[wordpress插件] Amazon Product in a Post Plugin帖子插件中的Amazon产品

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-17 09:40 681 0 全屏看文



The Amazon Product In a Post plugin can be used to quickly add formatted Amazon Products/Items to any page or post by using just the Amazon product ASIN.

仅使用Amazon产品ASIN,即可使用Amazon Product in Post插件快速将格式化的Amazon Products /商品添加到任何页面或帖子中。

How it Works:


The plugin uses the Amazon Product Advertising API to get product information from Amazon to display on your site.

该插件使用Amazon Product Advertising API从Amazon获取产品信息以显示在您的网站上。

To use the plugin, you must have:


1. An Amazon Affiliate Account


2. Amazon Product Advertising API keys (Root Keys Only).

2. Amazon Product Advertising API密钥(仅根密钥)。

NOTICE May 1, 2018


As of May 1st 2018, Amazon requires you have your affiliate account fully approved before they will grant you access to the Amazon Product Advertising API.

自2018年5月1日起,亚马逊要求您已完全批准您的会员账户,然后才能授予您访问Amazon Product Advertising API的权限。

This means that you many not be able to use the plugin immediately until you receive access to the API.


If you do not have an Amazon Affiliate Account or Amazon Product Advertising API Keys already, it is free and not too extremely difficult to set up (takes about 15 min. total for both).

如果您还没有Amazon Affiliate帐户或Amazon Product Advertising API密钥,则它是免费的,并且设置起来也不太困难(两者总共花费15分钟左右)。

Once you have an account, install the plugin, enter your Amazon Associate ID and API keys in the Plugin Settings page and you are ready to start adding products to your website!

拥有帐户后,安装插件,然后在“插件设置”页面中输入您的Amazon Associate ID和API密钥,即可开始向网站添加产品了!

Amazon's Product Advertising API Terms of Use requires you have an AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key of your own to use. See Plugin FAQs or Getting


Started page for links to sign up.


With this plugin you can:


    • Add any Amazon product or item to an existing Post (or Page) or custom Post Type.
    • 将任何Amazon产品或项目添加到现有帖子(或页面)或自定义帖子类型。

    • Monetize your blog posts with custom Amazon Product and add your own Reviews, descriptions or any other thing you would normally want to add to a post – and still have the Amazon product there.
    • 使用自定义的亚马逊产品通过您的博客文章获利,并添加您自己的评论,描述或您通常希望添加到帖子中的任何其他内容–仍然有亚马逊产品。

    • Easily add only the items that are right for your site.
    • 轻松添加仅适合您网站的项目。

    • Add the product to the TOP of the post content, the BOTTOM of the post content, or make the post content become part of the product layout (see screenshots for examples)
    • 将产品添加到帖子内容的顶部,帖子内容的底部,或使帖子内容成为产品布局的一部分(有关示例,请参见屏幕截图)

    • You can add as many products as you want to any existing page/post content using Shortcodes – see Installation or FAQ page for details.
    • 您可以使用简码向任意现有页面/帖子内容中添加任意数量的产品-有关详细信息,请参见“安装”或“常见问题解答”页面。



      • Preformmated display of Amazon Products for easy integration (with various settings)
      • 预置显示的Amazon产品,以方便集成(具有各种设置)

      • Shortcodes for Adding Products, Product Elements, Product Grids, etc.
      • 用于添加产品,产品元素,产品网格等的简码。

      • Add new Page/Post at the same time with “New Amazon Post” feature
      • 通过“ New Amazon Post”功能同时添加新的页面/帖子

      • You can add Product Grid Layouts, Single Product Layouts or Individual Product Elements to Pages/Posts
      • 您可以将产品网格布局,单个产品布局或单个产品元素添加到页面/帖子

      • Option to create multiple Pages/Posts from ASINs with Amazon product data auto populated (no need to add separate products)
      • 用于从ASIN创建多个页面/帖子的选项,并自动填充Amazon产品数据(无需添加单独的产品)

      • Products can use the Standard product page URL or “Add to Cart” URL (i.e., 90 day Cookie Conversions)
      • 产品可以使用标准产品页面网址或“添加到购物车” URL(即90天Cookie转换)

      • Links can be set to open in a new window/tab
      • 可以将链接设置为在新窗口/选项卡中打开

      • Custom styling options (via CSS in the settings)
      • 自定义样式选项(通过设置中的CSS)

      • Lightbox functionality for larger image popups and additional images (can be disabled).
      • 灯箱功能可显示较大的图像弹出窗口和其他图像(可以禁用)。

      • Adjustable Caching of product data to limit API Calls
      • 可调整的产品数据缓存以限制API调用

      • Test feature for verifying Amazon settings are properly set up
      • 用于验证Amazon设置是否正确的测试功能

      • Debugging Information for troubleshooting issues
      • 用于解决问题的调试信息

      Known Issues:


        • The more products you add, the more overhead there is for API requests.

        • 您添加的产品越多,API请求的开销就越大。

          The caching system tries to optimize the number of requests by grouping the them, instead of doing them individually.

        • 缓存系统尝试通过将请求分组而不是单独进行处理来优化请求的数量。

        • Amazon OneLink scripts may cause some links not to work correctly by over-riding the standard prduct link.

        • Amazon OneLink 脚本可能会通过覆盖标准产品链接来导致某些链接无法正常工作。

          If you use OneLink scripts on your site and still want tp add products, try to limit the Amazon OneLink scripts to pages where you will not include poducts.

        • 如果您在网站上使用OneLink脚本,但仍然希望tp添加产品,请尝试将Amazon OneLink脚本限制为不包含商品的页面。

        • Amazon Ads may also cause some links not to works correctly.

        • Amazon Ads 可能还会导致某些链接无法正常运行。

          This is the same as for Amazon OneLink.

        • 这与Amazon OneLink相同。

        • Some Products or Product data is not available via the Amazon Product Advertising API. A perfect case in point, is Amazon Kindle pricing.

        • 某些产品或产品数据无法通过Amazon Product Advertising API获得。一个很好的例子是Amazon Kindle定价。

          When this happens, the product will not be displayed, or the requested element will not be displayed in the product output.

        • 发生这种情况时,产品将不会显示,或者请求的元素将不会显示在产品输出中。

        • You must have at least one referral sale every 90 days or you will lose your Amazon Product Advertising Account.

        • 您必须每90天至少进行一次推荐销售,否则您将失去您的Amazon Product Advertising Account。

          If this happens, Amazon will deactivate your Amazon Product Advertising Account and the plugin will no longer display products.


          You can simply re-sign up for access and change your Amazon Keys in the settings and they will return (products shortcodes and settings are not deleted, they just cannot be displayed).

        • 您只需重新注册即可访问并更改设置中的Amazon Key,它们就会返回(产品短代码和设置不会被删除,它们只是无法显示)。


After you install the plugin, you need to set up your Amazon Affiliate/Associate ID in the Options panel located in the AMAZON PRODUCT menu under PLUGIN SETTING.

安装插件后,需要在“插件设置”下AMAZON产品菜单中的“选项”面板中设置Amazon Affiliate / Associate ID。

An AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key REQUIRED.

需要一个AWS Access Key ID和Secret Access Key。

You MUST use the ROOT keys and not the User or Group Keys that Amazon recommends.


See the plugin Getting Started page for additional setup instructions.


No additional adjustments are needed unless you want to configure your own CSS styles.


Styles can be adjusted or removed in the Options Panel as well.






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