[wordpress插件] Anti-spam反垃圾邮件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-19 03:00 1222 0 全屏看文



Anti-spam checks your comments and contact form submissions against our global database, Once comments are checked on the spam database, a self-learning neural network re-checks unfiltered comments, of spam to prevent your site from publishing malicious content.




    • Imperceptible spam protection on your site helps you give visitors a convenient and easy way to create an account or post a comment.

    • 您网站上的垃圾邮件防护功能不明显,可帮助您轻松便捷地创建帐户或发表评论。

      You’ll be able to get growth of comments, registrations and increase conversion rates.


      Have a think about the user experience of your product because users do not like to fill out the captcha.

    • 考虑一下您产品的用户体验,因为用户不喜欢填写验证码。

    • Simple installation and easy to use – no need to change the code or study instructions.

    • 安装简单且易于使用–无需更改代码或学习说明。

      Connecting the site to the service takes less than a minute, just install anti-spam plugins and your website is protected.

    • 将网站连接到服务只需不到一分钟,只需安装反垃圾邮件插件即可保护您的网站。

    • We have created algorithms to ensure reliability and accuracy against spam bots.

    • 我们创建了算法来确保针对垃圾邮件机器人的可靠性和准确性。

      It will save your time and resources, allowing you to focus on developing and improving your website and business.


      Antispam provides logs of all the processed requests that allows you to check the results of spam filters.


      Regular analysis of parameters allows you to find new spam patterns of behavior.

    • 定期分析参数可让您找到新的垃圾邮件行为模式。

    • A comment posted by a user appears on the site right away.

    • 用户发布的评论会立即显示在网站上。

      The background check marks spam comments as spam and does not display them on a site.


      This helps to avoid user disturbance and increase engagement.

    • 这有助于避免用户干扰并增加参与度。

    • One of the distinctive features of the AntiSpam PRO is the ability to check the already existing comments and users for spam.

    • AntiSpam PRO的独特功能之一是能够检查现有评论和用户是否存在垃圾邮件。

      Comment spam checker with a few of the checks by spam activity of IP and email on date and time, check for spam links and text of messages.* Anti-spam plugin is GDPR compliant and does not store any other user data except of the behavior


      mentioned above.

    • 上面提到的。

    • We provide 24/7 technical support, giving you an assurance that you will get a quick response, decision or advice on all your questions.

    • 我们提供24/7全天候技术支持,可确保您在所有问题上都能得到快速答复,决定或建议。

      It is our pleasure to be of service to you, don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or comments.


      Customer support is one of our top priority.


      We’re here to help you acquire the best experience with AntiSpam service.

    • 我们在这里可以帮助您获得AntiSpam服务的最佳体验。

    • For more info visit anti-spam.space
    • 有关更多信息,请访问 anti-spam.space

    PRO Version


    To maintain the free version and provide prompt, effective & free support, we offer the Pro version.


    In the Pro version, you can:


    * To identify and block spam bots AntiSpamPro uses a series of tests, invisible to the visitor of the website.


    This allows 100% protection from spam bots to be provided, without the need to install extra protection.


    * Technical Support 24/7 to help you use the anti-spam service.


    If you have specific needs, you can contact our AntiSpam Pro customer support team at any time, day or night.

    如果您有特定需求,则可以在任何时间,白天或晚上与我们的AntiSpam Pro客户支持团队联系。

    We strive to answer all emails within 12 hours, and most are answered in substantially less time.


    * Antispam Pro a transparent anti-spam protection.

    * Antispam Pro透明的反垃圾邮件保护。

    We provide detailed statistics of all entered comments and logins.


    You can always be sure that there are no errors.


    We have developed a mobile app for you to see anti-spam statistics, wherever and whenever.


    * We regularly release updates to the anti-spam module.


    Our modules always meet new versions of CMS and we are constantly expanding supported CMS.



    1. Install and activate the plugin on the Plugins page
    2. 在“插件”页面上安装并激活插件

    3. Enjoy life without spam in comments
    4. 在评论中享受无垃圾邮件的生活





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