[wordpress插件] Ambrosite Next/Previous Post Link PlusAmbrosite下一个/上一个Post Link Plus

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-17 14:30 622 0 全屏看文



IMPORTANT: Make sure you are using the right plugin.


    • Next/Previous Post Link Plus is intended for use in single post templates.
    • 下一个/上一个帖子链接加旨在用于单个帖子模板中。

    • Next/Previous Page Link Plus is intended for use in page templates.
    • 下一页/上一页链接增强版旨在用于页面模板中。

    The two plugins have similar sounding, but different, function names.


    If you mistakenly install the wrong plugin, you will get a “call to undefined function” error.


    If you want to create next/previous links for your pages, please check out:




    IMPORTANT: This plugin is not compatible with PHP 4. If you try to install it on a host running PHP 4, you will get a parse error.

    重要提示:此插件与PHP 4不兼容。如果您尝试将其安装在运行PHP 4的主机上,则会收到解析错误。

    WordPress has officially ended support for PHP 4 as of version 3.2, so you should upgrade to PHP 5.2 now.

    WordPress从3.2版本开始正式终止对PHP 4的支持,因此您现在应该升级到PHP 5.2。

    For those who cannot upgrade, you can download the alternate PHP 4 compatible version of the plugin.

    对于无法升级的用户,可以下载该插件的替代PHP 4兼容版本。

    The only difference with the PHP 4 version is that the %category variable will not work with custom taxonomies.

    PHP 4版本的唯一区别是%category 变量不适用于自定义分类法。



    This plugin creates two new template tags — next_post_link_plus and previous_post_link_plus — which are upgraded versions of the core WordPress next_post_link and previous_post_link template tags.

    此插件会创建两个新的模板标签- next_post_link_plus previous_post_link_plus -它们是WordPress核心的next_post_link和previous_post_link模板标签的升级版本。

    The new tags include all of the functionality of the core tags, plus the following additional options:


      • Sort the next/previous post links on columns other than post_date (e.g. alphabetically).
      • 在post_date以外的其他列上排序下一个/上一个帖子链接(例如,按字母顺序)。

      • Sort next/previous links on custom fields (both string and integer sorts are supported).
      • 在自定义字段上排序下一个/上一个链接(支持字符串和整数排序)。

      • Full WordPress 3.3 compatibility, including support for custom post types, custom taxonomies, and post formats.
      • 与WordPress 3.3完全兼容,包括对自定义帖子类型,自定义分类法和帖子格式的支持。

      • Loop around to the first post if there is no next post (and vice versa).
      • 如果没有下一则帖子,请环顾第一篇帖子(反之亦然)。

      • Retrieve the first/last post, rather than the previousext post (for First|Previous|Next|Last navigation links).
      • 检索第一个/最后一个帖子,而不是上一个/下一个帖子(用于“第一|上一个|下一个|最后一个”导航链接)。

      • Display post thumbnails alongside the links (WordPress 2.9 or higher).
      • 在链接旁边显示帖子缩略图(WordPress 2.9或更高版本)。

      • Truncate the link titles to any length, and display custom text in the tooltip.
      • 将链接标题截短为任意长度,并在工具提示中显示自定义文本。

      • Display the title, date, author, category, and meta value of the next/previous links.
      • 显示下一个/上一个链接的标题,日期,作者,类别和元值。

      • Specify a custom date format for the %date variable.
      • 为%date变量指定自定义日期格式。

      • Restrict next/previous links to same category, taxonomy, format, author, custom field value, custom post ID list, or custom category list.
      • 将下一个/上一个链接限制为相同的类别,分类,格式,作者,自定义字段值,自定义帖子ID列表或自定义类别列表。

      • Exclude categories, custom taxonomies, post formats, or individual post IDs.
      • 排除类别,自定义分类法,帖子格式或单个帖子ID。

      • Three category exclusion methods for greater control over the navigation stream.
      • 三种类别的排除方法,可以更好地控制导航流。

      • Return multiple next/previous links (e.g. the next N links, in an HTML list).
      • 返回多个下一个/上一个链接(例如,HTML列表中的下一个N个链接)。

      • Return the ID, title, date, href attribute, or post object of the next/previous links, instead of echoing them to the screen.
      • 返回下一个/上一个链接的ID,标题,日期,href属性或发布对象,而不是将它们回显到屏幕上。

      • Return false if no next/previous link is found, so themes may conditionally display alternate text.
      • 如果未找到下一个/上一个链接,则返回false,因此主题可以有条件地显示替代文本。

      • Works with Post Types Order and other popular post reordering plugins.
      • 与Post Types Order和其他流行的post reordering插件一起使用。

      Extensive documentation on configuring the plugin may be found here:





    • Upload ambrosite-post-link-plus.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    • 将ambrosite-post-link-plus.php上传到/ wp-content / plugins /目录。

    • Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
    • 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    • Edit your template files, and replace the next_post_link and previous_post_link template tags with next_post_link_plus and previous_post_link_plus.

    • 编辑您的模板文件,然后将next_post_link和previous_post_link模板标签替换为next_post_link_plus和previous_post_link_plus。

      Configure them using parameters as explained in the online documentation:



    • http://www.ambrosite.com/pluginsext-previous-post-link-plus-for-wordpress





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