[wordpress插件] Another Unit Converter另一个单位转换器

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-18 23:40 559 0 全屏看文



If you want to offer your visitors friendly and “on the fly” currency conversion on posts and pages, Another Unit Converter has your back.


Supporting more than 160 different world currencies, this plugin gives your visitors the chance to read your posts and pages with amounts displayed in their local or preferred currency, increasing familiarity and improving their understanding of your content.


Another Unit Converter also does conversions a different way, no widgets or page reloads involved: it automatically looks for currency amounts within the content of your posts so you don’t have to worry about using special formats or shortcodes at all.

另一个Unit Converter也以不同的方式进行转换,不涉及任何小部件或页面重新加载:它会自动在您的帖子内容中查找货币金额,因此您完全不必担心使用特殊格式或简码。

Just freely write your text mentioning any currencies you like, we do the hard work.


This plugin is ideal for websites dealing with travel, finances, product reviews or any other topic involving money.


Another Unit Converter features include:


    • No need to use a special shortcode or format within the text of your posts or pages.

    • 无需在帖子或页面的文本内使用特殊的短代码或格式。

      Another Unit Converter automatically detects any currency amount within your text.


      We’ll even handle a post mentioning several different currencies.

    • 我们甚至还会处理一篇提到几种不同货币的文章。

    • Support for more than 160 currencies with rates updated daily.
    • 支持每天更新的160多种货币。

    • Rates are cached to improve performance and response time.
    • 费率被缓存以提高性能和响应时间。

    • Visitors can enable the currency switcher by clicking on any currency amount on your posts and pages.
    • 访问者可以通过单击帖子和页面上的任何货币金额来启用货币切换器。

    • The currency switcher appears only when needed and doesn’t waste any screen space permanently.
    • 货币切换器仅在需要时显示,并且不会永久浪费任何屏幕空间。

    • Visitors can choose their preferred currency easily from a user-friendly list.

    • 访问者可以从用户友好的列表中轻松选择其首选货币。

      The plugin will remember their choice for future visits.

    • 该插件将记住他们的选择,供以后访问。

    • The currency switcher supports keyboard navigation.
    • 货币切换器支持键盘导航。

    • Fully compatible with WordPress internationalization features.
    • 完全兼容WordPress国际化功能。


    1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/another-unit-converter directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    2. 将插件文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / another-unit-converter 目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的插件屏幕激活插件。

    5. Visit Settings > Unit Converter.
    6. 访问设置> 单位转换器

    7. Follow the instructions available to you on this screen and sign-up for a currencylayer API key.
    8. 按照此屏幕上提供的说明进行操作,并注册 currencylayer API密钥。

    9. That’s it.

    10. 就是这样。

      You’re all set.

    11. 一切就绪。





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