[wordpress插件] amr shortcode any widgetamr shortcode任何小部件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-18 00:10 690 0 全屏看文



Insert a widget or multiple widgets or a entire widget area (sidebar) into a page using a shortcode.


Set up your widget first in a normal sidebar.


Check it works.


THEN Drag your chosen widgets to the sidebar called “widgets for shortcode”.


Add the do_widget shortcode to the page where you would like the widget to appear (or the do_widget_area)


To use in the block editor, add a shortcode block, then type in (including the square brackets [do_widget widgetname] or copy the do_widget tip from the widget in the ‘Widgets for Shortcodes’ sidebar.


Please see detailed info on shortcodes and parameters under the installation tab (depending what the plugin directory developers have most recently done, this may be under the FAQ, or at the very least under the readme.)


Using a widget more than once?


Reference a specific widget instance from the do_widget shortcode, or the chosen sidebar from the do_widget_area shortcode.


Eg: [do_widget id=widget-n]

例如:[do_widget id = widget-n]

For example: You could use the query posts widget in the page to create a archive within a page, or the rss widget to list feed content from other sites.


For more details see anmari.com

有关更多详细信息,请参见 anmari.com

The plugins default action is that it will magically find the settings for your themes sidebar and use the sidebar html to control the widgets output.


In most cases this means the widget will be styled as per the rest of your theme.


If that does not look good, parameters exist to try override this behaviour.


EG: in twenty-fourteen theme widget text ends up being white on white!


widget_classes=none fixes that.

widget_classes = none可解决此问题。

Eg: [do_widget widget_classes=none yourwidget]

例如:[do_widget widget_classes = none yourwidget]

Changed your theme and worried about losing the sidebar settings ?


No problem, the plugin will save and restore the widgets_for_shortcode settings.


On display it will then pick up the new themes sidebar settings.




PLEASE get your widgets working in a sidebar BEFORE activating this plugin, and please read https://wordpress.org/plugins/amr-shortcode-any-widget/installation/ and https://wordpress.org/plugins/


amr-shortcode-any-widget/faq/ and/or see the settings page.

amr-shortcode-any-widget / faq /和/或参阅设置页面。

To see a list of your widgets in their sidebars, add ?do_widget_debug to the page with the do_widget shortcode.



    1. Test your chosen widget in a normal sidebar or widget area first.

    2. 首先在正常的侧边栏或窗口小部件区域中测试所选窗口小部件。

    3. Then activate this plugin
    4. 然后激活此插件

    5. Go to Appearance > widgets and find the ” widgets for shortcode” sidebar or widget area
    6. 转到外观>小部件,然后找到“用于简码的小部件”侧栏或小部件区域

    7. Drag your chosen widget from your normal sidebar to the shortcodes sidebar.

    8. 将所选的小部件从常规侧边栏拖动到简码侧边栏。



    9. Now go to a page and enter a do_widget shortcode The shortcode any widget settings page has some helpful (hopefully) examples and links.

    10. 现在转到页面并输入do_widget简码任何窗口小部件设置页面的简码都有一些有用的示例和链接。

      • [do_widget widgetname] eg: [do_widget calendar]
      • [do_widget小部件名称],例如:[do_widget日历]

      • [do_widget “widget name”].

      • [do_widget“小部件名称”]。

        eg: [do_widget “tag cloud”]

      • 例如:[do_widget“标签云”]

      • [do_widget id=widgetid] .

        [do_widget id = widgetid]。

        eg: [do_widget id=tag-cloud-3]

        例如:[do_widget id = tag-cloud-3]

      • [do_widget_area] (will use the “widgets in shortcodes” widget area / sidebar


      • [do_widget_area sidebarid] or [do_widget_area widget_area=sidebarid] for another sidebar or widget area – eg: to maximise likelihood of getting your theme’s widget css to apply.

      • [do_widget_area sidebarid]或[do_widget_area widget_area = sidebarid]用于另一个侧边栏或窗口小部件区域-例如:最大化使主题的窗口小部件CSS应用的可能性。

      [do_widget …] Parameters:


        • nameofwidget or name=”nameofwidget” This is NOT the title of the widget.

        • nameofwidget 或name =“ nameofwidget ”这不是小部件的标题。

          THis is the name that you see in the widgets menu page even when unassigned to a sidebar.


          For existing users , you can also use just the name of the widget without name=.

