[wordpress插件] Appypie Web to Mobile AppAppypie Web到移动应用程序

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-20 12:50 621 0 全屏看文



Appy Pie Web to Mobile App is a WordPress plugin that converts your blog/website in to a native/hybrid mobile App Builder to Make an App Without Coding.

Appy Pie Web to Mobile App是一个WordPress插件,可将您的博客/网站转换为本地/混合移动App Builder,从而无需编写代码即可构建应用。

    • Be Where the Customers Are On Their Phone.
    • 成为客户打电话的地方。

    • Make it Easy to do Business.
    • 轻松开展业务。

    • Send Unlimited FREE Push Notifications.
    • 发送无限的免费推送通知。

    • Keep the Customers Engaged.
    • 保持与客户的互动。

    • Get More Repeat Business.
    • 获得更多重复业务。

    • Boost Your Website SEO Ranking.
    • 提升您的网站SEO排名。

    You already built a beautiful mobile friendly website, but, customers spend the majority of their time on native mobile apps.


    They want timely alerts or push notifications letting them know of great deals.




      • Robust Communication: users can call, email, text, and even locate you in a tap!
      • 强大的通信功能:用户可以轻按一下即可打电话,发电子邮件,发短信,甚至可以找到你!

      • Powerful Push Notifications: Keep your customers engaged with unlimited Geo (location based), categorized, and scheduled push notifications
      • 强大的推送通知:让您的客户接触无限的地理位置(基于位置),分类和计划的推送通知

      • Effective Push Notifications: Send push notifications that include pictures and links
      • 有效的推送通知:发送包含图片和链接的推送通知

      • Modifiable Features: Add or remove app features as often as desired without having to republish
      • 可修改的功能:根据需要添加或删除应用功能,而无需重新发布

      • Website Synchronized: Changes to your site are instantly updated in your app
      • 网站已同步:对您网站的更改会在您的应用中立即更新

      • Social Integrations: Add your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram pages and more
      • 社交集成:添加您的Facebook,Twitter,Instagram页面等

      • App & Product Sharing: Let your product & app go Viral with app sharing features
      • 应用和产品共享:通过应用共享功能让您的产品和应用变得病毒化

      • Google Analytics: See how your users are using your app with an in-depth Google Analytics report
      • Google Analytics(分析):通过深入的Google Analytics(分析)报告查看您的用户如何使用您的应用

      • Increase Your Site’s SEO Ranking
      • 提高您网站的SEO排名

      • Boost Your Brand – Be in the Google Play Store.

      • 提升品牌–在Google Play商店中。

      Here’s how it works:


        • Drop your mobile friendly website URL into the Appy Pie app builder, select your features and your website will be converted into a native mobile app compatible with phones and tablets in minutes!
        • 将您的移动友好网站URL放到Appy Pie应用构建器中,选择您的功能,您的网站将在几分钟内转换为与手机和平板电脑兼容的本地移动应用!

        • The result is an amazing app using your website, optional social media pages, plus powerful app features like push notifications, calendar events and reminders, messages log, camera, cash register and more.
        • 使用您的网站,可选的社交媒体页面以及强大的应用程序功能(如推送通知,日历事件和提醒,消息日志,摄像头,收银机等),结果是一个了不起的应用程序。

        • Appy Pie publishes your app in the Google Play Store or you can publish yourself.
        • Appy Pie将您的应用发布到Google Play商店中,或者您也可以发布自己。

        • Your app is synchronised with your website.

        • 您的应用已与您的网站同步。

          Anytime you update your website, your mobile app will be updated in real time with no need to republish to the app stores.

        • 每当您更新网站时,您的移动应用都会实时更新,而无需重新发布到应用商店。

        • Try your app for FREE.

        • 免费试用您的应用。

          Preview your app with the same functionality that will be in the purchased app.

        • 使用购买的应用程序中的相同功能预览您的应用程序。

        • Be confident with unlimited chat and email support.
        • 对无限的聊天和电子邮件支持充满信心。

        Website: http://www.appypie.com


        Support: support@appypie.com



    1. Visit ?Plugins > Add New?
    2. 访问“插件”>“添加新内容”

    3. Search for ?Appy Pie Web to Mobile App?

    4. 搜索“将Pie Web应用于移动应用程序”吗?

      and activate it

    5. 并激活它

    6. A new tab, Appy Pie Web to Mobile App, will appear under Settings.

    7. “设置”下将出现一个新选项卡,即“从Appy Pie Web到移动应用程序”。

      Open it

    8. 打开

    9. Now enter app name
    10. 现在输入应用名称

    11. Enter your website or blog URL
    12. 输入您的网站或博客URL

    13. Select app category
    14. 选择应用类别

    15. Enter email address
    16. 输入电子邮件地址

    17. Please wait for a while till we convert your website or blog into a mobile app
    18. 请等待一段时间,直到我们将您的网站或博客转换为移动应用

    19. Now click on continue
    20. 现在单击继续

    21. You will be redirected to Appy Pie creator software page.

    22. 您将被重定向到Appy Pie创建者软件页面。

      Drag and drop your desired features to make your app unique and user engaging.


      You can check the preview of your app on simulation window

    23. 您可以在模拟窗口中查看应用的预览

    24. Click on Save & Continue
    25. 点击“保存并继续”

    26. Your app would we ready in a matter of minutes.

    27. 您的应用程序将在几分钟之内完成。

      You can send the app test link to your device by text or email

    28. 您可以通过文本或电子邮件将应用程序测试链接发送到您的设备

    29. Once you are satisfied with your app, Appy Pie can help you publish it on different app stores
    30. 一旦您对自己的应用程序感到满意,Appy Pie可以帮助您将其发布到不同的应用程序商店中

    Appy Pie can publish your app or you can publish your app with your Google Play certificate.

    Appy Pie可以发布您的应用,也可以使用Google Play证书发布您的应用。





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