[wordpress插件] Alopeyk WooCommerce ShippingAlopeyk WooCommerce运送

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-16 17:50 572 0 全屏看文



Alopeyk is Iran's leading on-demand urban

Alopeyk 是伊朗领先的按需城市

logistics platform bringing instant delivery within anyone's reach.


It uses an extensive network of motorcycle and pickup couriers to form a logistics network that’s fast, cheap and reliable.


This plugin will include Alopeyk in WooCommerce shop shipping methods.

此插件将在WooCommerce商店送货方式中包括 Alopeyk

Here is the list of features you may look for:


    • Single and Bulk shipping
    • 单装和散装运输

    • Scheduled shipping
    • 计划发货

    • Choose transport type
    • 选择运输方式

    • Add credit
    • 添加信用额

    • View credit
    • 查看信用额

    • Apply coupons
    • 应用优惠券

    • Cancel order
    • 取消订单

    • Reorder
    • 重新订购

    • Rate Alopeyk courier
    • Rate Alopeyk快递员

    • View invoice
    • 查看发票

    • Real-time tracking both for the shop owner and the customer
    • 针对商店所有者和客户的实时跟踪

    • View Alopeyk order history per WooCommerce order
    • 查看每个WooCommerce订单的Alopeyk订单历史记录

    • View the list of all Alopeyk orders
    • 查看所有Alopeyk订单的列表

    • View Alopeyk order details
    • 查看Alopeyk订单详细信息

    • View courier information
    • 查看快递信息

    • Filter Alopeyk orders based on date, transport type and status
    • 根据日期,运输类型和状态过滤Alopeyk订单

    • Sort Alopeyk orders based on invoice number, transport type, WooCommerce order id, customer, cost and date
    • 根据发票编号,运输类型,WooCommerce订单ID,客户,成本和日期对Alopeyk订单进行排序

    • Edit store information and address as the origin address
    • 将商店信息和地址编辑为原始地址

    • Change map styles
    • 更改地图样式

    • Change default map marker
    • 更改默认地图标记

    • Detect default transport type based on cart contents
    • 根据购物车内容检测默认运输类型

    • Define custom shipping cost (fixed amount or a percentage of cart total price) or fetch the real shipping cost based on distance and transport type via Alopeyk API
    • 定义自定义运输成本(固定金额或购物车总价的百分比),或通过Alopeyk API根据距离和运输类型获取实际运输成本

    • Options for payment methods (methods like “Cash on Delivery” can be marked as “has return” to notify Alopeyk courier to return back to the origin address and bring

    • 付款方式的选项(如“货到付款” 之类的方法可以标记为“已退货” ,以通知Alopeyk快递员返回原地址并携带

      the money taken from customer back)

    • 从客户那里收回的钱)

    • Show Alopeyk shipping method, its type and its cost in the list of shipping methods in frontend if available
    • 在前端的运输方法列表中显示Alopeyk的运输方法,类型和成本(如果有)

    • Add map and address detail fields anywhere an address is being entered or edited both in admin and frontend
    • 在管理员和前端中输入或编辑地址的任何地方添加地图和地址详细信息字段

    • Inline chat with Alopeyk support
    • 支持Alopeyk的在线聊天

    • Lots of more handy features
    • 很多方便的功能


Minimum Requirements


    • PHP version 5.6 or greater
    • PHP 5.6或更高版本

    • MySQL version 5.0 or greater (MySQL 5.6 or greater is recommended)
    • MySQL 5.0或更高版本(建议使用MySQL 5.6或更高版本)

    • WordPress 4.4 or greater
    • WordPress 4.4或更高版本

    • Interactions with Alopeyk API also need cURL and OpenSSL PHP extensions
    • 与Alopeyk API的交互也需要cURL和OpenSSL PHP扩展

    Automatic installation


    Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser.


    To do an automatic install of Alopeyk WooCommerce Shipping, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.

    要自动安装Alopeyk WooCommerce Shipping,请登录WordPress信息中心,导航至“插件”菜单,然后单击“添加新项”。

    In the search field type “Alopeyk WooCommerce Shipping” and click Search Plugins.

    在搜索字段中键入“ Alopeyk WooCommerce Shipping”,然后单击“搜索插件”。

    Once you’ve found our plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating and description.


    Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking “Install Now”.


    Manual installation


    The manual installation method involves downloading our plugin and uploading it to your webserver via your favourite FTP application.


    The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.

    WordPress Codex包含此处的操作说明

    After installation


    Then you have to enter the API key you've obtained from Alopeyk in

    然后,您必须输入从 Alopeyk 中获得的API密钥。

    the API Key field laid in plugin's settings page.

    插件设置页面中的“ API密钥”字段。

    You can access the settings page by clicking the Settings link below Alopeyk item in Dashboard sidebar menu.


    It is also highly recommended to enter your specific Cedar Maps API Key in the relevant field in settings page.

    强烈建议您在设置页面的相关字段中输入特定的 Cedar Maps API密钥





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