[wordpress插件] AllWebMenus WordPress Menu PluginAllWebMenus WordPress菜单插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-16 16:20 650 0 全屏看文



Important Clarification Note: AllWebMenus Pro is a commercial application (not free) and is required for this plugin.

重要说明注意:AllWebMenus Pro是商业应用程序(不是免费的),并且是此插件所必需的。

Click here for the AllWebMenus Pro Order Page.


The AllWebMenus WordPress Menu add-in & plugin combination is designed to retrieve information from your blog (such as posts, pages, etc.) and import it into the AllWebMenus application to create stylish, feature

AllWebMenus WordPress菜单加载项和插件组合旨在从您的博客中检索信息(例如帖子,页面等),并将其导入到AllWebMenus应用程序中以创建时尚的功能

-rich navigation menus, and not only!


Apart from creating menu items derived from your blog's structure, fully customize your menus adding your own non-wordpress menu items with external or internal links, html-rich content, colors, borders, effects, designs of your choice and many more!




View examples of menus created with AllWebMenus.


AllWebMenus is a web menu builder that requires absolutely no DHTML or Javascript experience from you.

AllWebMenus 是一个Web菜单构建器,完全不需要您使用DHTML或Javascript。

It creates cross-browser navigation menus that work alike in all browsers supporting DHTML.


A DHTML menu / JavaScript menu can be designed with a simple, tree-like approach.

可以使用简单的树状方法来设计DHTML菜单/ JavaScript菜单。

You can then fully customize it by applying a vast available number of features through the Properties Pane or by choosing a predefined appearance from the Theme Gallery.


For documentation, examples and screenshots, please refer to the official plugin page for


"nofollow">AllWebMenus WordPress Menu.

“ nofollow”> AllWebMenus WordPress菜单。

    • Major Features


        • Full cross-browser support (Internet Explorer – including v8, all Mozilla based browsers (Firefox, etc), Opera, Safari, Google Chrome and many more)
        • 全面的跨浏览器支持(Internet Explorer –包括v8,所有基于Mozilla的浏览器(Firefox等),Opera,Safari,Google Chrome等)

        • Optimized menu building with separate javascripts for different browsers
        • 针对不同的浏览器使用单独的javascript优化菜单构建

        • Full Search Engine Optimization (SEO) support
        • 全面的搜索引擎优化(SEO)支持

        • Edit CSS menu properties through a WYSIWYG interface
        • 通过WYSIWYG界面编辑CSS菜单属性

        • Use your own HTML code on selected menu items to achieve enhanced formatting or advanced functionality
        • 在所选菜单项上使用您自己的HTML代码以实现增强的格式设置或高级功能

        • “Auto Item Highlight”
        • “自动突出显示项目”

        • Vertical Scrollbar for vertical Groups with “Automatic Scroll on Mouse Over”
        • 带有“鼠标悬停时自动滚动”的垂直组的垂直滚动条

        • Multiple Rows and Columns on submenus
        • 子菜单上的多行和多列

        • Responsive Menus for your Responsive Website Designs (RWD) or standard websites
        • 您的自适应网站设计(RWD)或标准网站的自适应菜单

        • Floating Images can be added to any of your menu items
        • 浮动图像可以添加到您的任何菜单项中

        • Create any kind of web menu fast by using pre-designed menu themes from the Theme Gallery
        • 使用主题库中预先设计的菜单主题快速创建任何类型的Web菜单

        • Can display all languages in the javascript menu text through full unicode support
        • 可以通过完全的unicode支持在javascript菜单文本中显示所有语言

        • Use “separate” borders on any side (top, bottom, left, right) of Groups or Items
        • 在组或项目的任何一侧(顶部,底部,左侧,右侧)使用“单独的”边框

        • Full documentation on all features and properties
        • 有关所有功能和特性的完整文档

        • Use three flexible ways to position your menus
        • 使用三种灵活的方式放置菜单

        • Choose among many options on “How”, “When” and “Where” the submenus appear
        • 选择有关子菜单“如何”,“何时”和“位置”的许多选项

        • Choose among many options on “How”, “When” and “Where” the submenus disappear
        • 选择有关子菜单“如何”,“何时”和“位置”的许多选项

        • Use the Advanced Copy/Paste functionality to quickly transfer any value among menu items
        • 使用高级复制/粘贴功能在菜单项之间快速转移任何值

        • Use Sticky submenus.

