[wordpress插件] Auto-Install Free SSL自动安装免费SSL

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-24 10:20 699 0 全屏看文



Auto-Install Free SSL


‘Auto-Install Free SSL’ automatically issue, renew and install Free SSL Certificate on WordPress website & also on all websites hosted in the cPanel server.


This plugin works in cPanel shared hosting.


You don’t need to have coding experience or server admin experience to set it up.


Root access is NOT required.


All you need is 5 minutes only.


Install it, provide the required information and set up the daily cron job.


You can even set up the cron job from this plugin.


That’s it!


This plugin also works on other web hosting control panel except for the auto-installation feature.




    • ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’ works not only on your WordPress website’s domain but on all the websites hosted on your cPanel / web hosting.
    • “自动安装免费SSL”不仅适用于WordPress网站的域,而且适用于cPanel /虚拟主机托管的所有网站。

    • It is compatible with both ACME version (1 and 2) of the Let’s Encrypt API.

    • 它与Let's Encrypt API的ACME版本(1和2)兼容。

      You have the option to choose one.

    • 您可以选择一个。

    • This plugin is capable of issuing WildCard SSL certificate for free!
    • 此插件可以免费颁发WildCard SSL证书!

    • If you have cPanel shared hosting, the plugin will install free SSL certificate automatically.
    • 如果您拥有cPanel共享托管,则插件将自动安装免费的SSL证书。

    • Choose the interval to renew SSL certificates.

    • 选择更新SSL证书的间隔。

      The default is 30 days before the expiry.

    • 默认值为到期前30天。

    • This plugin saves the SSL certificates and private keys files above the document root (i.e., ‘public_html’).
    • 此插件将SSL证书和私钥文件保存在文档根目录(即“ public_html”)上方。

    • You have the option to set the directory name in which this plugin saves SSL certificates and private keys.
    • 您可以选择设置此插件用于保存SSL证书和私钥的目录名称。

    • Set the key length of SSL certificate as per your wish.

    • 根据需要设置SSL证书的密钥长度。

      The default value is 2048 bytes/bit.

    • 默认值为2048字节/位。

    • The plugin saves the sensitive information (password/API secret) in your WordPress database encrypting with the open SSL.
    • 该插件将敏感信息(密码/ API机密)保存在WordPress数据库中,并使用开放的SSL加密。

    • There is an option to create a daily cron job with one click — no need to log in your web hosting control panel.
    • 有一个选项,您可以一键创建日常cron作业-无需登录虚拟主机控制面板。

    • Do you need to issue wildcard SSL?

    • 是否需要发布通配符SSL?

      You get four DNS service providers for which the plugin sets DNS TXT record automatically: Cloudflare, Godaddy, Namecheap, and cPanel.

      您将获得四个DNS服务提供商,该插件为其自动设置DNS TXT记录:Cloudflare,Godaddy,Namecheap和cPanel。

      If your DNS provider is not supported, you need to set the DNS TXT record yourself.

      如果不支持您的DNS提供商,则需要自行设置DNS TXT记录。

      At the right time, the plugin sends an email that provides the required data to set the DNS TXT record.

    • 在适当的时候,该插件会发送一封电子邮件,其中提供了设置DNS TXT记录所需的数据。

    • If the plugin automatically sets the DNS TXT record, it waits for 2 minutes before it sends challenges to the API of Let’s Encrypt for verification of your domains.

    • 如果该插件自动设置DNS TXT记录,则需要等待2分钟,然后它将挑战发送到Let's Encrypt的API进行域验证。

      If your DNS provider takes more than 2 minutes to propagate the TXT records, you have the option to make the plugin wait beyond two minutes interval.

    • 如果您的DNS提供商花费了2分钟以上的时间来传播TXT记录,则可以选择让插件等待两分钟以上的间隔。

    • If you set the DNS TXT record manually, the plugin waits until the TXT record propagation complete.

    • 如果手动设置DNS TXT记录,则插件将等待,直到TXT记录传播完成。

      Some web hosting company may terminate the cron job if the DNS service provider takes longer to complete propagation.


      In that situation, you may wait until the next run of the cron job or choose non-wildcard SSL for each sub-domain.

