[wordpress插件] Apex Digital ToolboxApex数字工具箱

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-19 17:20 671 0 全屏看文



Too many plugins installed to do basic things?


This plugin tries to bring some common ones into one plugin to make life that little bit easier.


Current functionality


    • Identify the production URL so as to apply specific logic or hooks depending on which environment the site is in
    • 标识生产URL,以便根据站点所在的环境应用特定的逻辑或挂钩

    • Block visitors to the staging site based on IP or by using a specific cookie – great for showing clients but not the world
    • 基于IP或使用特定的cookie阻止访问登台站点的访问者–非常适合显示客户,但不能向世界展示

    • Find & replace functionality – great for changing from a staging URL to a production URL
    • 查找和替换功能–非常适合从登台URL更改为生产URL

    • Auto 301 redirect to the site domain for WordPress – useful to ensure everyone is using the correct path i.e. with www (or not) and https (or not)
    • 自动301重定向到WordPress的站点域–有助于确保每个人都使用正确的路径,例如使用www(或不使用)和https(或不使用)

    • Add additional classes to the main body tag to easily target device and operating system i.e. iOS, Android, Chrome, etc…
    • 在主体标签中添加其他类,以轻松定位设备和操作系统,例如iOS,Android,Chrome等…

    • Sitemap generator to display a list of pages (or any post type) on the site as well as offering the ability to exclude pages
    • 站点地图生成器,用于显示网站上的页面列表(或任何帖子类型),并提供排除页面的功能

    • WooCommerce settings to disable categories list on single product page, remove reviews tab, remove product count on categories
    • WooCommerce设置以禁用单个产品页面上的类别列表,删除评论标签,删除类别上的产品计数

    • When using Visual Composer you can automatically load in any PHP files that make use of vc_map() within your theme
    • 使用Visual Composer时,您可以自动加载主题中使用vc_map()的任何PHP文件

    • When using Gravity Forms & Bootstrap all correct classes will be applied to input boxes and buttons.

    • 使用重力形式和引导程序时,所有正确的类将应用于输入框和按钮。

      Also, a new field type is added to add columns to forms as well as placing the submit button wherever you like

    • 另外,添加了新的字段类型,可将列添加到表单,以及将提交按钮放置在任意位置

    • Gravity Forms confirmation message appear underneath any fixed header when using AJAX.


    • 重力表单确认消息会出现在任何固定标题的下方。

      This hook allows you to scroll to the correct position based on the header

    • 该挂钩可让您根据标题滚动到正确的位置

    • Can specify a stylesheet that you want to appear last in the enqueue – useful for overwriting parent themes or other plugins
    • 可以指定要在队列中最后出现的样式表-对于覆盖父主题或其他插件很有用

    • YouTube embedded videos can have the title, related videos, and controls switched off
    • YouTube嵌入式视频可以关闭标题,相关视频和控件

    • Change the sender name and email address for emails sent
    • 更改已发送电子邮件的发件人姓名和电子邮件地址

    • Short code for displaying the current year – useful for keeping copyright notices up-to-date
    • 用于显示当前年份的短代码-用于使版权声明保持最新状态

    • WooCommerce template tweaks for improved usability when using the Jupiter theme
    • 在使用Jupiter主题时,WooCommerce模板进行了调整以提高可用性

    • Set parent hierarchy pages as place holders so they don’t provide links in menus to empty pages
    • 将父层次结构页面设置为占位符,这样它们就不会在菜单中提供指向空白页面的链接

    Coming soon


      • Bulk plugin installer
      • 批量插件安装程序

      • Export settings & setup
      • 导出设置和设置

      • Import settings & setup
      • 导入设置和设置

      • Drag & drop page re-ordering
      • 拖放页面重新排序

      • Improve noindexing on WooCommerce hidden products as well as ensuring the don’t appear in sitemaps both HTML & XML
      • 改善WooCommerce隐藏产品的noindexing并确保HTML和XML都不会出现在站点地图中

      • Auto hide a page from any menu when its status is no longer published
      • 状态不再发布时,自动从任何菜单中隐藏页面

      • Additional default settings for Visual Composer to make it easier to extend and remove built in elements & templates
      • Visual Composer的其他默认设置,可以更轻松地扩展和删除内置的元素和模板

      • More to come!
      • 还有更多惊喜!


    1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/apex-wordpress-toolbox directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    2. 将插件文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / apex-wordpress-toolbox 目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”屏幕激活插件

    5. Navigate to Apex Toolbox->Hooks to switch on which hooks you want to take advantage of
    6. 导航至 Apex工具箱->挂钩以打开要利用的挂钩

    7. Some hooks provide specific settings that can be found under Apex Toolbox->Settings
    8. 某些挂钩提供了可以在 Apex Toolbox-> Settings 下找到的特定设置





钻级赞助商 我要加入



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