服务器来安装A / B排名SEO测试插件。

    3. Activate A/B Rankings SEO Testing Plugin.
    4. 激活A / B排名SEO测试插件。

    5. Navigate to the A/B Rankings tab at the bottom of your admin menu and enter your A/B Rankings API Key, then choose your site’s url to connect your A/B Rankings account to your WordPress site.
    6. 导航至管理菜单底部的“ A / B排名”标签,然后输入A / B排名API密钥,然后选择网站的网址以将A / B排名帐户连接到WordPress网站。

    7. Your SEO tests’ changes will be automatically downloaded and displayed on your site
    8. 您的SEO测试更改将自动下载并显示在您的网站上








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