[wordpress插件] AR PlayAR游戏

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-20 16:20 720 0 全屏看文



AR Play WordPress plugin serves as a connection between AR Play platform and your WordPress website.

AR Play WordPress插件用作AR Play平台和WordPress网站之间的连接。

AR Play allows you to show any 3D Model in augmented reality (AR) trough our Android and iOS app.

AR Play可让您通过我们的Android和iOS应用程序在增强现实(AR)中显示任何3D模型。

This enables product demonstration without having the physical product next to you, which is an amazing feature for any e-commerce store or for in-field sales agents.


Users can test the app with our pre-uploaded models or add their own 3D models.


To add your own 3D models, you can sign up through arplay.app, and use the platform first month for free.


After the first month, subscription fee is $10/month for unlimited amount of products.

第一个月后,无限量产品的订阅费用为每月$ 10。

Once user signs up, they will also get a QR code and link generated for each of their products.


QR Codes and Links open specific model in AR Play app.

QR Codes and Links在AR Play应用中打开特定的模型。

This enables Augmented Reality integration for e-commerce stores.




    • Add QR Code and link that prompt AR view anywhere, trough shortcodes
    • 添加QR码并链接,以通过短代码在任何地方提示AR视图

    • Choose one of the 12 spots to place your QR code or link on the woocommerce product page
    • 选择12个位置之一以将QR码或链接放置在woocommerce产品页面上

    • Customize QR code size and location
    • 自定义QR码的大小和位置

    • Customize link text and AR icon
    • 自定义链接文本和AR图标

    • Add AR Capability to products in bulk
    • 为批量产品增加AR功能

    How to use


      • Install AR Play plugin.
      • 安装AR Play插件。

      • Get UUID from your account on arplay.app
      • 从您在arplay.app上的帐户中获取UUID

      • Navigate to AR Play > Settings from WP Dashboard and add your UUID number.
      • 从WP控制台导航至“ AR播放”>“设置”,然后添加您的UUID号。

      • Activate/Deactivate modules AR Play Shortcode and/or AR Play for WooCommerce.

      • 激活/停用WooCommerce的AR Play短代码和/或AR Play模块。

        Deactivating module WILL NOT DELETE the codes you created, they will just be temporary disabled.

      • 停用模块将不会删除您创建的代码,它们只会被暂时禁用。

      • To create a SHORTCODE, from WP dashboard navigate to AR Play > Shortcode > Generate.

      • 要创建SHORTCODE,请从WP仪表板导航至AR Play>简码>生成。

        Put your generated shortcode in any page or post.

      • 将您生成的简码放在任何页面或帖子中。

      • To add AR Play AR View option to your product, navigate to specific product page and add path to model (found at the top right part of the page).

      • 要将AR Play AR View选项添加到您的产品,请导航至特定的产品页面并添加模型路径(位于页面右上方)。

        Navigate to AR Play > For WooCommerce to choose where to display AR Play link on your product page.)

      • 导航到AR Play>对于WooCommerce,选择在产品页面上显示AR Play链接的位置。)

      Use of an external service


      The plugin use the external (API) services from url httsp://arplay.app for the following reasons:

      出于以下原因,该插件使用URL httsp://arplay.app的外部(API)服务:

        • Validation of your Arplay Account UUID
        • 您的Arplay帐户UUID的验证

        • Deep link creation
        • 深层链接创建

        This is necessary for the plugin to work properly.


        These services are developed by Arty which also developed this plugin.


        Link to AR Play Privacy Policy:

        指向AR Play隐私权政策的链接:




    1. Download and install AR Play plugin using the built-in WordPress plugin installer.

    2. 使用内置的WordPress插件安装程序下载并安装AR Play插件。

      If you download AR Play plugin manually, make sure it is uploaded to /wp-content/plugins/ and activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.

      如果您手动下载AR Play插件,请确保将其上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 并通过WordPress中的 Plugins 菜单激活该插件。

      Or follow the steps below:


      Plugins > Add new > Upload plugin > Upload arplay.zip > Install Now > Activate Plugin.

    3. 插件>添加新内容>上传插件>上传arplay.zip>立即安装>激活插件。