          对于现有用户,您也可以仅使用窗口小部件的名称,而无需使用name =。

          It must be the first parameter then.


          You can only do this with the name, not the id.

        • 您只能使用名称,而不能使用ID。

        • id=wordpress assigned id of widget.

        • id = wordpress指定的小部件ID

          Examples: id=meta-3, id=tag-cloud-9 etc

        • 例如:id = meta-3,id = tag-cloud-9等

        • title=false to hide the widgets title OR to override your themes first sidebar html settings for widget titles, use title=htmltag where htmltag is one of h1,h2

        • title = false可隐藏小部件标题,或覆盖主题的小部件标题的第一个侧边栏html设置,请使用title = htmltag ,其中 htmltag 是h1,h2之一



        • wrap=htmltag where htmltag is one of div,p,main,aside,section.

        • wrap = htmltag 其中, htmltag 是div,p,main,aside,section之一。

          This will override your themes first sidebar widget wrapping html.

        • 这将覆盖您的主题第一个包装html的侧边栏小部件。

        • widget_classes=none This will remove the class “widget” from the wrapping html and the class “widget_title” from the title html.

        • widget_classes = none这将从包装的html中删除类“ widget”,并从标题html中删除类“ widget_title”。

          This may be enough to remove any unwanted css caused by your theme.


        • class=yourclassname By default the plugin will add a class of amr-widget to the wrapping html.

        • class = 您的类名默认情况下,插件将在包装的html中添加一类amr-widget。

          You can use this to add any special css.


          Add css either by editing your themes stylesheet if it is a custom theme, or using something like the wordpress custom css plugin.

        • 通过编辑主题样式表(如果它是自定义主题)或使用诸如wordpress自定义css插件之类的东西来添加css。

        • sidebar=”sidebarname” will default to widgets_for_shortcode sidebar.

        • sidebar =” sidebarname ”将默认为widgets_for_shortcode侧栏。

          Only use if you want to re-use a widget already being used in another sidebar.


          THis is theme dependent and WILL break if you change themes.


          Safer to use the widget_id.

        • 更安全地使用widget_id。

        [do_widget_area …] Parameters:


          • widget_area=yourwidgetarea defaults to ‘widgets_for_shortcodes’ if nothing entered
          • 如果未输入任何内容,

          • widget_area = 您的widgetarea 默认为“ widgets_for_shortcodes”

          • widget_area_class=none /* option to remove theme styling by removing the widget_area class from the sidebar html */
          • widget_area_class = none / *选项可通过从侧边栏html * / 中删除widget_area类来删除主题样式

          • widget_classes=none /* option to remove the widget class from the widget wrappinghtml
          • widget_classes = none / *选项可从小部件包装HTML中删除小部件类

          • class=yourclassname default is amr_widget_area.

          • class = 您的类名的默认值为amr_widget_area。

            This will affect the widget area NOT the individual widgets.


            At the moment can only remove the widget classes, not replace them when using do_widget_area.

          • 目前只能删除小部件类,而在使用do_widget_area时则不能替换它们。

          Advanced users WARNING: using do_widget_area with a widget area other than the shortcode one means that if you changes themes and the new theme has different sidebars, then this shortcode with a named widget area will not work.


          See the settings page for links to help your create the shortcodes in a page.


          The plugin has been tested with most standard widgets (rss feeds, tag cloud, pages, meta, search, and of course my own plugins widgets – upcoming events list, calendar and user lists.

          该插件已经过大多数标准小部件(rss feed,标签云,页面,元数据,搜索,当然还有我自己的插件小部件-即将发生的事件列表,日历和用户列表)的测试。

          If you use a widget more than once for different reasons, you may need to use the widget id to isolate which widget instance and it’s settings to use.


          ie: [do_widget id=categories-6] .

          即:[do_widget id = categories-6]。

          If you just use the name, it will display all widgets in the shortcode sidebar with that name (all instances).


          If you liked this plugin, you might also like my other plugins:


            • icalevents.com – a ics compliant events plugin fully integrated with wordpress, so it will work with many other plugins (seo

            • icalevents.com –符合ics的事件插件,与wordpress完全集成,因此可以与许多其他插件一起使用(seo

              , maps, social)

            • ,地图,社交)

            • wpusersplugin.com – a suite of plugins to help with membership sites.

            • wpusersplugin.com –一套帮助会员网站的插件。

              Major plugin is amr users

            • 主要插件是 amr用户





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