[wordpress插件] annasta Woocommerce Product Filters由Woocommerce产品过滤器提供

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-18 18:10 611 0 全屏看文



annasta Woocommerce Product Filters is the new advanced Woocommerce products filters solution that will allow your customers to search through the products of your shop, and quickly find exactly what they need!

annasta Woocommerce产品过滤器是新的高级Woocommerce产品过滤器解决方案,可让您的客户搜索商店的产品,并快速找到他们所需要的商品!

This free plugin provides support for numerous premium features, such as custom product taxonomies (Product Tags, Brands, Categories), product attributes filters (Colors, Sizes), custom filters icons, range slider price filter, color filters, step-by-step


product finders, rich SEO options, updatable URLs in Ajax filters with browser Back and Forward navigation support, fast caching-enhanced performance, and filters for Woocommerce products shortcode.

产品查找器,丰富的SEO选项,具有浏览器后退和前进导航支持的Ajax过滤器中的可更新URL,快速缓存增强的性能以及Woocommerce 产品短代码的过滤器。

Visit the annasta Filters Demo Site to see the plugin in action!

访问 annasta过滤器演示站点,看看运行中的插件!



On the backend you will find everything needed for a fast Woocommerce products filter setup, manageable through a clear, easy-to-use interface, with extensive documentation to help you in the initial setup, and with further adjustments.

woocommerce-product-filters / documentation /“ rel =” nofollow“>文档可帮助您进行初始设置以及进行进一步的调整。

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