[wordpress插件] Author Box Reloaded Pack作者箱重新装包

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-23 13:50 534 0 全屏看文



It allows the author to define links to the external websites like Twitter, Identi.ca, Facebook, Netlog, LinkedIn, Xing, Drupal Association, Vimeo, BranchOut, Youtube, Google+, Skype and WordPress.Org (included) when using

它允许作者定义到外部网站的链接,例如Twitter,Identi.ca,Facebook,Netlog,LinkedIn,Xing,Drupal协会,Vimeo,BranchOut,Youtube,Google +,Skype和WordPress.Org(包括)

Author Box Reloaded.


At the front-end those will appear as clickable icons.


Those external websites are very simple plugins and you can check the included ones to see how to make your owns.


This was a needed move because it is more probable that we have more ABR3 External Contact plugins developed by third parties to be included than to have too much development on original Author Box Reloaded.

这是必须采取的措施,因为我们可能会包含更多由第三方开发的 ABR3外部联系人插件,而不是在原始Author Box上重新加载过多的开发。

Check out the other WordPress plugins by the same author.

查看同一作者的其他 WordPress插件


How to install the WordPress Author Box Reloaded Pack plugin and get it working in an handful of steps:

如何安装WordPress Author Box Reloaded Pack插件并通过几个步骤使其正常工作:

    1. BE SURE THAT Author Box Reloaded IS INSTALLED and active.
    2. 请确保已安装作者盒已重新加载并处于活动状态。

    3. Upload /author-box-reloaded-pack/ folder and its files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or just use the WordPress admin interface to install

    4. / author-box-reloaded-pack / 文件夹及其文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录,或仅使用WordPress管理界面进行安装


    5. 它。

    6. Activate only the plugins you will need through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress (after Author Box R3 is installed or you will get an error message).

    7. 仅通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活所需的插件(安装了Author Box R3后,否则您将收到错误消息)。

      See image in Screenshots.

    8. 屏幕截图中查看图像。

    9. Go to your Personal Profile and insert the user id for the social networks you want to have the link in Author Box Reloaded.

    10. 转到“个人资料”,然后在“重新加载作者框”中插入您想要链接的社交网络的用户ID。

      For instance, if in Twitter your url is http://twitter.comiceguy just use the “niceguy” part of it.

      例如,如果在Twitter中,您的网址是http://twitter.comiceguy,则只需使用其中的“ niceguy”部分。

      It is the same procedure with the other social networks or external websites.

    11. 与其他社交网络或外部网站的操作步骤相同。

    You should have at least your “Contact Info” Website and/or one of the Social Networks defined or, at least, a not so short “Biographical Info”, or the Author Box Reloaded CSS may be real messy.

    您应该至少定义了“联系信息”网站和/或一个社交网络,或者至少没有那么短的“传记信息”,否则Author Box重新加载的CSS可能真是一团糟。



    If you use WordPress Mu and want to add this plugins to all blogs just install them in the mu-plugins directory instead or, in more modern versions, activate them globally.

    如果您使用WordPress Mu并将此插件添加到所有博客中,则只需将其安装在mu-plugins目录中,或者在更现代的版本中将其全局激活。

