[wordpress插件] AuthorSure作者确定

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-24 01:20 713 0 全屏看文



    • Makes it easier to get Google Authorship Verification
    • 使获得Google作者身份验证更容易

    • Uses rel=author, rel=me and rel=publisher links to connect your posts, archives, authors pages, Google Plus profiles and Google Plus pages.
    • 使用rel = author,rel = me和rel = publisher链接来连接您的帖子,档案,作者页面,Google Plus个人资料和Google Plus页面。

    • Works on single and multiple author sites
    • 在单个和多个作者网站上工作

    • Supports several ways to link your posts/pages to your author pages: byline, footnote, author box or menu link.
    • 支持将文章/页面链接到作者页面的几种方法:按行,脚注,作者框或菜单链接。

    • Helps you set up your archive pages for Google authorship verification
    • 帮助您设置存档页面以进行Google作者身份验证

    • Allows you to add a title, short or extended bio and sub-headings to your author pages
    • 允许您在作者页面中添加标题,简短或扩展的简历以及子标题

    • Creates links from your site’s author pages to the authors’ Google Plus Profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and Skype as well as Google+
    • 在您的网站的作者页面上创建指向Facebook,Twitter,LinkedIn,Pinterest,YouTube和Skype以及Google+上的作者的Google Plus个人资料的链接

    • Creates a link from your home page to your Google Plus Page for your product, brand or organization
    • 为您的产品,品牌或组织创建从首页到Google Plus页面的链接

    • Allows you to control whether your rich snippets show the original post publication date or the last time the post was updated.
    • 允许您控制您的丰富摘要是显示原始帖子发布日期还是显示帖子的最后更新时间。

    • Allows you to control whether external links in the author bios are rel=nofollow
    • 允许您控制作者履历中的外部链接是否为rel = nofollow

    • Ability to control whether or not you have Google Authorship for custom post types
    • 能够控制您是否具有针对自定义帖子类型的Google作者身份

    • See http://www.authorsure.com/category/themes has set-up instructions for most popular WordPress themes
    • 请参阅http://www.authorsure.com/category/themes,了解有关最流行的WordPress主题的设置说明

    AuthorSure supplies some shortcodes for use on multi-author sites or where you want more control over placement:


      • [authorsure_authors] displays author boxes with photos and bios for all your authors
      • [authorsure_authors]显示包含所有作者的照片和个人简历的作者框

      • [authorsure_author_box] allows you to place the author box exactly where you want on the page
      • [authorsure_author_box]允许您将作者框准确地放置在页面上所需的位置

      • [authorsure_author_profiles] allows you to place the social icons exactly where you want on the page
      • [authorsure_author_profiles]允许您将社交图标准确地放置在页面上所需的位置



      Here are some of the useful AuthorSure WordPress Plugin links

      以下是一些有用的AuthorSure WordPress插件链接

        • AuthorSure Home Page http://www.authorsure.com/
        • AuthorSure主页http://www.authorsure.com/

        • Google AuthorSure Markup Explained http://www.authorsure.com/google-authorship-markup/
        • 解释了Google AuthorSure标记http://www.authorsure.com/google-authorship-markup/

        • AuthorSure Plugin Features http://www.authorsure.com/category/features/
        • AuthorSure插件功能http://www.authorsure.com/category/features/

        • AuthorSure Help and Support http://www.authorsure.com/help/
        • AuthorSure帮助和支持http://www.authorsure.com/help/

        • AuthorSure Tutorials http://www.authorsure.com/free-video-tutorials/
        • AuthorSure教程http://www.authorsure.com/free-video-tutorials/


    1. Use the standard WordPress plugin automatic updates system for updating to the latest version or use the manual steps below.

    2. 使用标准的WordPress插件自动更新系统来更新到最新版本,或使用以下手动步骤。

    3. Uncompress the downloaded zip archive in [WordPress install root]/wp-content/plugins
    4. 在[WordPress安装根目录] / wp-content / plugins中解压缩下载的zip存档

    5. Activate the plugin in your WordPress plugins control panel
    6. 在WordPress插件控制面板中激活插件

    7. Choose which of the four mechanisms is right for your site to identify the author to Google
    8. 选择四种机制中的哪一种最适合您的网站,以便向Google识别作者





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