[wordpress插件] Advanced Shipping Manager高级运输经理

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-22 01:20 540 0 全屏看文



    • Dropshipping from multiple origins with full control over markups and couriers
    • 从多个地方进行托运,完全控制加价和快递服务

    • Configure multiple shipping zones and couriers
    • 配置多个运输区域和快递公司

    • Block certain shipping methods from being used with specific products
    • 禁止某些产品使用某些运输方式

    Advanced Shipping Manager for wordpress is the only shipping solution for your online store.

    用于wordpress的Advanced Shipping Manager是您在线商店的唯一运输解决方案。

    GUARANTEED ROI – If after the first month you believe our app did not save or generate additional revenue as much as our fee – we will gladly cancel your account and refund your first month’s fee in full.


    No questions asked!


    No other app offers more features or more control over your shipping rates and accuracy.


    Our customers say that it pays for itself immediately!


    What will you gain as an ASM customer?


    Key Features:


      • ORIGIN ZIP CODE FOR EACH ITEM: When working with dropshippers and wholesalers your products may be shipping from numerous locations.

      • 每个项目的邮政编码::与直接托运商和批发商合作时,您的产品可能会从许多地方发货。

        This feature allows you to designate the zip code from which the item ships from and allows you to create shipping rules for each zip code.


        With this feature you can designate the courier, the rate, markups and even free shipping.

      • 使用此功能,您可以指定快递,价格,加价甚至免费送货。

      • DIMENSIONS: With the introduction of dimensional weight from shipping couriers, shipping cost based on items weight alone doesn’t always return accurate rates.

      • 尺寸:随着运输快递公司引入尺寸重量,仅基于商品重量的运输费用并不总是能返回准确的费率。

        With Advanced Shipping Manager you can set the dimensions of any item in order to properly calculate shipping costs.

      • 借助Advanced Shipping Manager,您可以设置任何物品的尺寸,以便正确计算运费。

      • BLOCK SHIPPING METHODS: Block any shipping method(s) from being used when it is not compatible with specific item(s) that have been added to the shopping cart.

      • 批量运输方式:当与已添加到购物车中的特定商品不兼容时,禁止使用任何运输方式。

        The ability to block shipping methods in your store saves your customer service department time and makes it clear to your customers what shipping options are available.

      • 在您的商店中阻止运输方式的功能可以节省您的客户服务部门的时间,并使您的客户清楚知道可用的运输选项。

      • SHIP INDIVIDUAL ITEMS ALONE: Do you have specific products that must be shipped alone?

      • 单独运送单个物品:您是否有必须单独运送的特定产品?

        With this feature you can designate specific products as Ship Alone and use your existing shipping rules to calculate shipping or you can override those rates with a specific flat rate.

      • 使用此功能,您可以将特定产品指定为“单独运送”,并使用现有的运送规则来计算运送,也可以使用特定的固定费用覆盖这些费用。

      • MULTI-BOX ITEMS: With this feature you can set the weight and dimensions (dimensions are optional) of your products that ship in multiple boxes eliminating any miscalculations due to not being able to specify your items

      • 多箱物品::借助此功能,您可以设置在多个箱子中运输的产品的重量和尺寸(尺寸为可选),从而避免了由于无法指定商品而导致的误算

        multiple boxes.


        For example: your online store ships furniture and one of your products is a large unassembled couch that ships in 3 separate boxes.


        With this feature you can set the number of boxes to 3 and set the weight and dimensions of each box.

      • 借助此功能,您可以将盒子的数量设置为3,并设置每个盒子的重量和尺寸。

      • SHIPPING TABLES: Create a shipping rule table that calculates shipping as designated in your own shipping table based on weight, order total or a flat rate.

      • 运输表:创建一个运输规则表,根据重量,订单总额或统一费用计算您自己的运输表中指定的运输量。

        You can assign a dollar charge or a real time rate to any range allowing you to dial in your rates perfectly!

      • 您可以将美元费用或实时费率分配给任何范围,以便您完美地拨打费率!

      • REAL-TIME SHIPPING RATES: Offer real-time rates for UPS, FedEx, USPS, and Canada Post for domestic and international orders.

      • 实时运输费率:为国内和国际订单提供UPS,FedEx,USPS和Canada Post的实时费率。

        Choose to use either your negotiated / discounted rates or the published rates to give your customers the most up-to-date shipping rates available.

