[wordpress插件] Appointment Hour Booking – WordPress Booking Plugin预约小时预订– WordPress预订插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-20 07:30 573 0 全屏看文



Appointment Hour Booking is a WordPress plugin for creating booking forms for appointments with a start time and a defined duration over a schedule.


The start time is visually selected by the end user from a set of start times calculated based in the “open” hours and service duration.


The duration/schedule is defined in the “service” selected by the customer.


Each calendar can have multiple services with different duration and prices.


This plugin is useful for different cases like booking of medical services where services with different duration and prices may be available, for personal training sessions, for booking


rooms for events, for reserving language classes or other type of classes and other type of servicesesources booking where start times are selected and the availability is automatically managed


using the defined service duration to avoid double-booking (the booked time is blocked once the booking is completed).


Main Features:


    • Easy visual configuration of calendar data and schedules
    • 轻松的可视化配置日历数据和时间表

    • Working dates, invalid/holiday dates and special dates can be defined
    • 可以定义

    • 工作日期,无效/假日和特殊日期

    • Supports restriction of default, maximum and minimimum dates
    • 支持限制默认日期,最大日期和最小日期

    • Open hours can be defined for each date
    • 可以为每个日期定义

    • 开放时间

    • Each calendar can have multiple services defined
    • 每个日历可以定义多项服务

    • Each service can have its own price and duration
    • 每个服务可以有自己的价格和期限

    • Start-times are calculated automatically based in the open hours and service duration
    • 开始时间是根据开放时间和服务持续时间自动计算的。

    • Available times are managed automatically to avoid double-booking
    • 自动管理可用时间以避免重复预订

    • Multiple services can be selected on each booking
    • 每次预订都可以选择多项服务

    • Services can have multiple capacity
    • 服务可以具有多种能力

    • Automatic price calculation
    • 自动价格计算

    • Customizable email notifications for administrators and users
    • 可自定义的电子邮件通知,适用于管理员和用户

    • Form validation and built it anti-spam captcha protection
    • 形成验证并建立反垃圾邮件验证码保护

    • Manual and automatic CSV reports
    • 手动和自动 CSV报告

    • iCal addon with iCal export link and iCal file attached into emails
    • 带有iCal导出链接的iCal插件,并将iCal文件附加到电子邮件中

    • Calendar available in 53+ languages
    • 日历有53种语言可用

    • Multiple date formats supported
    • 支持多种日期格式

    • Blocks for Elementor and Gutemberg
    • Elementor和Gutemberg的积木

    • Multi-page calendars
    • 多页日历

    • Printable appointments list
    • 可打印的约会列表

    Features in commercial versions:


      • Visual form builder for creating the booking form fields
      • 可视表单生成器,用于创建预订表单字段

      • Booking form can be connected to payment process (Ex: PayPal Standard, PayPal Pro, Stripe, Skrill, Authorize.net, TargetPay/iDEAL, Mollie/iDEAL, SagePay, Redsys)

      • 预订表单可以连接到付款流程(例如:贝宝标准,贝宝专业版,Stripe,Skrill,Authorize.net,TargetPay / iDEAL,Mollie / iDEAL,SagePay,Redsys)



      • Payments are SCA ready (Strong Customer Authentication), compatible with the new Payment services (PSD 2) – Directive (EU)
      • 付款已准备好SCA(严格的客户身份验证),与新的付款服务(PSD 2)–指令(EU)兼容

      • Addons for integration with external services: reCaptcha, MailChimp, SalesForce, WooCommerce and others
      • 插件,用于与外部服务集成:reCaptcha,MailChimp,SalesForce,WooCommerce等

      • Addons with additional features: appointment cancellation addon, appointment reminders addon, clickatell and twilio SMS add-ons, signature fields, iCal synchronization, Google Calendar API, …
      • 插件,具有其他功能:约会取消插件,约会提醒插件,clickatell和twilio SMS插件,签名字段,iCal同步,Google Calendar API,...

      Appointment Hour Booking can be used for:


      Booking services or resources: Define schedule, open hours, services, prices and durations and let the calendar plugin manage the schedule.


      Sample cases: Medical services, personal training, resource allocation, booking rooms, classes, etc…


      The services can have a maximum capacity (example: number of persons that can book/attend the service at the same time).


      The default capacity is 1. If the service capacity has been set to 1 the time-slot will be blocked for new bookings after getting one booking.


      If the service capacity has been set to a greater number (example: service with capacity 10) the time-slot will be blocked after filling the capacity (example: after getting bookings for a total of 10 persons).


      This feature is described in detail at https://apphourbooking.dwbooster.com/blog/2019/01/24/bookings-for-multiple-persons/

      在https://apphourbooking.dwbooster.com/blog/2019/01/24/bookings-for-multiple-persons/ 上详细描述了此功能。

      The Troubleshoot Area


      Use the troubleshot if you are having problems with special or non-latin characters.


      In most cases changing the charset to UTF-8 through the option available for that in the troubleshot area will solve the problem.


      You can also use this area to change the script load method if the booking calendar isn’t appearing in the public website.


      The Notification Emails


      The notification emails with the appointment data entered in the booking form can sent in “Plain Text” format (default) or in “HTML” format.

      在预订表中输入了约会数据的通知电子邮件可以“纯文本”格式(默认)或“ HTML”格式发送。

      If you select “HTML” format, be sure to use the BR or P tags for the line breaks into the text and to use the proper formatting.

      如果选择“ HTML”格式,请确保对文本的换行符使用BR或P标签,并使用正确的格式。

      Exporting Appointments to CSV / Excel Files

      将约会导出到CSV / Excel文件

      The appointment data can be exported to a CSV file (Excel compatible) to manage the data from other applications.


      That option is available from the “bookings list”, the appointments can be filtered by date and by the text into them, so you can export just the needed appointments to the CSV file.


      Other Versions and Features


      The free version published in this WordPress directory is a fully-functional version for accepting appointments as indicated in the plugin description.


      There are also commercial versions with additional features, for example:


        • Ability to process forms/appointments linked to payment process (PayPal, Stripe, Skrill, …)
        • 能够处理与付款流程(PayPal,Stripe,Skrill等)相关的表格/约会

        • Form builder for a visual customization of the booking form
        • 用于可视化定制预订表单的表单构建器

        • Addons with multiple additional features
        • 具有多项其他功能的附加件

        Payments processed through the plugin are SCA ready (Strong Customer Authentication), compatible with the new Payment services (PSD 2) – Directive (EU) that comes into full effect on 14 September, 2019.

        通过插件处理的付款已准备就绪,可进行SCA(严格的客户身份验证),与新的付款服务(PSD 2)–指令(EU)兼容,并将于2019年9月14日全面生效。

        Please note that the pro features aren’t advised as part of the free plugin in the description shown in this WordPress directory.


        If you are interested in more information about the commercial features go to the plugin’s page: https://apphourbooking.dwbooster.com/download



To install Appointment Hour Booking, follow these steps:


    1. Download and unzip the Appointment Hour Booking calendar plugin
    2. 下载并解压缩“预约时间预订”日历插件

    3. Upload the entire appointment-hour-booking/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    4. 将整个约会小时预订/目录上传到/ wp-content / plugins /目录

    5. Activate the Appointment Hour Booking plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活“预约时间预订”插件

    7. Configure the settings at the administration menu >> Settings >> Appointment Hour Booking.

    8. 在管理菜单>>设置>>预约小时预订中配置设置。

    9. To insert the appointment hour booking calendar form into some content or post use the icon that will appear when editing contents
    10. 要将约会时间预订日历表格插入某些内容或发布内容,请使用编辑内容时出现的图标





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