[wordpress插件] Mega Menu Plugin for WordPress – AP Mega Menu适用于WordPress的Mega Menu插件– AP Mega Menu

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-19 13:10 621 0 全屏看文



★ Important Note: This plugin is replacement of WP Mega Menu Plugin.

★重要提示:此插件是WP Mega Menu插件的替代。

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AP Mega Menu

AP Mega菜单

Add powerful and great looking Mega Menu in your WordPress site with – AP Mega Menu

使用– AP Mega Menu 在WordPress网站中添加功能强大且外观精美的Mega Menu

    • Horizontal and Vertical both layout
    • 水平和垂直两种布局

    • Widgetized, Drag & drop
    • 微件化,拖放

    AP Mega Menu is a FREE WordPress plugin, for Mega Menu.

    AP Mega Menu 免费的WordPress插件,适用于Mega Menu。

    With AP Mega Menu, you can easily add several widgets column wise, configure them and create great horizontal and vertical mega menu.

    借助AP Mega Menu,您可以轻松地逐列添加多个小部件,对其进行配置并创建出色的水平和垂直大型菜单。

    Adding a Mega Menu onto your website was never easy before.


    It is now easy and fast.


    You can create brilliant Mega Menus without any coding knowledge in just no time.

    您可以立即创建出色的Mega Menu,而无需任何编码知识。

    It supports Flyout or Mega Menu, allows you to create the menu easily by “drag and drop”.


    You can select matching template / layout for your theme from various pre-designed skins/templates.


    This plugin is highly compatible and works with any “well coded” WordPress themes (Free or Premium).


    It is responsive, Search Engine Optimized (SEO) and secure!


    "}]; jQuery(function(){ $("#article_content").find("a").each(function(){ var url = $(this).attr("href"); for(var i=0;i"+c+"

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