      • 选择使用您议定/打折的价格或已发布的价格为您的客户提供最新的可用运费。

      • DROPSHIPPER MARKUPS: Set markups for items that come from dropshippers.

      • 托运人标记:为来自托运人的物品设置标记。

        You can even specify individual markups for each of your dropshippers locations, when customers check out with items from multiple dropshippers, the dropshipper markup feature will add all the markups together to simplify this potentially complex shipping scenario in your store.

      • 您甚至可以为每个托运人位置指定单独的标记,当客户从多个托运人中检出商品时,dropshipper标记功能会将所有标记加在一起,以简化商店中这种潜在的复杂运输情况。

      • MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM SHIPPING RATE SETTINGS: Every shipping method you create can be assigned a minimum or a maximum shipping rate.

      • 最低和最高运费设置:您创建的每种运送方式都可以指定最低或最高运送速率。

        With one simple rule you can create a $5 shipping minimum that will automatically increase when the courier calculated rates are higher and you can set a maximum for that same method to never charge more than $50.

      • 使用一条简单的规则,您可以创建5美元的最低运费,当快递员计算的费率更高时,运费最低限额会自动增加,并且您可以为同一方法设置最高金额,以免运费超过50美元。

      • MARKUPS AND MARKDOWNS ON SHIPPING RATES: Set a markup or markdown for any shipping method available in your store.

      • 运费的标记和减价:为商店中可用的任何送货方式设置标记或减价。

        You can use a flat dollar amount and/or a percentage.


        This feature is particularly useful for adding handling charges.

      • 此功能对于增加手续费特别有用。

      • MARKUPS AND MARKDOWNS FOR INDIVIDUAL ITEMS: Set a markup or markdown as a flat dollar amount for any individual item you sell in your store.

      • 个人物品的加价和减价:将商店中出售的任何单个商品的加价或减价设置为单位美元金额。

        This feature is particularly useful for adding handling charges or to cover the cost of special packing materials for specific items.

      • 此功能对于增加处理费或支付用于特定物品的特殊包装材料的成本特别有用。

      • MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM ORDER VALUE SETTINGS: This function allows you to create create complex rules that mix and match flat rates and courier calculated rates depending on order value.
      • 最小和最大订单金额设置::此功能可让您创建创建复杂规则,以根据订单价值来混合和匹配统一价格和快递计算价格。

      • DIVIDE OVERWEIGHT SHIPMENTS: Set a maximum weight for your shipping calculations, automatically splitting the order into multiple packages, keeping the weight of the shipment under your defined maximum weight.

      • 划分超重运输:为运输计算设置最大重量,自动将订单分成多个包裹,将运输重量保持在定义的最大重量以下。

        This feature is useful for merchants that have special pricing on specific box weights allowing you to always keep your package weight in the optimum range.

      • 此功能对于对特定箱子重量有特殊价格的商人很有用,使您可以始终将包裹重量保持在最佳范围内。

      • FLAT SHIP RATES WITH QUANTITY DISCOUNT OPTION: Set a flat fee for specific item(s) to override shipping rates.

      • 带有数量折扣选项的运费价格:为特定商品设置固定费用以覆盖运费。

        Optionally, you can set the rates to automatically discount based on the quantity of the items ordered.


        Flat fee shipping rates can also be applied to groups of items.

      • 固定费用的运费也可以应用于项目组。

      • GROUP FLAT RATE SHIPPING: Override real time rates in your store by setting a flat rate for specific groups of items, this allows you to offer a flat rate on a single group of items regardless of how

      • 组平价运费:通过为特定商品组设置统一价格来覆盖商店中的实时汇率,这使您可以为单个商品组提供统一价格,而无论如何

        many are ordered.

      • 许多订单。

      • FREE SHIPPING FOR INDIVIDUAL ITEMS WITH MULTIPLE METHODS: Control your free shipping on the individual item level, with Advanced Shipping Manager you have the ability to specify individual items to ship for free and you can control which

      • 针对多种商品的免费送货方式:在单个商品级别上控制您的免费送货,使用Advanced Shipping Manager,您可以指定要免费送货的单个商品,并且可以控制

        shipping methods the item will ship for free with.

