[wordpress插件] AskApache Debug ViewerAskApache调试查看器

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-22 00:10 538 0 全屏看文



Extreme Advanced debugging plugin for seeing the verbose of the verbose debug info.

Extreme Advanced调试插件,用于查看详细调试信息的详细信息。

Tech Support, Server Admins, WordPress Developers, Plugin Developers, or anyone wanting to see under the hood of their website and diagnose problems.


This debugging plugin goes further than any other in the way it uses Apache Server Status Handlers, CGI Script for server environment view, and in the shear amount of debugging information available, like the basically print_r($GLOBALS).

这个调试插件在使用Apache服务器状态处理程序,在服务器环境视图中使用CGI脚本的方式,以及大量可用的调试信息(例如基本上是print_r($ GLOBALS))方面,比其他任何方式都更加先进。

Read the .htaccess Tutorial for more information on the


advanced Apache stuff.


Only viewable to logged-in users with the ‘edit_users’ capability.

只有具有“ edit_users”功能的登录用户才能查看。

A standalone plugin, you set which debug output settings you want, and whether to turn it on or off.


Then every page in your administration panel will include the debug output in the footer using the ‘admin_footer’ action.

然后,管理面板中的每个页面都将使用“ admin_footer”操作在页脚中包含调试输出。

Or you can also output in the wp_footer.


Additionally, it has the capability of live-debugging, which changes your php.ini error settings on-the-fly for live debugging.


These are several of the debugging modules, each can be set to basic or verbose.


    • Memory Hogs – Very cool!
    • 记忆猪–太酷了!

    • File and Directory Browser with full stat output
    • 具有完整统计信息输出的文件和目录浏览器

    • Apache Server Status
    • Apache服务器状态

    • Apache Server Info
    • Apache服务器信息

    • Apache Printenv
    • Apache Printenv

    • Extreme Server Info with Server-Env from cgi
    • 来自cgi的带有Server-Env的极端服务器信息

    • Current Variables in the Global Scope
    • 全局范围中的当前变量

    • Gforms Debugging
    • Gforms调试

    • WordPress Cron Debugging
    • WordPress Cron调试

    • WordPress JS Script Debugging
    • WordPress JS脚本调试

    • WordPress CSS Styles Debugging
    • WordPress CSS样式调试

    • Widget Debugging
    • 小部件调试

    • Sidebars Debugged
    • 已调试侧边栏

    • All Taxonomies, including custom
    • 所有分类法,包括自定义

    • Custom Post Types
    • 自定义帖子类型

    • Navigation Menus
    • 导航菜单

    • WordPress Actions and Filters
    • WordPress操作和过滤器

    • Function Information
    • 功能信息

    • Extensions Loaded by PHP
    • PHP加载的扩展

    • Information about Owner/User/File permissions
    • 有关所有者/用户/文件权限的信息

    • Files included by php
    • php包含的文件

    • Your PHP.ini settings
    • 您的PHP.ini设置

    • Information from phpinfo
    • 来自phpinfo的信息

    • Defined Constants and variables
    • 定义的常量和变量

    • Global Server/Request Information
    • 全局服务器/请求信息

    • WordPress RewriteRules
    • WordPress RewriteRules

    • Database Queries
    • 数据库查询

    • File Permissions
    • 文件权限

    • Posix Info
    • Posix信息

    • Socket/Stream Debugging
    • 套接字/流调试

    • Information about Loaded Classes
    • 有关已加载类的信息

      1. https://www.askapache.com/
      2. https://www.askapache.com/

      3. http://www.php.net/

      4. http://www.php.net/

        The live debugging feature is for users advanced enough to look at the code and make know what its for.

      5. 实时调试功能可供高级用户使用,以查看代码并知道其用途。


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


    1. Extract zip to wp-content/plugins
    2. 将zip压缩到wp-content / plugins

    3. Activate the Plugin
    4. 激活插件

    5. Setup plugin options
    6. 设置插件选项





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