[wordpress插件] Aqua SVG SpriteAqua SVG雪碧

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-20 14:50 560 0 全屏看文



This plugin allows you to create SVG sprites out of images from your WordPress media library.


Why Use SVG Sprites?


SVG, or Scalable Vector Graphics, allow you to add resolution-independent images to your websites.


These images are generally much sharper and smaller in file size compared to other formats like JPEG.


However, each SVG image needs to be requested separately, which slows down your website.


Adding SVG images to a sprite allows the browser to download multiple images with just one request, then show the individual pieces of the sprite separately.


By reducing requests, this speeds up your site.


Creating a Sprite


Aqua SVG Sprite adds a new SVG Sprite menu to the WordPress sidebar, which functions a lot like the default Posts or Pages menus;

Aqua SVG Sprite向WordPress侧边栏添加了一个新的SVG Sprite菜单,其功能与默认的Posts或Pages菜单非常相似;

you can add, edit, and trash individual SVG images under All Items.


When you add or edit an item, You’re able to choose a few things:


    1. The Title makes it easy to find an individual SVG and is also used for selecting an SVG by the shortcode generator button.
    2. “标题”使查找单个SVG变得容易,也可用于通过短码生成器按钮选择SVG。

    3. The Slug is used as the ID for the symbol in the sprite, which essentially allows WordPress to extract one SVG image from the sprite and display it on the page.
    4. Slug用作Sprite中符号的ID,这实际上使WordPress可以从Sprite中提取一张SVG图像并将其显示在页面上。

    5. The Aqua SVG Sprite Image is where you add a single SVG image that gets added to the sprite.
    6. 在Aqua SVG Sprite Image中,您可以添加一个添加到Sprite的SVG图像。

    7. There are some basic instructions on usage, pre-populated with the ID and group (explained in the next section) for the individual SVG you’re viewing.
    8. 有一些关于用法的基本说明,其中预先填充了您正在查看的单个SVG的ID和组(在下一部分中说明)。

    9. In the sidebar, you can select a Sprite Group as explained in the next section.
    10. 在边栏中,您可以按照下一节中的说明选择一个Sprite Group。

    11. Last of course, Publish adds the SVG to the sprite.
    12. 最后,发布将SVG添加到精灵中。

    Creating Additional Sprite Groups


    If you’d like to use more than one sprite (the built in General sprite), you can add additional groups by clicking SVG Sprite > Sprite Groups in the WordPress sidebar.

    如果您要使用多个Sprite(内置的General Sprite),则可以通过单击WordPress边栏中的SVG Sprite> Sprite Groups添加其他组。

    These work similar to WordPress tags, except you can only add each individual SVG image to one sprite group.


    Since they’re compiled into separate sprite groups, marking the same SVG for multiple groups would duplicate code, defeating the purpose of a sprite.


    After you add a new Sprite Group, it appears as a selection in the right sidebar’s Sprite Group selector when creating or editing individual SVG sprite images.

    添加新的Sprite Group后,当创建或编辑单个SVG Sprite图片时,它会显示在右侧栏中Sprite Group选择器中。

    Using the Gutenberg Block


    Aqua SVG Sprite will add a new block called SVG Sprite to your Gutenberg block editor.

    Aqua SVG Sprite将向您的Gutenberg块编辑器添加一个名为SVG Sprite的新块。

    After you add an SVG Sprite block, you can select the image you would like to use in the block inspector to the right.

    添加SVG Sprite块后,可以在右侧的块检查器中选择要使用的图像。

    You can also add an advanced pseudo-array or HTML properties for more control, like viewbox=0 0 1000 1000,fill=aquamarine to add a viewbox and fill to the SVG element.

    您还可以添加高级伪数组或HTML属性以进行更多控制,例如 viewbox = 0 0 1000 1000,fill = aquamarine 即可添加视图框并填充到SVG元素。

    Using the Shortcodes


    Aqua SVG Sprite will add a new [SVG] button to your classic editor (anywhere a WYSIWYG with TinyMCE appears), which will guide you through adding a shortcode to your content.

    Aqua SVG Sprite将为您的经典编辑器添加一个新的 [SVG] 按钮(在出现TinyMCE的WYSIWYG的任何地方),它将指导您向内容添加短代码。

    For example, you could display the “Some Slug” image from the default “General” sprite group like [aqua-svg slug="some-slug"].

    例如,您可以显示默认“常规”子画面组中的“一些子弹”图像,例如 [aqua-svg slug =“ some-slug”]

    If “Some Slug” were part of the “Some Group” sprite instead, you would use [aqua-svg slug="some-slug" sprite="some-group"].

    如果“ Some Slug”是“ Some Group”子画面的一部分,则应使用 [aqua-svg slug =“ some-slug” sprite =“ some-group”]

    You can also add a pseudo-array of HTML properties for more control like [aqua-svg slug="some-slug" sprite="some-sprite" attr="viewbox=0 0 1000 1000,fill=aquamarine"

    您还可以添加HTML属性的伪数组以进行更多控制,例如 [aqua-svg slug =“ some-slug” sprite =“ some-sprite” attr =“ viewbox = 0 0 1000 1000,fill = aquamarine”

    ] to add a viewbox and fill to the SVG element..

    ] 添加一个视图框并填充到SVG元素中。

    Using PHP Functions and Advanced Features


    You can visit the documentation for more information on using PHP


    functions, along with code examples and details on more advanced features.



    1. Upload “aqua-svg-sprite” to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
    2. 将“ aqua-svg-sprite”上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录。

    3. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。





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