      • 该物品将免费运送的运输方式。

      • GLOBAL FREE SHIPPING WITH EXCLUSIONS: Advanced Shipping Manager allows you to have better control and more options for your Global Free Shipping settings.

      • 全球免运费产品:高级运送管理器可让您更好地控制全球免运费设置,并有更多选择。

        With this feature you can even set a specific order value that turns on free shipping.


        You can also prevent free shipping from being applied for overweight items and exclude certain items from free shipping on an item by item basis.

      • 您还可以防止超重物品免收运费,并且可以逐项逐项排除某些物品。

      • BLOCK P.O.

      • 街区P.O.

        BOX DELIVERY: Stop the problem before it starts and prevent customers from entering a P.O.

        BOX DELIVERY:。在问题开始之前将其停止,并防止客户输入P.O。

        Box as a shipping address.


        Shipments to P.O.


        Boxes can cost your business valuable time and money.

      • 盒子可能会花费您宝贵的时间和金钱。

      • SATURDAY DELIVERY: Offer Saturday delivery for UPS Next Day Air, FedEx Priority Overnight and FedEx First Overnight and choose which days to allow your customers to select this method.

      • 星期六交货:为UPS次日航班,FedEx Priority Overnight和FedEx First Overnight提供星期六交货,并选择允许客户选择此方法的日期。

        This gives your customers the option of receiving their order when they need it, without the constraints of the typical Monday-Friday delivery schedule.

      • 这使您的客户可以选择在需要时接收订单,而不受通常的周一至周五交货时间表的限制。

      • WEIGHT SURCHARGES – ADD EXTRA POUNDS TO BOX WEIGHT: Set a number of pounds to be automatically added to every package to account for packaging materials.
      • 重量附加费-将额外的磅数添加到包装盒重量中::设置要自动添加到每个包装中的磅数,以说明包装材料。

      • SHIPPING COURIER BACKUP: The Shipping Courier Backup feature adds a level of protection to your store by allowing UPS and FedEx to backup each other in the event of their API going down, this means Advanced Shipping Manager

      • 货运快递备份::“货运快递备份”功能允许UPS和FedEx在API发生故障时互相备份,从而为您的商店提供了一定程度的保护,这意味着高级货运经理

        will always return rates.

      • 将始终返回利率。

      • SHOPPING CART SIMULATOR: Quickly and easily test Shipping Rates for your store with the Shopping Cart Simulator feature.

      • 购物车模拟器::使用“购物车模拟器”功能可以快速轻松地测试商店的运费。

        No need to place a test order!


        Our simulator allows.

      • 我们的模拟器允许。

      Not seeing a feature you need?


      Challenge us!


      Call our team of experts and let us create it for you at 888-546-4932 or email us: info@kingwebmaster.com

      致电我们的专家团队,让我们通过888-546-4932为您创建它或给我们发送电子邮件: info@kingwebmaster.com

      See AdvancedShippingManager.com for more information, including a webinar, and full list of

      请参阅 AdvancedShippingManager.com ,以获取更多信息,包括网络研讨会和以下内容的完整列表




    • PHP version 5.2.4 or greater (PHP 5.6 or greater is recommended)
    • PHP版本5.2.4或更高版本(建议PHP 5.6或更高版本)

    • MySQL version 5.0 or greater (MySQL 5.6 or greater is recommended)
    • MySQL 5.0或更高版本(建议使用MySQL 5.6或更高版本)

    • WooCommerce 2.5 requires WordPress 4.1+
    • WooCommerce 2.5需要WordPress 4.1 +

    • WooCommerce 2.6 requires WordPress 4.4+
    • WooCommerce 2.6需要WordPress 4.4 +

    • Download the zip file or directly install from the WordPress plugin page.
    • 下载zip文件或直接从WordPress插件页面安装。

    • Upload the Advanced Shipping Manager plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    • 将Advanced Shipping Manager插件上传到/ wp-content / plugins /目录。

    • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    • 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    • Woocommerce -> Shipping-> Advanced Shipping Manager-> Click on Save button.
    • Woocommerce->运送->高级运送管理器->单击“保存”按钮。

    • Add Products, Under Product Data -> Advance Shipping Manager Tab display.
    • 添加产品,在“产品数据”下->“高级运输经理”选项卡显示。





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