        • 使用“粘性”子菜单。

          A sticky submenu does not close unless you move to another item that has a submenu or click on the page.


          This is how the Windows “Start” menu works.

        • 这是Windows“开始”菜单的工作方式。

        • Use popup and hidden menus that appear on events specified by you
        • 使用出现在您指定的事件上的弹出菜单和隐藏菜单

        • Use static or animated images for both background and content
        • 对背景和内容使用静态或动画图像

        • Create effects by using different property values for three different item states: the “Normal”, “Mouse Over” and “Mouse Click” item states
        • 通过对三个不同的项目状态使用不同的属性值来创建效果:“正常”,“鼠标悬停”和“鼠标单击”项目状态

        • Floating menus: Keep the menu visible in the same position while scrolling using either smooth or immediate scroll.

        • 浮动菜单:使用平滑滚动或立即滚动进行滚动时,请使菜单在同一位置可见。

          Specify Javascript Commands to be executed when any menu item gets clicked, when any submenu appears or disappears, when the Main Menu appears or disappears.


          This feature allows you to create fully extensible menus

        • 此功能使您可以创建完全可扩展的菜单

        • Use both vertical and horizontal submenus at any possible combination
        • 以任何可能的组合使用垂直和水平子菜单

        • Use Header and Footer on the submenu groups and allow the user to drag the menu from its Header
        • 在子菜单组上使用页眉和页脚,并允许用户从其页眉中拖动菜单

        • Use “Distances between menu items” and assign optional “Statusbar Text” for each item
        • 使用“菜单项之间的距离”并为每个项分配可选的“状态栏文本”

        • Use Custom Variables instead of actual text
        • 使用自定义变量代替实际文本

        • Use several unfolding effects for the submenus
        • 对子菜单使用几种展开效果

        • Add AJAX menu effects to your items
        • 为您的项目添加AJAX菜单效果

        …and many more!


        For more detailed features list visit the AllWebMenus PRO Features Page in the

        有关更详细的功能列表,请访问网站上的AllWebMenus PRO功能页面

        Likno Web Site.


      Required Software


      This plugin offers an integration for the AllWebMenus PRO software into a WordPress blog.

      此插件可将AllWebMenus PRO软件集成到WordPress博客中。

      As such, AllWebMenus PRO (v5.3.926 and above) is required to be installed in your machine.

      因此,必须在计算机中安装 AllWebMenus PRO (v5.3.926及更高版本)。

      The “Yet Another Related Posts” Plugin


      The AllWebMenus WordPress Menu Plugin offers the ability to add an item at the end of your menu that contains a submenu that displays the most relevant posts (or pages) of the post you are currently viewing (the item will appear only when you

      AllWebMenus WordPress菜单插件提供了在菜单末尾添加一个项目的功能,该菜单项包含一个子菜单,该子菜单显示当前正在查看的帖子中最相关的帖子(或页面)(该项目仅在您

      are viewing a single post).


      This feature is build on Yet Another Related Posts Plugin by mitcho (Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine).

      此功能建立在mitcho(Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine)的“另一个相关帖子”插件上。

      Visit the YARPP plugin’s site.



    • Upload files to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory (preserve sub-directory structure)
    • 将文件上传到您的 / wp-content / plugins / 目录(保留子目录结构)

    • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    • 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    • Refer to the official plugin page for

    • 请参见官方插件页面

      documentation, usage and tips

    • 文档,用法和提示





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