[wordpress插件] Twitter FeedTwitter的饲料

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-16 08:20 968 0 全屏看文






Want to show what’s going on Twitter profile then you are in right place , Twitter Feed is the plugin to display your Tweets & photos from twitter on your site with lots of customization options.

要显示Twitter个人资料的内容,然后您就在正确的位置,Twitter Feed是一个插件,可在您的网站上显示来自Twitter的推文和照片,其中包含许多自定义选项。

Twitter Feed is a WordPress plugin that displays Twitter feed of your profile or any other profile on your website.

Twitter Feed是一个WordPress插件,可显示您的个人资料或网站上任何其他个人资料的Twitter feed。

Twitter feed is very easy to use and in few minutes you can show any public Twitter posts feed on your website.


Display a completely responsive & customizable Twitter feed on your website which match with the look and feel of your website.

在您的网站上显示完全可响应且可自定义的Twitter feed,与您网站的外观和风格相匹配。

Twitter feed plugin supports super easy User Interface for you to easily add twitter feeds.

Twitter feed插件支持超级简单的用户界面,可让您轻松添加twitter feed。

Twitter feed plugin have multiple themes to choose from.

Twitter feed插件有多个主题可供选择。

With complete customizabilty of colors, fonts & size your twitter feed will make your website more engaging & entertaining.




    • Supports twitter feed.
    • 支持Twitter feed。

    • twitter feed is completely responsive.
    • Twitter提要完全响应。

    • twitter feed supports pre designed themes.
    • twitter feed支持预先设计的主题。

    • twitter feed plugin allows you to customize colors.
    • twitter feed插件可让您自定义颜色。

    • With twitter feed you can display stream of posts.
    • 使用Twitter feed,您可以显示帖子流。

    • Controls the results from twitter in your stream.
    • 控制流中Twitter的结果。

    • Easy to use options panel.
    • 易于使用的选项面板。

    • No coding required.
    • 不需要编码。

    • No technical knowledge required.
    • 不需要技术知识。

    • Change colors of your twitter feed.
    • 更改Twitter feed的颜色。

    • Enable/Disable Social media icon on your twitter stream.
    • 在Twitter流上启用/禁用社交媒体图标。

    • Show/Hide profile picture on your twitter stream.
    • 在您的Twitter流上显示/隐藏个人资料照片。

    Premium Version Features


      • The stream created by twitter feed plugin also supports Twitter & twitter.
      • twitter feed插件创建的流还支持Twitter和twitter。

      • Four pre-designed themes for twitter feed.
      • 用于Twitter feed的四个预先设计的主题。

      • Enable/Disable links to twitter posts.
      • 启用/禁用到Twitter帖子的链接。

      • Show/hide twitter posts text content.
      • 显示/隐藏Twitter帖子文本内容。

      • Set width of your twitter feed.
      • 设置您的Twitter提要的宽度。

      • Google fonts support for your twitter posts.
      • 您的Twitter帖子的Google字体支持。

      • Color customizations for your twitter feed.
      • 您的Twitter feed的颜色自定义。

      • Twitter & Facebook feeds.
      • Twitter和Facebook提要。

      With twitter feed plugin you can easily setup feed of your twitter posts and display them in responsive stream of posts.

      使用Twitter feed插件,您可以轻松设置Twitter帖子的feed,并在响应式帖子流中显示它们。



      Twitter feed plugin allows you to customize your twitter feeds easily with tons of options.

      Twitter feed插件可让您通过大量选项轻松自定义您的twitter feed。

      Customize colors, fonts and much more.


      You can get any look by using pre designed themes for twitter feed.

      通过为Twitter feed使用预先设计的主题,您可以看到任何外观。

      Google Fonts


      Twitter feed plugin supports Google fonts for your news streams of twitter.

      Twitter feed插件支持您Twitter新闻流的Google字体。

      With Google fonts your twitter feeds will look as good as they will perform.

      使用Google字体,您的Twitter feed会看起来和它们的表现一样好。

      Pre Designed Themes


      Twitter feed plugin have 6 pre-designed stunning themes for you to choose from and more are coming.


      What does Twitter feed plugin do ?

      Twitter feed插件做什么?



      twitter feed plugin allows you to create feeds of your social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, instagram) and display them in a stream of posts.

      twitter feed插件允许您创建社交媒体页面(Facebook,Twitter,instagram)的提要,并将其显示在帖子流中。

      twitter feed plugin allows design customizability to display your twitter posts beatifully.

      twitter feed插件允许设计可定制性,以漂亮地显示您的twitter帖子。

      twitter feed is easy to use and require no technical knowledge to setup.

      twitter feed易于使用,不需要任何技术知识即可设置。

      Why do I need a Feed of my social media pages (Facebok, Twitter, twitter) on my website ?




      In today’s world social media marketing is every thing, twitter is first thing most people check in the morning.


      In a world which is dominated by social media giants like facebook twitter & twitter you can give your visitors a view of your social media campaign on your website which if they like could result in larger social media (Facebook , Twitter & instagram) following.

      在以Facebook twitter和Twitter之类的社交媒体巨头为主导的世界中,您可以为访问者在您的网站上提供您的社交媒体活动的视图,如果他们愿意的话,可能会导致随后的更大的社交媒体(Facebook,Twitter和instagram)。

      People follow quality.



The easy way :


    1. Go to the Plugins Menu in WordPress.
    2. 转到WordPress中的“插件”菜单。

    3. Search for plugin “Add twitter”.
    4. 搜索插件“添加推特”。

    5. Click “Install”.
    6. 单击“安装”。

    7. After Installation click activate to start using the twitter feed plugin.
    8. 安装后,单击激活以开始使用Twitter feed插件。

      • Go to twitter feed from Dashboard menu.
      • 从“仪表板”菜单转到Twitter feed。

      • Enable twitter feed feature.
      • 启用Twitter提要功能。

      Not so easy way :


        1. To install twitter feed via FTP
        2. 要通过FTP安装Twitter feed

        3. Download the twitter feed
        4. 下载Twitter提要

        5. Unarchive twitter feed plugin
        6. 未存档的Twitter feed插件

        7. Copy folder with add-twitter.zip
        8. 使用add-twitter.zip复制文件夹

        9. Open the ftp \wp-content\plugins\
        10. 打开ftp \ wp-content \ plugins \

        11. Paste the plug-ins folder in the folder
        12. 将插件文件夹粘贴到文件夹中

        13. Go to admin panel => open item “Plugins” => activate twitter feed.
        14. 转到管理面板=>打开项目“插件” =>激活Twitter feed。

          • Go to twitter feed from Dashboard menu.
          • 从“仪表板”菜单转到Twitter feed。

          • Enable twitter feed feature.
          • 启用Twitter提要功能。








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