    • 在这种情况下,您可以等待下一次cron作业运行,或者为每个子域选择非通配SSL。

    • If your website currently doesn’t have an SSL certificate installed, this plugin provides an option to generate one free SSL certificate before you configure the plugin.

    • 如果您的网站当前未安装SSL证书,则此插件提供了在配置插件之前生成一个免费SSL证书的选项。

      You get this option when you try to provide cPanel password or DNS API credentials over an insecure connection.

      当您尝试通过不安全的连接提供cPanel密码或DNS API凭据时,将获得此选项。

      So, no need to enter sensitive credentials on an insecure page.

    • 因此,无需在不安全的页面上输入敏感的凭据。

    • You can revoke any SSL certificate or change your Let’s Encrypt™ account key at any time.
    • 您可以随时撤消任何SSL证书或更改Let's Encrypt™帐户密钥。

    Minimum System Requirements


      • Linux hosting (this plugin doesn’t work on Windows hosting)
      • Linux托管(此插件在Windows托管上不起作用)

      • WordPress 3.5
      • WordPress 3.5

      • PHP 5.4
      • PHP 5.4

      • OpenSSL extension
      • OpenSSL扩展

      • Curl extension
      • 卷曲扩展名

      • PHP directive allow_url_fopen = On
      • PHP指令allow_url_fopen = On

      • For the automatic SSL certificate installation feature, your cPanel need to have the SSL installation feature enabled.
      • 要使用自动SSL证书安装功能,您的cPanel需要启用SSL安装功能。

      Case 1: This plugin needs cPanel API to auto-install the SSL certificate.

      情况1::此插件需要cPanel API才能自动安装SSL证书。

      If your web hosting control panel is any other than cPanel, the client can’t install SSL certificate automatically.


      In that case, you need to install the issued free SSL manually.


      Case 2: Do you have cPanel, but the SSL certificate installation feature is DISABLED?


      You need to request your web hosting service provider to enable the feature, or you may contact them to install the free SSL issued by this plugin.


      For any of the case 1 and 2, all other processes are automated.


      The plugin sends an automated email in the event of issueenewal of free SSL.


      The email tells you the path details of the SSL certificate, private key, and CA bundle.


      You need to install the SSL yourself (case 1) manually or with the help of your web hosting provider (case 2).




      Most easy method


        1. Click ‘Plugins > Add New’.
        2. 点击“插件>新增”。

        3. Search with keyword: ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’.
        4. 使用关键字“自动安装免费SSL”进行搜索。

        5. Once you found the plugin click ‘Install Now’ button.
        6. 找到插件后,点击“立即安装”按钮。

        7. Click ‘Activate Plugin’.
        8. 点击“激活插件”。

        9. Go to the “After activation” section below.
        10. 转到下面的“激活后”部分。

        Manually upload


          1. Download the plugin from this page.
          2. 从此页面下载插件。

          3. Upload the plugin archive to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory and extract it.
          4. 将插件档案上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录并提取。

          5. Go to the ‘Plugins’ page in your WordPress backend and activate ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’.
          6. 转到WordPress后端中的“插件”页面,然后激活“自动安装免费SSL”。

          7. Go to the “After activation” section below.
          8. 转到下面的“激活后”部分。

          After activation


            1. You see the ‘Settings’ link.

            2. 您会看到“设置”链接。

              Click on it.

            3. 点击它。

            4. You get the dashboard of the plugin.

            5. 您将获得插件的仪表板。

              You can also get this page from the admin menu at the bottom-left (below the default ‘settings’ menu) of your WordPress backend.

            6. 您还可以从WordPress后端左下角(默认“设置”菜单下方)的管理菜单中获取此页面。

            7. Initially, you get the ‘Basic Settings’ option only.

            8. 最初,您仅获得“基本设置”选项。

              Provide your information with it, and you get other options.


              Fill in all the required options and set up the cron job.

            9. 填写所有必需的选项并设置cron作业。

            10. You’re done!
            11. 您完成了!

            What’s next?


            Once the plugin installs free SSL certificate for the first time, use Really Simple SSL plugin for other SSL related

            该插件首次安装免费的SSL证书后,请将真正简单的SSL 插件用于其他与SSL相关的操作



            You need to do this for one time only.




