[wordpress插件] AnyTimeReply – Sales chatbotAnyTimeReply –销售聊天机器人

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-19 10:00 555 0 全屏看文



AnyTimeReply is the automated sales chatbot available to customers round the clock.


Its services include Facebook messanger chatbot, collecting leads, managing queries of your customers, answering them, saving the unsolved queries so that you can view and answer them later, auto emailing back to the customers once the answers are available.

它的服务包括Facebook Messenger聊天机器人,收集潜在客户,管理客户的查询,回答他们,保存未解决的查询,以便您以后查看和回答,一旦有答案就自动通过电子邮件发送给客户。

Imagine that you are running a business and you can’t afford a support-staff to handle client queries, but it needs to be done in order to expand your business as you know that they are your potential customers.


Small and medium sized business including startups and individual professional may not be able to afford support system or support staff.


Client may need to ask about your office, services and other information about your business round the clock.


You may lose you productive hours in giving client support yourself because you do not have a support person and you keep on sending the same information to different clients.


One thing that we found in our research is that around 70% queries from clients are repeated, which of course hampers your productive hours very badly.


Also, giving same information to clients is waste of time for business.


So, after a few years of research, we have come up with AnyTimeReply support system, which is affordable to small to medium sized business and also individual professionals.


We at AnyTimeReply believe that customer satisfaction is critical to win customers loyalty, and loyalty is one of driving factors to increase company revenues.


Key features:


* Free and easy to use


* Collect leads


* Easy and Free FaceBook chatbot


* Round the clock support for your client


* Immediate response, no long support chat queue for visitors


* Reduces human resources and get more satisfied clients


* You can train your assistant yourself


* You can check chat log, correct their mistakes and even can continue chat


* You can get unsolved queries in your ATR system


* Know your clients exact requirements



    1. Download, unzip and upload to your WordPress plugins directory
    2. 下载,解压缩并上传到您的WordPress插件目录

    3. Activate the plugin within you WordPress Administration
    4. 在您的WordPress管理中激活插件

    5. Customize settings from Settings-> AnyTimeReply menu
    6. 通过“设置”->“ AnyTimeReply”菜单自定义设置

    7. It will display automatic at right side of page.

    8. 它将自动显示在页面右侧。

      If you want to display in particular page, use [anytimereply_button] short code

    9. 如果要显示在特定页面中,请使用[anytimereply_button]短代码

    10. DO NOT forget to get channel ID from http://anytimereply.com website.

    11. 不要忘记从http://anytimereply.com网站获取频道ID。

      If you not set any Channel ID, it will not work.

    12. 如果您未设置任何频道ID,则它将无效。

    13. Add your FAQs and datas from http://www.anytimereply.com
    14. 从http://www.anytimereply.com 添加您的常见问题解答和数据

    15. To setup Facebook Messanger chatbot you can get Webhooks from channels page of http://anytimereply.com website
    16. 要设置Facebook Messanger聊天机器人,您可以从http://anytimereply.com网站的频道页面获取Webhooks





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